Panjin China Regatta Update

Update from Mike Bloom:

We raced today. On a reservoir 3 hours from Panjin. Now we are driving back—long day.

The ice was pretty good but covered with sand. And it was very windy- MS1 windy. After two races, my runners were dull, as were everyone else’s. There was lots of sliding. I didn’t bring sharpening stones. Lesson learned.
It was a fun day with five races. I have not seen results, but the Anton Didenko R166 won again. I did beat him one race, but it was probably his throw-out. My best race today was a second. I was third in another race but was DSQ for sailing inside a darling mark. I don’t know if I did or not, but I do know I never saw it. We are not coming back here tomorrow because it’s just too far to drive when many of the Europeans need to catch a late afternoon train to Beijing. So, that means I’m done sailing in China.

China is amazing. What a wonderful trip, making new friends and seeing old ones. It’s great to sail on Chinese ice—the first American ever(!) to do so.
I am looking forward to the Western Region Championship.
Mike Bloom US321

2024 Centrals Update #4 – Under Postponement

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

The 2024 Central Region Championship is postponed.  We should have ice for local scrub racing, but nothing big enough to run a safe regatta. Stay tuned, Next update January 23, 2024 by 8PM ET.

Pete Johanson Central Region Commodore US5633

Shifting Base: International DNers Now in Panjin Shi, China for Next Regatta

Joerg Bohn speaks at the opening ceremony.

Our international sailors have moved about 60 miles north to Panjin Shi, China, for the next leg of their regatta journey. The opening ceremony drew quite a crowd—a bit unusual for us iceboaters. We’re not used to being in the spotlight, but it’s clear that the Chinese have a keen interest in ice sailing. Stay tuned for more updates as their journey continues.
Video link

2024 Jinzhou International DN Open – Prize Giving Day

Jost Kolb G936 2nd, Anton Didenko R163 1st, Valerie Dickenko R166 3rd

Wu Ming CH006, Wang Qi Guang CH999, Duan Yu Fu CH700

The 2024 Jinzhou DN International Open regatta is now completed. Congratulations to all who participated in this historic event. Joerg Bohn G737 reported that after racing and prize-giving, they will “pack up and move about 60 miles north to a bigger race area with perfect ice and size; you’ll find the lake a little outside of Panjin Shi with a kind of oval shape or like a drop shape. And over 2 km course possible… The wind is little.”

Map of the next lake where they plan to sail

2024 Centrals Update #3 – Stay Tuned

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Attention Central region: With these recent cold temperatures,  we will be looking for suitable ice to run the Central Region Championship. I have spoken to the Western Regional Commodore about current plans for Westerns. Given there may be a potential conflict, we have plans to talk later this week to make the best decision with the current conditions.

Stay tuned,

Pete Johanson US-5633 Central Region Commodore

2024 Western Region Championship Update for Jan 20-21

Photo: Hannah Noll / Harken

Due to last night’s big freeze, there might be a good opportunity for ice in southern Wisconsin. However, we are monitoring the weather forecast for next Saturday, which is expected to be very cold. We will gather feedback from the ice scouts with hopes of holding the 2024 Western Region Championship on January 20-21. The next update is Wednesday, January 17, 2024, by 8 PM CT. For those that have registered for last weekend’s attempt, please note that your 2024 Western Region Championship registration is still valid, regardless of location.
Chris Berger US5166 Western Region Commodore

2024 Jinzhou Open – Too Windy? No Problem – Move Inland

No racing today. Too much wind. Instead we went to a frozen river in the middle of the Jinzhou City and raced Chinese iceboats that are similar to Blokarts. In actuality, it was a public demonstration organized by the President Wang of the Jinzhou Yacht Club. I couldn’t believe the number of spectators along the shoreline. Thousands came out to watch. Later in the day the DN sailors mentored local college kids as the students sailed iceboats for their first time. It was so fun to spend time with them and watch them progress. Fortunately, the language barriers didn’t get in the way. Tomorrow we hit the ice bright and early as we hope to get back to racing.
Think ice.
Mike Bloom US321

Link to video

2024 Jinzhou International DN Open – Race Day

Screenshot from video. Mike Bloom sailing US5166 and Jost Kolb in G936.

Here’s the main event, Mike Bloom’s racing report from Jinzhou, China:

Three races in the books. Pretty windy. Ice is about a seven. It has an orange peel texture and drifts. The course was maybe .75 miles. The top guys sailed 95 degree inserts. I sailed 90 degree inserts because that’s all I brought. Wish they didn’t have stiffeners as the ice is 40 percent drifts. I sailed two races with a full sail then switched to a flat sail. I should have sailed the flat sail all three races but you can’t fix stupid. I think I’m in about fifth. Best race a fourth. The Russian kid, Anton Didenko R163, is winning with three bullets. Tonight we have a reception with the Mayor of Jinzhou. It’s another example of the Chinese making a big deal about everything. They are making us all feel so special and important. It’s kind of fun for once.
Joerg did an interview for Chinese national TV. Someone said the station is watched by literally millions of viewers. I heard he did a great job.
Think ice!
Mike Bloom US321

Joerg Bohn checks in:

The Chinese are just starting iceboating. They are brave to sail with wooden and aluminum masts and stiff planks. Their first boats built are heavy too. But they are very enthusiastic people. You will see CH-999 at the Worlds. Give them 3-5 years and they’ll be competitive. Their organization is outstanding. They flew in the Baikal Race Committee. We are sailing on the sea but there are lakes too. Can only encourage everyone to come here next year. Tomorrow perhaps too high winds in the forecast.
Joerg Bohn G737



2024 Jinzhou International DN Open – Opening Ceremony

Mike Bloom at opening ceremonies. (Image is Photoshopped.)

The opening ceremony was quite the production. Lots of dignitaries, people in government with important titles and big wigs in the sailing community Plus several hundred spectators. Joerg Bohn got a special plaque. All covered by Chinese radio and TV. And they had fireworks!
Mike Bloom US321




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