DN Central Region Regatta Postponed

Photo: Up North Imaging Charles Dawley

UPDATE #3, Feb 16, 2018 5 PM EST
Via Central Region Commodore Bill Cutting:
The recent warm up has taken its toll. Both Torch lake and East Grand Traverse bay suffered and have not completely healed. Several hazards were discovered on both so neither are deemed safe to race. Although both have been sailed over the last 3-4 days with no hazards discovered.
Think Ice!
Bill Cutting


Via Central Region Commodore, Bill Cutting:US5430

The regatta is on for this weekend February 17-18, 2018. Official NOR and Sailing instructions to be posted this afternoon. Location: East Grand Traverse Bay Primary Launch: Traverse City State Park

UPDATE: Feb 16: Please contact Julie Richards for registration on the ice during the day Friday. Friday evening arrivals can register at the Sleep Inn beginning at 5:00 pm. Saturday arrivals please register prior to 9:00 am on the ice.

UPDATE #2: Feb 16: Start times for Saturday will be 11:00 am, not 10:00 am as stated in the Sailing Instructions.

Hotel: Sleep Inn 5520 US 31 N Acme Mi 231-938-7000 $95


NOTICE OF RACE Central Lakes Regional DN Championship Regatta February 18-19 North American Central Region

Organizing Authority International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association North American Central Region

1. Rules:

All races will be governed by the Racing Rules of the National Iceboat Authority; the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA, and Official Specifications of the DN Ice Yacht; the Notice of Race, including any amendments to the Notice of Race, (except as any of these are altered by the sailing instructions) and the Sailing Instructions. The Sailing Instructions can be modified at the Skippers Meeting and by a notice posted on the official notice board.

Sail number does not need to match fuselage number or skippers registered IDNIYRA number but does need to be unique to each skippers sail (no duplicates on course) -Skipper still needs to be a current member of IDNIYRA in good standing

Seven races per fleet – 3 race minimum in the Gold Fleet will constitute the regatta. Fleets – Gold and Silver Volunteer split for fleets if needed. Discard race after 5 races sailed.

2. Eligibility:

All DN class yachts meeting the requirements of the Official Specifications and whose skippers meet the requirements of the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA as stated in the section IDNIYRA Regattas are eligible to enter and race in the championship.

3. Site Information and Postings:

A. The primary site is East Grand Traverse Bay, Traverse City Mi. B. Primary launch site: East Bay Park 200 E Bay Blvd S, Traverse city, Mi

C. Official regatta information, updates and accommodations:

4. Entry and Fee: Register on ice Friday and at the hotel Friday 5:00-6:30 and ON Ice Saturday before 9:00am $30 registration fee

5. Schedule of Events:

•Sat 10am Skippers Meeting •Sat 11am First start •Sunday 10:00am First start. No race will start after 3PM

6. Sailing instructions

7. Prizes To be awarded at the launch after the conclusion of racing.

8. Proof of Insurance

Proof of personal or race liability insurance ($300,000 minimum)


1. RULES 1) The 2018 Central Lakes Regional Championship and races will be governed by; the Racing Rules of the National Iceboat Authority (NIA), and the NIA Rule Interpretations; the Constitution, Specifications, By-Laws, and Racing Rules of the IDNIYRA, and the Notice of Race, except as modified by these sailing instructions. 2) Any further modifications to NIA or IDNIYRA prescriptions or these Sailing Instructions will be announced at a Skippers Meeting or by Official Notice posted on the Official Notice Board located at the launch site 3) Competitor’s failure to comply with the IDNIYRA requirements to display a sail number on the hull will not be subject to disqualification solely on the basis of non-compliance with that specification. 2. ENTRIES AND FLEET ASSIGNMENTS 1) Registration, proof of insurance and entry fee payment is required to compete. 2) Registration will take place Saturday, on the ice, at the launch site 3) The person whose name is on the entry shall be deemed skipper and must be a current IDNIYRA Member and use sails with the skipper’s assigned number or a discreet number unique to that boat. 4) Fleets will be split based on the volunteer basis with each skipper identifying the fleet they will race in on the entry form. 5) The Race Committee Chairman reserves the right to move boats between fleets based on balancing each fleets make-up and size. The fleet assignments and first race starting positions will be posted on the Official Notice Board.

1. Competitors who have never competed in or have not in the last ten years completed in a Regional Regatta, or NA are eligible to compete as a Rookie within the silver fleet. Competitors must declare their intent and eligibility to compete as a Rookie on the registration form. 3. OFFICIAL SCHEDULE AND RACE TIMES (Local Time) 1) A competitors meeting will be held, Saturday, at 9:30AM at the starting line. 2) Saturdays First Race Start is scheduled for 10:00 AM, and will be a Gold Fleet race. The second race will be a Silver Fleet race. Racing will continue alternating Gold, Silver. 3) Sunday’s first race start time, will be 10:00AM and the designated first fleet to race, will be posted on the Official Notice Board. 4) The Race Committee Chairman reserves the right to change the fleet rotation. Any changes in the rotation will be announced and posted on the Official Notice Board. 5) No Race will be started after one half hour before sunset. 6) Racing may cease earlier at the discretion of the Race Committee Chairman in consideration of; the sun angle, ambient light, and weather conditions that may cause visibility issues on the race course. 7) No race will start after 2:30PM on Sunday 4. RACES 1) It is intended that each fleet will race Seven (7) races, with three (3) Gold Fleet races being necessary for a complete regatta. 2) Low point scoring system will be used, with ne throw-out after five (5) races are completed – worst finish including DSC, DNS, DNF, will not be counted. 5. RACE COURSE 1) The designated Race Course shall be the NIA, INLINE COURSE with Darling Marks. The Western Region Race Course Format will be posted on the Official Notice Board and copies will be made available. The course may be subject to change as conditions warrant. 2) All courses will be WINDWARD / LEEWARD. 3) The race course length and number of laps will be announced by the Starter prior to each race. 6. RACE COURSE MARKS 1) The primary Windward and Leeward “Rounding Marks” consist of a tall tri-pod forming a triangular shape that is covered in-part by a fluorescent orange material. 2) The Windward and Leeward Darling Marks will consist of a shorter tri-pod forming a triangular shape that is covered by a fluorescent green material. 3) The Darling Marks will be located in line with the course/wind and typically 80 yards down wind of the windward mark and typically 80 yards up-wind of the leeward mark. 4) Competitors may note the mark’s characteristics and positioning by observing the Leeward Mark from the Starting Line Area prior to start of the racing. 5) If determined to be necessary two “Guard Cones” will located at the approaches to each Primary Mark (Orange Cones) and/or each Darling mark (Green Cones) to protect the marks. 6) If used the guard cones are be placed in close proximity to the marks and are to be considered part of the mark for the purposes of, NIA, Part IV Sailing Rules, and C. 3. 7. STARTING LINE 1) The Starting Line consists of a two section yellow polyethylene rope with each section having numbered tags attached at each start position. 2) The Right side start positions have odd numbers beginning at the line center as 1 and extending to start position number 49. 3) The Left side start positions have even numbers beginning at the line center as 2 and extending to start position number 50. 4) The ends of the starting line are marked by and orange line reel with an orange florescent flag. 8. NOTIFICATION OF AND PREPERATION FOR A RACE START 1) Prior to the finish of a race in progress, an announcement will be made and a Fleet Flag will be posted, near the starting line center identifying the next fleet to start. 2) When the fleet flag is raised that fleet’s competitors should prepare for racing by moving their boats to the assembly area, downwind of the starting line lining up with their start position. 3) When the race in progress finishes and the scorers leave their designated area the fleet in the assembly area will be called to move up to their starting positions at the front (windward) side of the starting line for the next start. 9. STARTING 1) The race committee starter will stand on a line between the starting line center and leeward mark. After a count of the starting fleet and determination that the skippers are in position, the starter will make a preparatory, multiple, sound signal aimed to the right side starters and then aimed to the left side starters. The starter will then make the announcements required by NIA Part II, E.3. to the right and left, after which a final single sound signal will be made to the right and left and after a short pause to assess readiness of the skippers, the starter will raise a checkered flag, quickly check right and left and after facing center will rapidly lower the flag for the start. 2) The starter may use discretion in not raising the flag immediately after the second sound signal to give a competitor who is not ready a “short” time interval to make ready. When ready a rapid signal left and right will indicate the flag is about to be raised. 3) If for reasons of safety or considerations under the NIA Racing Rules or IDNIYRA By-Laws the start is to be delayed after raising the flag, the starter will slowly withdraw or lower the flag. And announce that the fleet should stand by. 10. FINISHING AND TIME LIMITS 1) The finish line will be located “In-Line” with the course, extending from the Primary Leeward Mark downwind to an orange cone with an orange flag near the starting line center. 2) The length of the Finish Line is typically 70 yards however, the Finish Line may be longer where conditions warrant a longer finish line for safety reasons. 3) The finish of the first competitor will be indicated by the race committee displaying a checkered flag. 4) The “Bart Rule” will be in effect. Competitor’s that that cross the finish line after the first boat to finish, while the checkered flag is displayed, is considered to have completed the race, regardless of the number of laps that competitor has completed. 5) Lap and Total Race Time Limits will be based on a minimum time of 6-1/2 Minutes per Mile. (Example: 1 Mile Course, Lap equals 2 Miles, resulting in a maximum time limit of 13 minutes for each lap.) 6) All competitors must cross the finish line within 20 minutes of that races first competitor to finish. 10. SCORING 1) During a race the scorers will be located within a designated scoring area on the windward side of the starting line between start positions 2 and 4, marked by two green cones and the orange cone/flag near the line center, marking the end of the finish line. 2) Each competitors leeward mark rounding’s and finish for each race are recorded by two race committee scoring teams. Talking to the scorers during a race and or while preparing the final results is cause for disqualification from the regatta. 3) Any competitor’s concerns regarding scoring of a race shall be brought to the attention of the Race Committee Chairman. 11. RACE ABANDONMENT 1) A Black Flag displayed at the primary leeward mark shall signal abandonment of the race in progress for any reason including competitor safety and failure of the first boat to make the time limit. 2) Where a race is abandoned the next fleet to start shall be the next fleet in the rotation 12. COURSE CHANGE 1) If the Race Committee Chairman determines that a start line alignment or course change is required a Red Flag will be displayed. 2) When the red flag is displayed all competitors shall move and remain at a sufficient distance from the starting line area to provide the race committee a clear view to make any required adjustments. 3) When the race committee has completed the change the fleet flag for the next fleet to start will be raised and competitor’s shall move to their starting positions on the windward side of the line. 4) Failure to comply may be cause for a competitor’s disqualification from the regatta. 13. PROTESTS 1) Competitors are to proceed with intended protests consistent with all considerations of the IDNIYRA BY–LAWS and Part V, of the NIA, Racing Rules. 2) A competitor shall make his intent to protest known, and identify the competitor being protested, to the Race Committee Chairman immediately after the race in which the rule infringement occurred. At that time the race chairman will provide a Protest Form to be completed by the competitor making the protest. 3) Upon Notification the Race Committee Chairman will post a Notice on the Official Notice Board identifying the competitor’s intent to protest and the competitor being protested. 4) A written protest must be filed with the Race Committee Chairman as soon as practical but, within two hours of the close of racing for that day. The Race Committee Chairman will be available at the launch area to accept written protests after the close of racing. 5) At receipt of the completed protest form(s) the Race Committee Chairman will present the form(s) to the Chief Judge, who will post a notice on the Official Notice Board identifying the time and place for hearing the individual protests. 14. RACING REMINDERS 1) TACKING AT THE START OF A RACE: At the start, a competitor shall not cross the imaginary line between the center of the starting line and the leeward mark before rounding the windward make for the first time. 2) DARLING MARKS: While racing, crossing the imaginary line between the Darling Marks and the associated Windward and Leeward mark are grounds for disqualification. 3) INLINE FINISH: The finish line extends downwind from the leeward mark to an orange cone/flag near the starting line center. The area after crossing the finish line extending along the windward side of the odd number starting line at the width of the finish line, shall be considered a safety zone. After crossing the finish line competitors shall proceed through that zone and round the end of the odd numbered starting line and proceed to the staging area. Do not sail over the start line at any time. 15. AWARDS 1) Trophy presentation will follow competition of the final race in the Launch area or as announced. Trophies will be awarded to the top ten finishers in each fleet, top Junior (age 24 or under at registration), Top Rookie, and for age categories of Senior, Master, and Grand Master

February Runner Tracks Newsletter

Current Issue: February 2018

Published and delivered all in the same day, here’s the mid-season edition of the IDNIYRA Newsletter, Runner Tracks for your perusal. That’s 2018 DN North American Silver Fleet champion, Steve Madden, on the cover; photo by Gretchen Dorian.

Flipbook Magazine (Flash, best for computers)
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Download single page pdf (best for phones)

  • 2018 North Americans Recap by Mike Bloom
  • Minutes from the 2018 Annual Meeting
  • Western Region Regatta

Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18. Buy Now Button

2018 North American Championship: Results

Congratulations to all for a successful regatta.

Provisional results

                            Gold fleet
Pos    Sail#           Name          Race>     1    2    3    4    5  Points
  1   US   44        SHERRY,       RON (S)     2    3 (  3)   1    3    9.00
  2   US 4691        DENNIS,      JOHN (S)     4 (DNF)   1    3    2   10.00
  3   US 4926      ORLEBEKE,         STEVE     1    2   11 ( 16)   1   15.00
  4   US 5224       THIELER,         JAMES     3    1    9 ( 15)  11   24.00
  5   US 4975         EVANS,    ROBBIE (S)     7 ( 18)   2    8    9   26.00
  6   US 4487        ATKINS,          CHAD     9    9    5    4 ( 15)  27.00
  7   US 4824   CHRISTENSEN,      MARK (S)    11    7    4    5 ( 18)  27.00
  8   US 4638       LOVEJOY,       GUY (S)  ( 21)  10   13    2    7   32.00
  9   US 5166        BERGER,     CHRIS (S)     8    4 ( 27)  12   12   36.00
 10   US    3        GROGAN,       JIM (M)    17   12 ( 22)   6    4   39.00
 11    G  551       SEEGERS, CHRISTIAN (M)     5   11   10   14 ( 21)  40.00
 12    G  107        ZEIGER,         BERND  ( 25)  14   14    7    6   41.00
 13   US    4        SHERRY,  GRIFFIN (JR)    18   13    7    9 ( 19)  47.00
 14   US  216       POTCOVA,   RICHARD (S)  ( 23)   5   12   13   20   50.00
 15   US 5014       ISABELL,          MARK  ( 26)  19    6   22    8   55.00
 16    G  679     SCHNEIDER,  MARTIN-BJORN     6    6   40 (DNS)   5   57.00
 17   US   60        HARPER,      JOHN (M)    14   16 ( 28)  19   14   63.00
 18    S  713      GUSTRING,   RICHARD (M)  ( 24)  23   15   17   10   65.00
 19   US 5432         BLOOM,      MIKE (S)  ( 27)  15   17   11   22   65.00
 20   US 5116         CLAPP,      DAVE (S)  ( 30)  21   23   10   17   71.00
 21   US 2545       DERUSHA,      MIKE (S)    22   17   20 ( 26)  13   72.00
 22   US 1188        HADLEY,     JAMES (S)    16 ( 31)   8   18   31   73.00
 23   US 5193      ANDERSON,          ERIC    15   20   19   21 ( 26)  75.00
 24   US 4480        STANGE,         AARON    12   26   21 ( 33)  25   84.00
 25   US  807       FRANCIS,            JR    10 ( 34)  24   23   32   89.00
 26   US 3283      WILLIAMS,  J.BRUCE (GM)    19   27   16 ( 29)  29   91.00
 27   S    107      BOKFORS,    STEFAN (S)    28 ( 33)  18   24   23   93.00
 28   US 5415        MILLER,         CHRIS    35    8 ( 38)  20   36   99.00
 29   US 2500         SMITH,      ERIC (S)    36   30   25 ( 40)  16  107.00
 30   US 4868      RICHARDS,     JULIE (M)  ( 38)  32   26   25   27  110.00
 31    Z  102     L'HUILLER,        ARNAUD  ( 37)  29   33   28   24  114.00
 32   US 4882        WOLLAM,  RICHARD (GM)    29 ( 37)  30   27   30  116.00
 33   KC 4360          BABY,    ANDRE (GM)    33   22   29   32 (DNS) 116.00
 34    G  737          BOHN,     JOERG (S)    13 ( 36)  32   36   35  116.00
 35   US 3705        HOLMAN,    ROBERT (S)    31   25 ( 35)  31   33  120.00
 36   KC 4536       CRINION,       BOB (M)  ( 39)  24   36   34   28  122.00
 37   KC 5514        CURTIS,          JOHN    32   28 ( 37)  30   34  124.00
 38    H  467 VAN RIEMSDIJK,   DIDERIC (S)    20   35   41   39 (DNS) 135.00
 39   US 5369        MILLER,      MIKE (M)    34 ( 38)  31   37   38  140.00
 40   US 5592         SMITH,  MICHAEL (JR)  ( 40)  40   34   38   37  149.00
 41   US  294      LOENNEKE,    LOUIS (GM)  (DNF)  39   39   35  DNS  156.00
 42   US 5053          REIS,    GEORGE (M)   DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  DNS  172.00

Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds

Silver fleet
Pos    Sail#           Name          Race>     1    2    3    4    5  Points
  1   US 4512       MADDEN,      STEVE (M)  ( 21)   1    2    1    2    6.00
  2   US 4009        BRUSH,        DON (M)     1    2    3    2 (  9)   8.00
  3   US 5219        BAKER,           KENT     2    4 ( 26)   5    4   15.00
  4   US 5435      KJOLLER,           JODY     7    5    7    6 ( 30)  25.00
  5   US 4775 WHITCOMB III,       EBEN (S)  ( 15)   8    1   12    5   26.00
  6   US 5358        FROST,      DAVID (S)  ( 16)   3    8   15    6   32.00
  7   US 4249        GLICK,       DAVE (M)     3   11    6 ( 17)  14   34.00
  8   US  610        JONES,    DONALD (GM)     6 ( 14)   9   11   10   36.00
  9   US 4155      LEMBERG,    RICHARD (M)  ( 24)   9    4    8   16   37.00
 10   US 5451        ALLEN,     ANDREW (S)     4   10    5   19 ( 33)  38.00
 11   KC 3786   NETHERCOTE,     WARREN (M)    11   17 ( 24)   9    7   44.00
 12   US 3433      CUMMINS,    ROBERT (GM)    14   16   11    4 ( 18)  45.00
 13   US 4974        JONES,      STAN (GM)     9 ( 21)  17   10   11   47.00
 14   US  445         CAVE,        BOB (M)    18    7   22 ( 24)   1   48.00
 15   KC 4684       SAMSON,        ART (M)    13 ( 37)  10    7   19   49.00
 16   US  637     MEADE IV,            JOE     8   12   19 ( 26)  15   54.00
 17   US 5285         TEAL,      CHRIS (S)    10 ( 27)  15   21   13   59.00
 18   US 4203   FITZGERALD,   PATRICK (GM)  ( 23)  15   13   13   21   62.00
 19   US 5350    TRUESDELL,      PETER (S)  ( 27)  23   21    3   17   64.00
 20   US 5465        NILES,        DON (S)    12   13 ( 33)  22   23   70.00
 21   US 2360        JOHNS,      PETE (GM)     5   19   23   23 ( 31)  70.00
 22   US 5498       GORDON,       RICK (S)    19   25 ( 25)  18   12   74.00
 23   US 1277       BOWMAN,       HAL (GM)  ( 34)   6   12   30   26   74.00
 24   US 1313         RAST,     ROBERT (M)    17   29   18   14 (DNS)  78.00
 25   US 5430      CUTTING,       BILL (S)    26   18   20   16 ( 27)  80.00
 26   US  582       GORDON,          CHRIS  ( 31)  24   14   31   22   91.00
 27   US 4137     SMITH JR,        KEN (M)    20   20 ( 34)  29   25   94.00
 28   US 4690      FORTIER,           DAVE  (DNS)  22   30   34    8   94.00
 29   US 4925    VALENTINE,      SCOTT (S)    32   30   31 ( 36)   3   96.00
 30   KC 5457       DUNCAN,      COLIN (M)    30 ( 32)  29   20   20   99.00
 31   US  581        RENJI,        CLINTON    22   26   27   25 (DNS) 100.00
 32   KC 5591       WEBBER,           MIKE    28   28 ( 32)  27   24  107.00
 33   US  107       KAISER,       HANK (M)    25 ( 33)  28   32   29  114.00
 34   US    8      MCGOWAN,          PETER    29   34 ( 36)  33   32  128.00
 35    P   71   ZIOLKOWSKI,     LESZEK (M)  (DNS) DNS   16   28  DNS  128.00
 36   US  209     ROSE,III,       TREY (N)    35 ( 35)  35   35   28  133.00
 37   KC 3475      DRUIVEN, LESTER (S),(N)    36   36   37 (DNS) DNS  151.00
 38   US 1576        JONES,      BRIAN (N)   DNS   31 (DNF) DNS  DNS  157.00
 39   US 3743     CARNAGHI,        J.P.(S)    33  DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  159.00
 40T  US 1630      CONNELL,     DANIEL (S)   DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  DNS  168.00
 41T  US 3535         KENT,    JEFFREY (M)   DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  DNS  168.00

Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds

We Did It! Prize Giving at 8:30 PM

What a week! Thanks to the efforts of the  regatta organizers and competitors who stuck with it, The 2018 North American Championship is in the books.
Awards ceremony is 8:30 PM tonight in the Odawa Hotel bar and lounge.


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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