2019 Western Regional Regatta Notice of Race

Download NOR in pdf
Via Western Region Commodore Daniel Hearn:

Western Region DN Sailors and Guests:


Sharpen’m up! Western Region Championships are approaching.


Wanted to call you attention to a couple changes incorporated into our 2019 NOR.


1. Regatta Race Format

Now a 9-race regatta, should conditions permit. Maximum of 5 races per day, with no race on Sunday starting after 3:00. Are we likely to get 18 races completed (assumes two fleets) across two consecutive days? Probably not, but would be nice to have the flexibility to maximize a weekends’ racing opportunity however the weather unfolds, with a reasonable limit on number of races in a single day.

2. Entry Fee

Now $40 for those 26 and older, and $25 for those 25 and under. Just five bucks more…and where else can you have so much fun for $20/day?! To encourage new blood, we’re giving the young set a break—we really need them to secure the future of our great sport. We are also in need of a modest cash infusion to keep our ATV in good condition. This Fall we had a complete tune up performed, and we installed stiffer springs, to accommodate our typical 2-person load and/or trailer towing duties.

3. Prizes

No more Senior Trophy. We’ll continue with Master, Grand Master and other specialty trophies. With most of us over 50 anyway, the trophy has really lost it’s meaning. Good reminder of why encouraging and helping the young set any way we can is so important!

See you on the ice!

Daniel Hearn US 5352

Western Region Rear Commodore

2019 Notice of Race

Western Lakes Regional DN Championship Regatta

1. Rules:
All races will be governed by the Racing Rules of the National Iceboat Authority; the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA, and Official Specifications of the DN Ice Yacht; the Notice of Race, including any amendments to the Notice of Race, (except as any of these are altered by the sailing instructions) and the Sailing Instructions. The Sailing Instructions can be modified at the Skippers Meeting and by a notice posted on the official notice board.

Nine (9) race regatta format – five (5) race maximum per day; three (3) race minimum in the Gold Fleet will constitute a completed regatta. Fleets – Gold & Silver with volunteer split for fleets; Rookie Division as part of the Silver Fleet.

2. Eligibility:
All DN class yachts meeting the requirements of the Official Specifications and whose skippers meet the requirements of the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA as stated in the section IDNIYRA Regattas are eligible to enter and race in the championship.
Proof of personal or race liability insurance ($300,000 minimum) will be needed at time of registration.

3. Site Information and Postings:
A. The primary site is within the North American Western Region
B. Site and Headquarters Information will be determined by the regatta organizer.
C. Official regatta information, updates and accommodations: & the DN America Forum

4. Entry and Fee:
A. The official entry form must be submitted and signed at registration.
B. Entry Fee
1. 26 and older: The entry fee is $40, payable at site of regatta in US dollars.
2. 25 and younger: The entry fee is $25, payable at site of regatta in US dollars.

5. Schedule of Events:
•Friday: 7-9 PM Registration at Regatta Hotel Headquarters
•Sat 8-9 on ice registration
•Sat 9:30 Skippers Meeting
•Sat 10:30 First DN start
•Sunday 10:00 First DN start. No race will start after 3:00 PM

6. Sailing Instructions:
Official Sailing Instructions will be provided at registration.

7. Prizes: Trophies will be awarded to the top five places in each fleet plus Top Woman, Top Junior, Top Rookie, Top Master (60 to 69), and Top Grand Master (70+)

2018 Eastern Regional Championship Results

2018 Eastern Championship – December 15 – 16, 2018

Great Pond
Belgrade, Maine

Sail NumberNameInternational Rank
1C20Rasmus Maalen13
2G107Bernd Zeiger12
3G390Anja Fiedler16
4G551Seegers Christian11
5G737Joerg Bohn15
6G890Holger Petzke7
7KC 4360*Andr? Baby33
8KC 5457Colin Duncan52
9KC2766Peter Van Rossem25
10KC3475**Lester Druiven59
11KC5247Jacek MarzenskiN/A
12KC5493Robin Wynne-EdwardsNA
13KC5508Nicolas MabbouxNA
14KC5514John Curtis30
15KC5591Mike Webber51
16KC5629Robin LagraviereNA
17KC5992**Mike DruivenNA
18M53Peter Hamrak8
19OE213Peter Uhlmann38
20P107Marek Artur Stefaniuk18
21P114Michal Burczynski2
22P13Darek Kardas4
23P155Łukasz Zakrzewski3
24P243Adam Szczęsny21
25P31Robert Graczyk2
26P345Jerzy Sukow37
27P431Jarek Radzki9
28P55Tomasz Zakrzewski4
29P71Leszek Ziolkowski43
30R166Valeriy Dichenko37
31S107Stefan Bokfors23
32S8Fredrik L?negren11
33US 2360Pete Johns44
34US 4487Chad Atkins6
35US 4638Guy E Lovejoy8
36US 4975Robbie Evans5
37US 5166Chris Berger7
38US 5350Peter J Truesdell41
39US 5358David Frost28
40US 5432Mike Bloom19
41US 5451Andy Allen32
42US 5498Richard Gordon42
43US 5576Ray Gauthier50
44US 5633Peter Johanson35
45US 5666Peter McGowan56
46US 637Joseph Meade37
47US 65*Robert Gray43
48US107Hank Kaiser55
49US1277Hal Bowman42
50US1301*Chad Coberly41
51US1313Robert Rast45
52US1576Brian Jones64
53US1610Bruce Brown45
54US165**Josh HevronNA
55US209Trey Rose58
56US216Richard Potcova14
57US2500Eric Smith29
58US294*Lou Loennecke41
59US3Jim Grogan8
60US3186Jack EriksonNA
61US3283John B Williams16
62US3433Robert Cummins34
63US3535Jeff Kent63
64US3576Bruce JonesNA
65US3705Robert Holman33
66US3947Jay WhitehairNA
67US4Griffin Sherry13
68US4009Don Brush24
69US4137Ken Smith49
70US4155Rick Lemberg Sr.31
71US4192**Randy RogoskiNA
72US4203Patrick FitzGerald40
73US4249Dave Glick29
74US4387Charlie BlairNA
75US44Ron Sherry1
76US445*Bob Cave36
77US4775Eben Whitcomb27
78US4783Rhea NicholasNA
79US4789Chris ClarkNA
80US4868Julie Richards24
81US4882Richard Wollam32
82US4925Scott B Valentine51
83US4926*Steve Orlebeke3
84US4974Stan Jones35
85US5053George Reis27
86US5116*David Clapp14
87US5127*Hugh StephensNA
88US5158John BusheyNA
89US5193Eric Anderson23
90US5219Kent Baker25
91US5224James Thieler4
92US5285Chris Teal33
93US5298Scott BrownNA
94US5352Daniel Hearn27
95US5397Renee FieldsNA
96US5415Christopher Miller28
97US5420Michael DeyeNA
98US5435Jody Kjoller26
99US5469Oliver Moore10
100US5471**Timothy Cleary Jr58
101US5478Jack GoritskiN/A
102US5479Gretchen WilbrandtNA
103US5486Dave Elsmo39
104US5590Christopher GordonNA
105US5638Steve BrownNA
106US60John Harper12
107US610Don Jones31
108US807*JR Francis24
109Z102Arnaud L'Huillier24
110Z25Pierre Bachalin50
*Gold Cup Only
** North Americans Only

2018 DN Eastern Championships Are ON For This Weekend 12/15-16

Via Eastern Region Commodore Chad Atkins


It’s Friday morning and here is your Eastern Region championship report from Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine. The Eastern Region championship is ON! Ice is black, hard, 4.5″-5.5″ thick, 40% Snow covered 1/4″ drifts. There are a few leads on the way out but easily spotted at lower speeds sitting up. Looks like we should have a 3/4 mile circle to play on.

Saturday morning registration 8:45-9:45 am only at the launch
Followed by a skippers meeting
1st race immediately following

Sunday morning registration 8:45-9:15 am only at the launch
Followed by a skippers meeting
1st race of the day immediately following

***Entering on either day- Signing in, registering and showing your $300,000 liability insurance coverage is mandatory along with being a current IDNIYRA member in good standing ( If you can have a registered sail # as well it would be greatly appreciated!***

Hotels are in Augusta about 25 minutes south of the launch off 95. There is a group of us staying at the Senator Inn and spa, mention the iceboating group might help with pricing. There is a bar and restaurant in the hotel.

Senetor Inn and spa-
284 Western Ave, Augusta, ME 04330
207 622 5804
Double- $120 (might be $108 for us)
Single queen-$99

Looking forward to seeing you there!!

Best, Chad

P.S. Any additional information will be posted to

December Runner Tracks Newsletter

Runner Tracks

The Online Magazine of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association

Current Issue: December 2018

Cover: Arnaud L’Huiller Z102 at the Western Challenge Photo: J H Peterson/SHOOTING THE BREEZE

Here’s your last IDNIYRA newsletter of 2018! Thanks to all who contributed articles for this one. Dave Elsmo provides detailed advice on how to attract and keep new DN sailors. Please take the time to read this very important article “Listen To Your Heart”.  Also some professional photos from the Great Western Challenge. A heartfelt thanks to all of our advertisers who keep this newsletter running!

Flipbook Magazine (Flash, best for computers)
Download pdf file (best for tablets)
Download single page pdf (best for phones)

In this issue:

  • Commodore’s Message by Warren Nethercote KC3786
  • Monster Garage by Dave Elsmo US5496
  • Listen To Your Heart – A Cautionary Tale by US5219
  • Photos from the 2018 Great Western Challenge

Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18. Buy Now Button




2019 IDNIYRA Yearbook Published

The 2019 IDNIYRA Yearbook is available for purchase.
The yearbook is 260 pages full of class history, governing documents for both North American and Europe, lists of officers and members, official specifications, and more.

You can download a modified pdf version of the yearbook (the membership lists have been removed) by going to the Governing page.

From this post (see “Buy Now” button below)
From the “Buy Now” button on right sidebar of the website
From the “Buy Now” button on the  Governing page
We use Paypal to collect the money but you do not need a Paypal account to purchase the yearbook. You can use your credit card.


The IDNIYRA is pleased to announce the opening of the Registration Office for the 2019 Gold Cup and North American Championship regattas. Like last year, all regatta documents, a link to the registration page, and critical information will be posted on a specially dedicated page.
Early registration deadline is December 31, 2018. Register online today using Paypal or download the form and mail a check. It’s very easy!


Results of Constitution Amendment Ballot

From October 30th to November 6, 2018, IDNIYRA had its first electronic ballot to consider the following amendment to the organization’s constitution, necessary for IRS recognition of the organization as a non-profit.

Upon dissolution of IDNIYRA, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

Ballots on ElectionBuddy, a third-party voting application, were sent to 198 members via email in accordance with the constitution and by-laws. One invitation could not be delivered. One hundred and four members voted, with 101 supporting, 3 opposing and none abstaining from the proposal. With 97 percent of those voting approving the proposal, the proposal carried (the Constitution requires that 3/4 of those voting approve a motion to amend the constitution for it to carry). The IDNIYRA can now proceed to apply for non-profit status with IRS.

Participation of 53 percent of the IDNIYRA electorate in this ballot represents the highest return rate in recent IDNIYRA ballots, suggesting that our adoption of electronic voting will improve governance of IDNIYRA. We will reserve time at the 2019 IDNIYRA AGM for a discussion of lessons learned from this first electronic ballot.

Warren Nethercote, KC 3786
IDNIYRA Commodore

Previous: Notice of Electronic Vote

Pete Johns & Ron Sherry Receive Honors from Poland

Via Stan Macur, a long time Polish ice sailor, PRO of many European regattas, and current European Junior Sailing Secretary:

Pete Johns US2360 and Ron Sherry US44 were awarded by the Polish DN board a medal of 50th anniversary of Polish DN Fleet for special merits and efforts for Polish ice sailing over the years. Congratulations my friends!

Notice of Electronic Vote

An important message from IDNIYRA Commodore Warren Nethercote:

IDNIYRA will be conducting an electronic vote beginning Tuesday, October 30, 2018.

The Governing Committee has learned that in 2010 IDNIYRA obtained a tax number (an ‘EIN’) from the IRS, but that we never followed through to establish our status as a 501(c)(3) organization. We are an incorporated as a non-profit in Michigan, but separate application is required to establish our non-profit status with IRS. Completion of our application to IRS requires an addition to our constitution to define what would happen to our assets in the event of dissolution, and specifically that assets will not go to individual members, but instead to a successor organization with similar objects. We encourage you to support this addition to our constitution.

The Governing Committee is bringing this matter directly to a member vote by means of electronic voting. Should you not receive an email inviting you to vote by Wednesday, October 31, 2018, please send an email to Deb Whitehorse with your name, correct email address, and sail number, together with when you last paid membership dues.. We can then add you to the voting list and send a ballot to you. Both email address and sail number are required to allow for those members who share an email address, or use a third-party email address.

Warren Nethercote,


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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