In accordance with the IDNIYRA Constitution, the following proposals for by-law amendments will be presented at the Annual Governing Meeting, held during the 2025 North American Championship.
Proposal 1: IDNIYRA Bylaws – Change the format of the North American Championship in the years it is not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup World Championship and create a second National Regatta(US/Canadian) depending on the location of the regatta.
Submitted by Commodore David Frost US5358 and Past Commodore Robert Cummins US3433
The current fourteen race format for the North American Champions when not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup received mixed reviews at the 2024 North American Championship. It was felt that fourteen races changed very little that had not been determined by the end of seven race. Furthermore the current format causes a fiscal drain on the class which is hosting a week of racing with about half the income. The following proposal from the Governing Committee establishes the format for a second regatta during the week of the NA Championship and removes the current fourteen race format from our By-laws.
New Wording in Red
Proposed Change:
Change By-laws:
Change By-laws C 2b):
2 b) When not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup, The North American Championship regatta is held during a specific week, with registration on Sunday and racing beginning on Monday and ending on Friday with Saturday as a reserve day. If 3 races in all fleets have not been completed by sundown on Friday, racing shall be continued until sundown on Saturday. The specific week shall be selected by the host Rear Commodore with the approval of the Governing Committee and shall conform to Section 8c of the RMA.
2 b) When not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup, the North American Championship regatta is held during a specific week, with registration on Sunday and racing beginning on Monday and ending on Friday with Saturday as a reserve day. If 3 races in all fleets have not been completed by sundown on Friday, racing shall be continued until sundown on Saturday. In the days remaining after the completion of the North American Championship there shall be held a US National or Canadian National regatta depending on the location of the regatta. If the minimum number of races has not been completed by sunset on Saturday, or in view of the weather and/or ice conditions, the regatta is abandoned by the Race Committee, the regatta is canceled. On the final day every effort should be made to complete all originally scheduled races. The specific week shall be selected by the host Rear Commodore with the approval of the Governing Committee and shall conform to Section 8c of the RMA.
6). DN Race System, North American Championship
6). DN Race System, North American Championship and US/Canadian National Regatta
Change 6 b):
b) There shall be seven races scheduled for each fleet when the North Americans are held in conjunction with the Gold Cup. When not held in conjunction with the gold Cup there shall be fourteen races scheduled. Cancellation of races in one fleet shall not affect the races in another fleet.
b) There shall be seven races scheduled for each fleet when the North Americans are held in conjunction with the Gold Cup. When not held in conjunction with the gold Cup and held in conjunction with either the US National or Canadian National regatta, there shall be seven races scheduled for each regatta. Cancellation of races in one fleet shall not affect the races in another fleet.
Add 6 d):
d) The National Regatta will follow the same format as the North American Championship regatta when the North American Championship is held in conjunction with the Gold Cup.
Proposal 2 : Regatta Management Agreement (RMA) – Formalizing Wind Limit Rules
Submitted by Andre Baby KC4360
Summary: The amount of collisions, destruction of hulls, masts, planks, etc.. during the regatta is testimony to the difficult, sometimes dangerous conditions due to high winds we experienced during the regatta. We were lucky no one was hurt. The class in North America had a tradition, non binding, of not starting in winds above 20 knots, but unfortunately this tradition has been lost over time. It is time to formalize this tradition into a rule, for the safety of all, and to help the Race Committee in making a decision without the pressure of participants who “push the envelope.” BTW, the Europeans do not start a race in wind over 10 meters per second, = 20 knots.
Add: Regatta Management Agreement. IV Racing Rules 18:
l) No race shall be started if the wind velocity measured at the starting line 3 minutes before the start for a period of 15 seconds exceeds 20 knots. If during a race, the wind shall exceed 25 knots for a period of 15 seconds or more, that race shall be cancelled.