2019 DN North American Championship: Lake Wawasee, Indiana


Oakwood Resort (use parking lot and carry over the sidewalk)
Wawasee Yacht Club – space for 25 trailers
Wawasee Wetlands Conservaton Area
Regatta Headquarters: Oakwood Resort
702 E Lake View Rd, Syracuse, IN 46567
(574) 457-7100
$79 Iceboaters Rate

Schedule of Events
Wednesday 20 Feb: Registration Regatta Headquarters: 7 PM – 9 PM ET
Thursday, 21 February; 9 AM Skippers Meeting TBA

2019 North American Update

We still have venues in play for the 2019 North American Championship. They are being sailed while I type this. The Governing Committee is reconvening at noon ET to hear reports and will make an announcement shortly thereafter.
Next Update: 12:30 PM ET

2019 Gold Cup: Final Results

7th place Gold Cup Rasmus Maalin C20 (US49)  and 1st place Gold Cup Michal Burczynski P114 at the 2019 Gold Cup. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

2019 Gold Cup Final Results

Gold Fleet: Michal Burczynski P114
Silver Fleet: Dave Clapp US5116
Bronze Fleet: Chad Coberly US1301

Congratulations to all sailors who competed in the 2019 IDNIYRA Gold Cup. There are so many dramatic stories to note from this regatta. Memorable moments include German sailor Anja Fielder’s G390 9th place finish in Gold which accomplished a couple of firsts –  the first time a woman competitor has finished in the top 10 and the first time a husband and wife have both finished in top ten. Congratulations Anja Fiedler and Holger Petzke G890 for your 9th and 4th place finishes in the Gold fleet.

There were 9 Polish sailors who flew to Chicago last week ready to compete for the Gold Cup but there were 9 Polish boats stuck at Charles de Gaulle Airport without hope of getting to the regatta. The North American IDNIYRA community banded together and found boats for the Polish sailors. In fact, the winning boat was loaned to Michal Burczynski by Western Region Commodore Daniel Hearn of Madison, Wisconsin. Michal’s tribute to Daniel, cut and pasted with rough translation, is posted below.

“The Two World Champions”

Daniel Hearn! To dzięki temu przyjacielowi miałem szanse wystartować w tegorocznych Mistrzostwach Świata! Sprzęt nie doleciał na regaty wiec musiałem sobie jakoś poradzić. Warto podkreślić ,ze kolega oddał swój pierwszoligowy zestaw,a sam postanowił wystartować na zapasowym. Słowa uznania dla tego faceta za wielkie serce i 100 % fair play! W tym roku mamy dwóch mistrzów swiata: to Daniel Hearn i Ja;)
Daniel Hearn, thanks to him I had the chance to compete in the Gold Cup 2019! Our equipment did not arrive for regatta. Daniel was supported me with all his best equipment and he took his practice boat. There are no words to express the amount of appreciation I have for this guy. He has a great heart and 100% honest game! This year we have 2 world champions: Daniel and Me! Thank You!
Daniel Hearn! It’s thanks to this friend I had the chance to launch in the year The equipment didn’t make it to the regatta so I had to deal It is worth highlighting that a colleague gave his-Set and himself decided to launch on backup. Words of appreciation for this guy for a big heart and 100 % fair play! This year we have two world champions: it’s Daniel Hearn and I 😉

2019 North American Championship Update

We have two sites identified for the 2019 North American regatta. There is a weather system moving through the current site at Indian Lake, Ohio and the other potential site, Lake Wawasee, Indiana. Snow and mixed precipitation is forecasted to move through tonight into tomorrow morning. We will assess Indian Lake and Lake Wawasee in the morning to learn if we can either stay here or move to Indiana, a less than 3 hour drive west from Lima, OH.
We have arranged late check out at Regatta Headquarters in Lima, OH for 1 PM on Wednesday 20 February if necessary.
NEXT UPDATE: Wednesday, 20 February 11 AM ET

3 Options:

1. Indian Lake, Ohio Primary Site (Gold Cup site)
Annual meeting at 1 PM ET at Regatta HQ, McKinley room
North American Registration at 5 PM ET

2. Lake Wawasee, Indiana Primary Site
Check out of Regatta Headquarters in Lima, OH
North American Registration TBA Wednesday night
Annual Meeting TBA

3. Nuclear Option (no site announced)
Annual Meeting 1 PM ET Wednesday, 20 Feb at Regatta Headquarters, Lima, OH

Michal Burczynski Wins 2019 Gold Cup

The 2019 IDNIYRA Gold Cup World Championship is called complete. The Wind Gods were not with us today. Congratulations to Michal Burczynski P114 for winning his third world championship. Prize giving is scheduled for 6 PM ET tonight 19 February at Regatta Headquarters.

Gold Cup: Tuesday 19 Feb Schedule Change

Photo: Jim Williamson

The Annual Governing Meeting has been postponed. Date and time TBA.
Gold Cup Awards ceremony to take place at the conclusion of racing today at Regatta Headquarters.


Gold Cup: Schedule for Tuesday 19 February

Frederik Lonegren S8                             Photo:Jim Williamson

Gold Cup Provisional Results
Schedule for Tuesday 19 February
10 AM ET First Race
Order: Bronze, Gold, Silver, Bronze.

Notice of IDNIYRA Annual Meeting
Tuesday 19 February, McKinley Room, Howard Johnson’s
Time tbd (7:30PM most likely)

I know that you really came for the racing, but the IDNIYRA 2019 Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday 19 February in the McKinley Room of the Howard Johnson’s Hotel. Time to be confirmed, subject to when we clear the ice, but likely to be 7:30 PM.

DN Gold Cup: Day 2 AM Report

Opening Ceremonies for the 2019 Gold Cup                                                   Photo: Debbie Parker

Gold Cup Provisional Results

Good morning from Lima, Ohio Regatta HQ. There were two races in each fleet on day 1 of the Gold Cup. Ice is slippery to walk on, hard, and fast. Races were postponed a short while during the day as some visibility-limiting fleet moved through but then resumed.  We’ll all be making the 30 minute drive to Indian Lake for day 2.

Schedule of Events for Monday, 18, February
10 AM First Race
Order of fleets: Gold, Silver, and Bronze

Lost and Found

If you find a gray wallet, please turn into one of the RC


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