by Deb Whitehorse | Aug 12, 2020 | 2020, Home Page

Photo: Debbie Parker
2021 Gold Cup Q&As
The soft water regatta scene has been significantly affected by COVID 19. Will it do the same for the hard water season? Members have been asking questions of the IDNIYRA Governing Committee, so we have prepared the following Q&As.
Q: Will the 2021 Gold Cup happen?
A: We don’t know yet. If it were to be held now (pretend it is winter), the answer would be no. But public health conditions may be better in late January and allow the regatta to be held.
Q: What is the Governing Committee doing about it?
A: We are planning on the basis that there will be a regatta but have contingency plans. John Curtis, the Canadian Rear Commodore, is our regatta chair and key regatta volunteers have already been identified and agreed to serve. Some work towards the regatta has already started.
Q: What are the contingency plans?
A: Our dates are fixed for January 24 to 30, 2021, since there is a coordinated regatta schedule between North America and Europe. As Gold Cup host we had first choice of dates and those are the ones we selected. The base plan provides for the usual seven race Gold Cup series followed by a seven race North American Championship.In the October time frame, Europeans would ordinarily begin planning their travel to the Gold Cup. If in October, we still have travel restrictions or quarantine requirements in place (and no prospect of removal) that restrict or prevent international competitors from attending, then it would be inappropriate to hold a Gold Cup. At that point we would consider cancelling the Gold Cup and holding a 14-race North American Championship series instead.
If the Canada/US border remains closed, or significant quarantine requirements remain in North America, then Canadian participation in a US-based regatta (or vice-versa) would not be feasible and it would be inappropriate to hold a North American Championship. This decision can be made much later than a Gold Cup decision. If we do not hold a North American Championship, then we would hold a US-based event, perhaps the ‘annual regatta’ of old or a US Championship. All our key volunteers are American. Jody Kjoller, our Vice Commodore, would assume the chairmanship of the US-based regatta. This would not be a ranking regatta. Canadian members might choose to hold their own national championship at the same time.
Q: What would cancellation of the Gold Cup do to my ranking?
A: DN ranking is established annually “using regatta results from the previous two (World Championships, North American Championships, and European Championships)” (2020 Yearbook, p.110) and is defined in Section 14 of the Regatta Management Agreement (2020 Yearbook, p. 188). If a ranking event is not held, whether due to COVID 19, a snowstorm or unsafe ice conditions, the two previous events are still used for ranking purposes. If your ranking is based solely on North American events and we do not hold a ranking regatta in 2021 your rank will not change.
Q: What does this mean financially?
A: The COVID 19 situation increases our financial risk. We are making financial contingency plans too. We could limit our up-front financial risk, for example, by not pre-purchasing keeper prizes and limiting regatta freebees. We could then order keepers according to actual attendance and mail them to recipients. Such measures might also allow reduced registration fees.
Please feel free to engage the Governing Committee if you have further questions. We are committed to offer racing this winter subject to constraints that might be imposed by COVID 19.
by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 25, 2020 | 2020, Home Page

The IDNIYRA is pleased to announce the dates of the Gold Cup and North American Championship Regattas for 2021. Please mark your calendars for January 24 – 30, 2021. Registration will take place on Saturday, January 23, 2021.
(II) DN Class Regattas
7. General rules for World DN Championship (Gold Cup), a European Championship and a North American Championships (GC, EC, NAC).
d)The GC, EC, NAC shall be held during a specific week, beginning on a Saturday with registration and with Sunday as first racing day. The regatta ends on or before the following Saturday.
by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 8, 2020 | 2020, Home Page

UPDATE March 9, 2020: The results have been updated.
2020 DN Canadian Championships Regatta
March 7, 2020
Saturday morning saw cold temperatures from the night before which delivered hard ice for the duration of the regatta. Wind at 9:00 am was from the north and thanks to the race committee, the line was set for the 10:00 am start. Unfortunately, the wind dropped and backed to the west, southwest direction which meant that setting the line was just for practice. The line then was set in the middle of the Bay and two races were sailed. Unfortunately, a crack which was marked, grew beyond the marked area and found Ron Sherry which caused his plank and deck to be compromised. Fortunately, he was able to put together another boat and finish the regatta. The course was moved to beyond the crack and sailing resumed in the same location for the duration of the regatta.
Seven races were scheduled with one drop race after 7 races sailed. Races were banged off one after another, by the Race Committee who managed to get all 7 races in before the time limit of 16:00 pm. Peter Kraszewski, ran a tight ship as PRO along with his crew of scorers thanks to Louise, Andrew, Tom, Paul and Cindy. Spending the day on the ice, allowing the fleet to sail an awesome day of racing is much appreciated by the fleet. Thanks to everyone for stepping up.
The fleet also helped with setting marks, scouting, helping with the line and this was also a great help to make the regatta memorable. Thanks all for stepping in, asking what needed to be done and doing it.
The fleet thanks Colin Duncan for scouting the ice…turns out he also has talent in scouting restaurants as the fleet all enjoyed a private room in a nice Italian Restaurant. The results were presented at the dinner with James “T” Thieler winning the 2020 Canadian Championship. ‘T” is still having an awesome year after winning the North American Champs as well. Congratulation again T!
Just a note to some of the competitors that after the scores were tabulated in the parking lot with dimming light, I found a few small position changes today which effect some. I apologize for this. Final standings.
Thanks to the Halifax, Montreal, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Kingston fleets who participated, making this a great regatta.
Peter Van Rossem
KC 2766
by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 5, 2020 | 2020, Home Page

NOTICE OF RACE & SAILING INSTRUCTIONSCanadian DN Champs are ON for Saturday, March 7 2020
The site will be in Belleville, Ontario. Launch will be at the Potter’s Creek Conservation Area, on the south side of Old Highway #2 just across from Quinte Conservation, that address is 2061 Old Highway 2, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z2, Canada
If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping out with scoring or RC duties please contact Peter VanRossem- contact info is below.
Directions to the ice in case your digital gizmos aren’t working:
401 to Belleville
Exit 538, Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd. Head South
Turn Right on Dundas Street (Old # 2 Hwy)
First Left is Potters Creek Parking Lot
You can launch straight south to Bay of Quinte or there is Potters Creek to the East of the Parking Lot which might be shorter distance to the ice but requires crossing a ridge with boards.
Schedule of Events:
•Saturday at 8:00-9:30 on ice registration in the Pits
•Saturday at 10:00 am Skippers Meeting (On Ice At Start Line)
•Saturday after skippers meeting , First Start
•No race will start after 1600 Saturday
More details, NOR, SI’s in attachment.
The closest hotel to the launch is
Phone number for guests 613 968 3411 ext 0 or 1800 420 3555 ext 0.
Rates from Alison (Manager) are as low as $97.99 plus taxes, however rates are based on room availability at time of calling and which side of the Hotel you want.
Sailing Instructions
Sailing Instructions are posted here. Copies will not be supplied on the ice at registration as stated in the Sailing Instructions.
Principle Race Officer will have a copy if required.
Again, if you plan to sail Friday, hug the North Shore until you are more than 1.5 mile or two KM West of the Green Nav Bouy or launch site.
We have only scouted 1.5 miles West of Can and Launch site so please be careful sailing beyond. If you don’t know or understand, please call me.
Peter Van Rossem Sr
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 31, 2019 | 2019, Home Page, Western Region Championship

Sit Tight!
DN Sailors:
We still have one venue in play about an hour north of Madison that reportedly survived last night’s weather quite well. The snow was absorbed into the moisture on the surface and has frozen on top of the 5” of original ice. It has not formed into shell ice, but the surface is reported to be somewhat pebbly. Even now, the new layer of ice is solid under the footsteps of a 200+ lb. walker. Temperatures will be in the teens this evening, which should further firm things up. The sheet will be inspected and sailed tomorrow by a highly experienced racer and ice checker. There’s potential for a small amount of rain/show (less than 1”) on Friday. Weekend wind forecast looks very good—10-20 mph both days.
Presently, there doesn’t appear to be any other sailable ice in the region. The long-range forecast does not look favorable for forming new ice on the many lakes that returned to a liquid state or have yet to freeze. This venue will not be available to the DNs the weekend of Jan. 11-12, and after that, we are bumping up against our North American Championship, the Gold Cup, and also the Northwest and ISA for sailors who also race in other fleets. If we postpone, we’re likely off until March, and at that point, we may not get it in at all. SO, if we can make it happen this weekend with acceptable conditions, we’ll likely go for it.
That’s what we know for now. Be ready!
Daniel Hearn
Western Region Rear Commodore
US 5352