Poland Celebrates 50 Years of DN Sailing

50 years ago the man most responsible for bringing the DN Class to Europe, Dutch sailor, Wim van Acker, traveled to Poland with DN iceboats, leaving them there with the instructions, “Do something with them.” On October 21, the Polish DN Association will celebrate 50 years of DN sailing in Poland with a two day conference.
From: IDNIYRA Commodore Eric Anderson:

On behalf of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association, I would like to congratulate the Polish DN association on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Polish DN Iceboat Fleet. It is an incredible feat that a Polish sailor has won the World Championships 19 times. The Polish Fleet serves as an example to all nations of how a sailing program should be.

Eric Anderson

You’re Getting Mail!

It’s do-over time for the proposal to allow para aramid in the construction of tillers. Yes, you voted for this in 2014 but that vote was conducted incorrectly because it was only sent to ballot in North America and not Europe. This violated the Specifications Management Agreement. Thank you for your patience.

NOTICE OF DUES: You can also pay your dues for the 2018 season either online (click here) or by dropping a check into the envelope with the ballot.

September Runner Tracks Newsletter

Runner Tracks, the newsletter of the IDNIYRA, has been virtually delivered to your door. Meade Gougeon is on the cover, the first photo of Meade ever taken by Gretchen Dorian while at her first iceboat regatta in ten years ago. European IDNIYRA Secretary Chris Williams has provided a timeline as to what transpired when DNs were being considered for Olympic glory and why that didn’t happen. Other features include class members sharing their remembrances of Meade, minutes of the 2017 EU Secretaries meeting, and the 2018 International Rank list. [If you have any questions about the list, please email to] Read all about it here on the Runner Tracks page.

Did you know that Runner Tracks is available in three different electronic formats and you can also order it in a print version?
Flipbook magazine: Best for laptops and desktop computers
PDF: Best for tablets
PDF Single Page: Best for mobile devices

Western & Eastern Region Regatta Dates Announced

Dates for two regional DN regattas have been announced.

Date: January 6-7, 2018
Location: Best ice in the Western Region (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, or Iowa)

Date: January 13-14, 2018
Location: Best ice in the Eastern Region

Meade Gougeon US882: 1938-2017

Meade Gougeon in 1982 at Wittensee, Germany. Photo: Henry Bossett

The DN class sends our thoughts and condolences to the family of Meade Gougeon who passed away on Sunday, August 27, 2017. Meade was a well respected class leader and had a tremendous impact on ice boating and all forms of sailing. Jane Pegel US805 remembers Meade:

It has been a privilege to witness the “Gougeon” era.   The brothers Meade, Jan, and Joe were all  top notch DN sailors.   While Joe ventured away from Gougeon Brothers, Meade and Jan became  innovators in the boat building industry.   “Get out the Gouge” became a familiar phrase, especially to those of us building and racing iceboats.  
Meade Gougeon was an outstanding leader, both in business and the DN class.   When a discussion was getting “heated”, Meade would step forward and with a few words lead us in a sensible direction.     A tough, but fair,  competitor, Meade’s contribution to the sport of iceboating reached far beyond the race course and is much appreciated.
…Jane Pegel
DN 805

North American Championship First Place
Gold Cup
1991 5th place
Gold Cup Senior Trophy
Past IDNIYRA Commodore

Proposal Deadline: October 28, 2017

In the taking care of business department, proposals for the 2018 Annual Meeting agenda must be submitted to the Secretary by October 28, 2017.

IDNIYRA Constitution
…”All proposals to be made at the IDNIYRA Annual Meeting shall be submitted to the Governing Committee in writing ninety (90) days prior to the meeting. All proposals so submitted must be published in the DN newsletter by December 15.”…

Ballot Results

Following are the results from the 2017 ballot. The By Laws proposal passed.

Many thanks to out going Secretary Geoff Sobering for continually stepping up to serve the class. He is a valuable member of the DN class,  maintains the DN forum, and contributes behind the scenes IT work for the website.

2017-2018 Executive Committee Members
Commodore Eric Anderson
Vice Commodore Warren Nethercote
Treasurer Wes Wilcox
Secretary Deb Whitehorse
Past Commodore: Lou Lonnecke


All registered sailors will be divided into fleets as necessary. The number of sailors in each fleet will be determined by the race committee, with approval of a majority of those members of the Governing Committee present, after the close of registration. The recommended maximum fleet size is fifty sailors per fleet. Fleets of approximately equal size are desirable but not mandated. The safety of all participants is the primary consideration.

72 Ballots received (all before the July 1 deadline)

72 “Yes” votes for the slate of Exec. Committee members.
0 “No” votes.

71 “Yes” for the by-laws proposal
1 “No” for the by-laws proposal.


Geoff Sobering
Outgoing IDNIYRA-NA Secretary

In The Mail: Your 2017-2018 IDNIYRA Spring Ballot

There’s a ballot arriving in your mailbox within the next few days. You will be voting to elect officers and on a proposal regarding how regatta fleet splitting is determined.

Please take a few minutes to fill it out, put it an envelope,stamp it, and mail to Secretary Geoff Sobering. All ballots postmarked July 1, 2017 or sooner will be counted.

If you are a member and don’t receive the ballot, please email to and I will mail one to you.

Runner Tracks May 2017 Posted

2017 May Runner Tracks has been posted.

It’s a big end of season issue with filled with regatta reports and results and features some world class photography from Gretchen Dorian and Evgeny Ryazhev. The DN class is fortunate to be able to use their work to help promote the sport.  Of special note is Gretchen’s cover photo of Anja Fiedler G390 of Germany, the first to be awarded the new IDNIYRA World Championship Trophy for the highest placing woman. Read it here on the Runner Tracks newsletter page.

You can also read Vice Commodore Warren Nethercote’s article about his recent visit to Warsaw for the European Secretaries meeting and Secretary Geoff Sobering’s submission of the minutes from the 2017 North American annual meeting.

Did you know that Runner Tracks is available in three different electronic formats and you can also order it in a print version?
Flipbook magazine: Best for laptops and desktop computers
PDF: Best for tablets
PDF Single Page: Best for mobile devices


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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