2019 Polish Championship: The Conclusion

Final Results DN Poland

There was no racing on Sunday because of deteriorating ice conditions and the regatta was called complete. Robert Graczyk P31 won the A fleet and Jarosław Miarczyński P355 won the B fleet. Chris Berger US5166  placed 7th in the A fleet. Interesting to note that all pictured below will be here in North America for the Gold Cup in two weeks.

From the left: R. Graczyk, Ł. Zakrzewski, T. Zakrzewski, D. Kardaś, C. Berger ,. M. Burczyński. Photo: Gwidon Liberta.



Day 1: Polish Championship Photos & Video

DN Low Lunge: Chris Berger US5166       Photo Gwidon Libera




The Polish  Championship is a major stop on the DN regatta circuit and attracts competitors from all over Europe.  This weekend regatta started today on the Zegrze Reservoir near Warsaw.  Like we saw last week at the European Championship, there’s a high level of competition at this regatta and in a few weeks, some of these ice sailors will be here for the Gold Cup.  Chris Berger US5166 extended his stay in Europe to sail in this regatta. The ice looks wet, fast and racy. Robert Graczyk P31 is in first place tonight. Chris Berger is holding his own at 5th. Stay tuned for the conclusion tomorrow. Photographer Gwidon Libera has again agreed to share his photos with us for which we are again grateful. UPDATE: Gwidon’s photos are avilable for purchase here.

Bonus video below of some rush hour traffic mark-rounding from Ark Gim’s Facebook page.

2019 European Championship Video

This just released video of the European Championship by Kacper Libera will get your heart pounding. Next stop, North America for the Gold Cup!
UPDATE: Would it surprise you to know that this video was created by the son of the photographer Gwidon Libera? Big tip of the helmet to Kacper Libera for his filming and editing skills.

Day 3: DN European Championship Photos by Gwidon Libera

John Winquist L601 (Finland)        Photo: Gwidon Libera

Here is the last set of photos shot and edited by Polish photographer Gwidon Libera from the last day of 2019 European Championship on Lake Śniardwy in northeastern Poland. More breeze gave the boats the chance to work and show off the famous DN bendy mast and Gwidon zeroed in on the action. There are so many excellent action packed photos from today that It was difficult to choose one for the main photo of this post. This regatta marks the first time that Gwidon has ever photographed iceboats. Once again, thank you Gwidon Libera for sharing your photos with the world. UPDATE: Gwidon’s photos are avilable for purchase here.


A Fleet: 1st Jarek Radski P431 (Poland), 2nd Tomasz Zakrzewski P55 (Poland), 3rd Mihkel Kosk C45 (Estonia)

DN European Championship Final Results

Photo; Gwidon Libera

2019 European Championship Results

The European Championship was completed today Lake Śniardwy in northeastern Poland. Falling snow made for challenging conditions. There’s a junior in the A fleet top 10, Rasmus Maalinn C20, of Estonia, placed 6th! Zuzanna Rybicka P119 of Poland was the highest placing woman – 29th in the A fleet.
Congratulations to all champions:
A fleet: Jarek Radski P431 (Poland)
B fleet: Roman Morgas P200 (Poland)
C fleet: Eppu Karki L135 (Finland)

7th place medal of the A fleet won by Chris Berger US5166

Congratulations to the only North American sailor, Chris Berger US5166, who competed at the regatta in the A fleet and finished a respectable 7th in one of the toughest arenas in iceboat racing.

UPDATE: On the results page, you will see both the European Championship and European Cup. The European Cup is scored independent of the European Championship and consists of the last 5 races of the European Championship. 


Day 2: DN European Championship Photos by Gwidon Libera

Chris Berger US5166 Photo: Gwidon Libera

Playing catch up here, this photographer is fast! Gwidon Libera has uploaded even more photos from today’s sailing at the European Championship in Poland. If you’ve finished looking through the photos from day one, have a look at today’s set. UPDATE: Gwidon’s photos are avilable for purchase here.

DN European Championship Photos by Gwidon Libera

Polish photographer Gwidon Libera is kind enough to let us post his pictures from the first day of the European Championship taking place on Lake Śniardwy in northeastern Poland. Gwidon has posted these photos on his Facebook page but for those of you not on Facebook, please take the time to click through enjoy these outstanding photos.
Dziękuję Ci, Gwidon!

As for today (day 2 of the championship), it appears that light air delayed the start. There were 2 races in A and B and 1 race in the C fleet.Official information and race results are posted on IDNIYRA Europe. UPDATE: Gwidon’s photos are avilable for purchase here.


DN European Championship Day 1 Report from US5166

Here’s a report and photos from the only North American racing at the European Championship, Chris Berger US5166,  on Lake Śniardwy in northeastern Poland. ,Results should be posted soon on the IDNIYRA Europe website. A fleeter Chris placed 6th in race 1 and 5th in race 2. Interesting to note that Estonian Junior sailor, Rasmus Maalin C20 won the first A fleet race! Many thanks to Chris who took precious time to send this report in.


IDNIYRA Europe Website

Via Chris Berger US5166:
We got in two races for each fleet today. 3 fleets. 143 boats total. Nice light breeze like 6 or 8 kts. Ice is good. A pebbly surface with a dusting of light snow.

2019 European Championship Begins Jan 23

DNs on Lake Sniardwy for the 2019 EC                        Photo: Bernd Jahn

The European Championship will  begin tomorrow on Lake Śniardwy in northeastern Poland. The regatta has been delayed because of problems finding suitable ice. A site was found in Estonia over the weekend but a snow storm forced a move to Poland. Opening ceremonies are this evening and racing begins tomorrow. North American sailor Chris Burger DN5166 is there and we’ll post any updates if he has time to send them.

The organizers of this year’s iceboat European championship changed the place of the regatta at the last minute and the event was moved from Estonia to Poland to Lake Sniardwy. The regatta is scheduled for January 22-25.

The organizers of the European Championship 2019 in the DN class – the Hungarian DN and IDNIRA Europe fleet – are fighting an unfavorable weather. In less than 24 hours after the election of Estonia and the Vaike Strait as the venue for the European Championships, on the night from Saturday to Sunday in the area of ​​Saarema, there was a weather break that brought heavy snowfalls from the Baltic coast. A thick layer of snow deposited on ice and drifts forming at the wind prevent the regatta from being played out. Continue reading.


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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