Seahorse Magazine Showcases DN Class

Peter Van Rossum KC2766 on the ice, photo by Anna Suslova, courtesy of Seahorse Magazine.

The April edition of Seahorse Magazine includes an article highlighting the DN class. Dobbs Davis delivers a great article recapping class history and the 2025 Worlds, featuring an interview with Karol Jablonski P36 and the World & North American champion, Matt Struble US183.

Seahorse Magazine is subscription-based, but you can subscribe for instant access or order this individual issue from their back issues section (link) once it’s available.


New SA Podcast Featuring 2025 DN World & North American Champion Matt Struble

Matt Struble capturing the moment—2025 DN World Champion in action! Photo by Anna Suslova.

As most of us in North America are snowed out from ice sailing, it’s the perfect time to sit back and listen to the latest Sailing Anarchy podcast featuring 2025 DN World & North American Champion Matt Struble!SA’s Scott Tempesta caught up with Matt after his dominant performance on Lake Winnebago, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where he secured the DN World & North American titles. While his scores made it look easy, Matt shares just how tough the event really was. As Scott put it: “I just chatted him up, and I can tell he is going to be a great guest!” The episode drops this afternoon, so be sure to tune in and hear insights from one of the best in the sport.

Listen here:
Or check out the SA podcasts on Apple, Google, or Spotify podcasts.


DNers Want These Frigid Temps!

Nantucket Current
Brian Bushard • Jan 07, 2025

With the first week of January bringing sub-freezing temperatures to Nantucket, a group of islanders have been glued to the forecast, hoping the temperature might drop just enough to freeze the ponds with a few inches of solid ice. And if that ice sheet forms this week, they will be on the ponds, some with skates, some with ice boats. For those boaters, it’s all about speed.

“It’s addictive,” said Chris Gordon, who grew up sailing and has since taken up ice boating. “[Ice boating] is like surfing. When the waves are there you have to drop in and go. There’s no work that day.” Continue reading.

“Canadians Best Ever at DN NAs” – Sailing in Canada

“Canadians Best Ever at DN NAs” – Sailing in Canada

John Curtis KC5514 and Jacek Marzenski KC5247 at the 2024 DN World Championship, Parnu, Estonia.

Great write up about the North Americans from John Curtis and André Baby.

By John Curtis

Earlier this month, Canadian DN Sailors journeyed to Wisconsin and made a very strong showing at the DN North Americans finishing four boats in the top ten.

Over the past 4-5 years a keen group of sailors from Montreal and Kingston have been quietly honing their skills at the oldest form of competitive sailing – Iceboat racing. Continue reading.

“Lake Senachwine hosts U.S National DN Ice Yacht races after last minute relocation”

The residents around the Lake Senachwine area gave the DN class a warm welcome everywhere, be it on the ice or in their restaurants. We appreciated your interest and making us feel at home on your lake. Here’s their local newspaper’s write up:

Lake Senachwine hosts U.S National DN Ice Yacht races after last minute relocation
Originally scheduled for Madison, Wisconsin; competition moves to Putnam on four days notice
By Jayce Eustice

Competitor Pete Johns of Decatur helped bring the organization’s attention to the lake where he spends some time in the winter.“This freeze’s early because it’s shallow, but it had a bunch of snow on it this year so I haven’t sailed it yet,” Johns said. “I had a guy drive up here on Sunday and it was perfect.” Read more.