DN European Championship Photos by Gwidon Libera

Polish photographer Gwidon Libera is kind enough to let us post his pictures from the first day of the European Championship taking place on Lake Śniardwy in northeastern Poland. Gwidon has posted these photos on his Facebook page but for those of you not on Facebook, please take the time to click through enjoy these outstanding photos.
Dziękuję Ci, Gwidon!

As for today (day 2 of the championship), it appears that light air delayed the start. There were 2 races in A and B and 1 race in the C fleet.Official information and race results are posted on IDNIYRA Europe. UPDATE: Gwidon’s photos are avilable for purchase here.


2018 Central Region Regatta- Day 1 Results



Gold fleet
Pos    Sail#          Name         Race>     1    2  Points
  1   US   44       SHERRY,      RON (S)     1    2    3.00
  2   US 5166       BERGER,    CHRIS (S)     6    1    7.00
  3   US    3       GROGAN,      JIM (M)     2    8   10.00
  4   US  610        JONES,  DONALD (GM)     8    4   12.00
  5   US 3705       HOLMAN,   ROBERT (S)     3    9   12.00
  6   US   60       HARPER,     JOHN (M)    11    3   14.00
  7   US 4868     RICHARDS,    JULIE (M)     9    7   16.00
  8   US 5219        BAKER,         KENT     5   11   16.00
  9   US 4638      LOVEJOY,      GUY (S)    12    5   17.00
 10   US 2237  STEWART (N),         MIKE     4   14   18.00
 11   US 1610        BROWN,    BRUCE (M)     7   15   22.00
 12   US  111     KOCH (J),         MATT    10   13   23.00
 13   US   99        DEFER,    HARRY (M)    19   10   29.00
 14   US 3283     WILLIAMS, J.BRUCE (GM)    24    6   30.00
 15   US  637     MEADE IV,          JOE    15   17   32.00
 16   US 5250   SIEGLE (S),       GEORGE    14   20   34.00
 17   US 5053         REIS,   GEORGE (M)    17   18   35.00
 18   US    5      DIEBALL,         SKIP   DNF   12   39.00
 19   US 5358        FROST,    DAVID (S)    21   19   40.00
 20   US 5435      KJOLLER,         JODY    13  DNF   40.00
 21   US 2500        SMITH,     ERIC (S)   DNF   16   43.00
 22   US 4783 NICHOLAS (N),         RHEA    22   21   43.00
 23   US 5430      CUTTING,     BILL (S)    16  DNS   43.00
 24   US 4974        JONES,    STAN (GM)    18  DNS   45.00
 25   US 4882       WOLLAM,  RICHARD (M)    20  DNS   47.00
 26   US   65         GRAY,  ROBERT (GM)    23  DNS   50.00

Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds

2018 Central Region Championship Called ON for Dec 29-30 @ Houghton Lake

Via Central Region Commodore Rob Holman:

The 2018 Central Lakes Regional Regatta is Called On for December 29 & 30th at Houghton Lake, Michigan.

Launch Location: DNR site on West side of lake off Old US Highway 27 next to the Lakeside resort.

Please be aware of the following: The ice has not been sailed. It has been walked by two ranked sailors due to no wind at time. It has been rated a 7 and the lake was 7 to 7.5 inches thick, before the current rain event that is going through the area.
On Saturday morning the ice & racing area will be sailed. Please do not leave the pit area until the ice has been checked. I will have a full ice report at the skippers meeting.

Thank you.
Central Comm. Rob Holman

Headquarter Hotel:
American Inn & Suite
200 Cloverleaf Ln.
Houghton Lake, MI 48629
(989) 422-7829
$69.49 + tax

Other Hotel
Super 8 by Wyndham
9580 W. Lake City Rd
Houghton Lake, MI 48629
(989) 422-3119
74.00 + tax


2018 Central Lakes Regional DN Regatta
North American Central Region

1. Rules:

1.1 All races will be governed by the Racing Rules of the National Iceboat Authority; the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA, and Official Specifications of the DN Ice Yacht; the Notice of Race, including any amendments to the Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions.
1.2 The Sailing Instructions can be modified at the Skippers Meeting and by a notice posted on the official notice board.
1.3 Nine race series per fleet – 3 race minimum in the Gold Fleet will constitute the regatta. Fleets – Gold and Silver, Fleets will be split by rank if needed. One discarded race after the 6th race.

2. Eligibility:

2.1 All DN class yachts meeting the requirements of the Official Specifications and whose skippers meet the requirements of the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA as stated in the section IDNIYRA Regattas are eligible to enter and race in the championship.
2.2 Skipper needs to be a current member of IDNIYRA in good standing.

3. Site Information and Postings:

3.1 The primary site is within the North American Central Region
3.2 Site and Headquarters Information will be determined by the regatta organizer.
3.3 Official regatta information, updates and accommodations:

4. Entry and Fee:

4.1 Registration will be at the launch site on Saturday morning
4.2 Registration fee: $25.00 US

5. Schedule of Events:

Fri 8-9:00pm at the Regatta Headquarters
Sat 9:30-10:30am on ice registration
Sat 11am Skippers meeting
Sat 11:30am First start
Sun 09:30am Skippers meeting
Sun 10:00am First start. No race will start after 3PM

6. Sailing instructions:

6.1 Official Sailing Instructions will be provided at registration.
7. Prizes:
7.1 Trophies will be award for Gold & Silver fleets.

8. Proof of Insurance:

8.1 Proof of personal or race liability insurance ($300,000 US minimum)
8.2 A hard copy of the policy must present at the time of registration. No exceptions.

2018 DN Central Region Championship Called On for Dec 29-30

The 2018 Central Region Championship has been tentatively called on for December 29-30, 2018. The regatta site will be best ice in Michigan.
Via Central Region Commodore Rob Holman:

Check your runners & get your stuff ready- the 2018 Central Regional Regatta is tentatively “Called On” for this weekend December 29 & 30th. A Notice of Race with more details will be posted after I get a final ice report.

Check Facebook “Iceboating in Michigan & Ohio” group, plus the IDNIYRA site for additional information.


Central Commodore Rob Holman

Save $ – Register for the 2019 Worlds Today!

Photo: gretchendorian.com

Register & Pay Online

Have you registered for the 2019 IDNIYRA Gold Cup and North American Championship yet? You have only a few days to take advantage of the early registration discount. Both the Gold Cup and North American regatta fees increase on January 1, 2019. If you are planning on mailing in your registration, do it TODAY so that it is postmarked by December 31, 2018.

2019 Gold Cup Info


● Each skipper shall register either on-line at www.idniyra.org or by mailing a completed entry
form available on www.idniyra.org, with the appropriate entry fee. (See entry form for instructions for registration by regular mail)
● Entry Fee shall be paid in U.S. Dollars.
● The entry fees for the World Gold Cup are as follows:
○ $120.00 (USD) if paid/postmarked by December 31, 2018. The entry fee for a Junior
Skipper (one who is 25 and under at the time of registration) is $70.00 (USD).
○ $170.00 (USD) if paid/postmarked on or after January 1, 2019. The entry fee for a Junior
Skipper (one who is 25 and under at the time of registration) is $90.00 (USD).
● The entry fees for the North American Championship are as follows:
○ $100.00 (USD) if paid/postmarked by December 31, 2018. The entry fee for a Junior
Skipper (one who is 25 and under at the time of registration) is $60.00 (USD).
○ $150.00 (USD) if paid/postmarked on or after January 1, 2019. The entry fee for a Junior
Skipper (one who is 25 and under at the time of registration) is $80.00 (USD).
● Novice Entries for either regatta:
○ Novice DN skippers may enter either or both Regattas with the payment of two years
association dues per regatta. No other event registration payments shall apply.
○ A sailor shall be classified as a Novice if: that person has never belonged to the
IDNIYRA, or their membership has lapsed for 5 or more years. A Novice must comply
with all other entry requirements.
● European Entries are not subject to a late fee penalty. European competitors are requested to
notify the race chairman that they will be attending
● No entry will be accepted after the close of registration. (refer to schedule of events)