2022 U.S. Nationals Photo Gallery: Sean R. Heavey
Sean R. Heavey joined the fun for the U.S. Nationals and has posted his photos from Lake Monona and Senachwine Lake to a gallery. Check them out!
Sean R. Heavey joined the fun for the U.S. Nationals and has posted his photos from Lake Monona and Senachwine Lake to a gallery. Check them out!
Western Challenge sailors on Lake Christina may have noticed the drone buzzing around over the weekend. Montana photographer Sean Heavey made the trip to the Challenge and has shared his photos. He sends his apologies for not getting everyone’s pictures because he spent a lot of time practicing flying the new drones and figuring out to cover the action with them. See the photos here.
What media do you pull up on your mobile device when the subject of DN sailing comes up with someone who wants to know more about our sport? Now you can start with the landing page of dniceboat.org for the most exciting videos, best photography, and radical DN mast bend photos to convert the curious into DN sailors.
The DN Class comprises two continental organizations: the IDNIYRA (North America) and IDNIYRA Europe. Both organizations have developed a new world portal website, dniceboat.org, to showcase our sport’s best videos, and photos that are easily accessible on the front page. Our photographers and videographers best tell the story of DN sailing, and we are indebted to them for sharing their work with us.
International class members and those interested in DN sailing will find common governing documents, contact information, regatta information, results, and more on the portal.
The menu is simple, with four links, to Class Information, the continental websites, and contact information.
The Class Information page allows you to access the Specifications, the IDNIYRA Yearbook, Racing Rules, Regatta History, International Rank List, and another page dedicated to videos.
VIDEOS (with links to EU and NA YouTube channels)
We will update Specifications and Interpretations changes on the world portal as soon as they come into effect, more efficient than waiting for the class Yearbook to be published months after the change. In addition, we’ve combined the Specifications and Interpretations so that they are on the same page.
dniceboat.org is a portal to idniyra.org and idniyra.eu, which will continue to keep members informed of their specific continental affairs.
Photographer Gretchen Dorian has put together a CD with over 850 images from the 2021 U.S. Nationals sailed on Black Lake in Michigan.
They are all keyworded with Sail number and name. They are lo-res jpgs, perfect for viewing on a Big Screen TV, making small thumbnails for your website or emails. They are in “chron” order, by file name. There is a very small “ggd” watermark in lower right corner. They are the same images on my website. $35.00 includes s/h. If interested please send me a note at ggdorian@gmail.com, so I know how many to burn and ship!
The DN Class is fortunate to have photographers who know how to look for the small moments that express a human element during a competitive regatta. They also are generous with their work. Thank you Catherine Firmbach for sharing these photos with us. Contact her to purchase photos: cathy@cefirmbach.com