by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 16, 2021 | 2021, Home Page
Mike Madge has been busy reaching out to DN class members and asking questions. Here’s his interview with Poland’s Karol Jablonski, the 12-time DN World Champion. Below is the original video Karol and Mike are discussing.
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 16, 2021 | 2021, Home Page
Mike Madge and Ron Sherry have a conversation about DN equipment.
Great ice boating equipment tips from one of the best. As an eight-time ice boat world champion title holder, Ron Sherry’s philosophy is to freely and willingly share his knowledge gained through innovation and investigation of new technologies with all sailors because, “the faster I can help to make other ice boaters, the faster I’m going to be”.
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 12, 2021 | 2021, Home Page
Samuel Bartel is a college student on the University of Wisconsin-Madison sailing team. Sam has discovered that DN racing is flat out fun and helps his soft-water reflexes. The fine crew with Harken Blockheads filmed Samuel right before the U.S. Nationals. (You will note that Sam accomplished his goal of a top-ten finish in the Silver fleet by placing 4th at the Nationals.)
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 11, 2021 | 2021, Home Page
When he’s not racing a DN or Skeeter, Steve Orlebeke has a day job as Harken’s Director of Engineering. In this video, Steve explains DN hulls and runners and his super-fast Class A Skeeter.
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 5, 2021 | 2020, 2021, 2021 Nationals, Home Page
Professional video of the U.S. Nationals from Peter Norton KA2, who not only competed, after each of his races, he flew a drone or filmed with a long lens camera. Peter then generously handed it over to one of our newest members, Sam Bartel US1011 (who placed 4th in the Silver fleet in his first regatta), and Sam edited the footage.