2020 Junior Ice Sailing World Championship: Day 3 PM Update


Provisional Results

The wind took a holiday today and so did the competitors at the 2020 JWC. Ice skates and soccer balls appeared and the kids slid around on the ice for hours keeping themselves amused.  PRO Stan Macur announced a 0900 Skippers Meeting followed by racing at 1000 for tomorrow, 20 February.

2020 Junior Ice Sailing World Championship: Day 2 PM Update

You can do it!


Provisional Results

Back from a long day on the lake and about 2 hours ago, had good intentions of posting a very eloquent story about how wonderful it was to spend a day watching 10 junior races at my first JWC. But then the phone and messages distracted me, so I’ll be my usual brief self. My impressions of the day:
The high level of sailing on fast ice was IMPRESSIVE in both fleets.
Each fleet banged off 5 races efficiently and fast.
Was fascinating to watch the intensity with which coaches watched and spoke with their charges.
There’s reason to be optimistic about the future of European DN ice sailing.
After the racing I kicked the red sled back to shore where there was hot food, tea, and cookies ready to be served. I looked out at the perfect ice, felt the breeze on my face, and took in this tranquil setting with an old Swedish church overlooking the lake. I asked the Uppsala sailing club members who set up the food, “is this heaven?” They laughed….  It’s — it’s Sweden.

Maybe this is heaven

2020 Junior Ice Sailing World Championship: Day 1 PM Update

Competitor List

Slick, fast Hollywood ice with shifty, puffy winds greeted the opening day of the 2020 Junior DN and Ice Optimist World Championship near Furudal, Sweden. The unpredictable wind gusts caused postponement of the first race until Tuesday, February 18. The kids kept busy with a bit of sailing, skating, and kicking the soccer ball under a rainbow that hung around for a long time. The sailing site is a 30 minute drive from Orsa Camping, the site of last week’s Gold Cup.

2020 European Championship Cancelled

One of the constants in ice sailing is that the ice continually changes. Some big cracks developed overnight on the racing course and the Race Committee made the decision to cancel the European Championship.  Competitors were disappointed but respected the fact that the RC put their safety first. I’m staying on for the Junior Championship.


2020 DN Worlds Wrap Up & European Championship Update

World Champions: From left, 4th Madars Alvikis O31, 3rd Anton Didenko R163, 2nd Karol Jablonski P36, and 1st Lukasz Zakrzewski P155.

Worlds Final Results


European Championship Starting Positions

European Championship Day 1: Another Ground Hog Day*
The European Championship regatta was supposed to have begun today but as of 1400 local time, the wind hasn’t made an appearance. If it does, I’ll let you know.
*Ground Hog Day is a movie about being caught up in a time loop and repeatedly reliving the same day. The 2010 North American regatta is also known affectionately as the Ground Hog Day Regatta.

Lukasz Zakrzewski P155 Wins 2020 Gold Cup!

Lukasz Zakrzewski P155 moments after being declared the 2020 Gold Cup Champion    Photo: Sean Heavey

Final Results

Congratulations to Lukasz Zakrzewski P155 of Poland for winning the 2020 DN World Championship, Dideric van Riemsdijk S867 for first place in the Silver fleet, and Paul Jorgensen D156 for first place in the Bronze fleet. Today was a carbon copy of yesterday with no wind. Competitors hung tough waiting for a wind that never arrived. This is Lukasz’ first time winning a Gold Cup. The last “first time” winner was Sweden’s Thomas Karlsson in 2004. This is the 9th year in a row that a Polish competitor has won the Gold Cup. See Gold Cup history here. Off to prize giving soon and then the European Championship starts tomorrow. Please send wind!



2020 DN Worlds: Day 3 PM Report

Russian competitors Valentina Kozlova R79 of St. Petersburg and Anastasia Chernova R95 of Moscow.

Provisional Results IDNIYRA Europe Live Online Tracking

A Post About Nothing
A quick update before heading to dinner, organized by Jorg Bohn G737 and Lillen with some of the Russian competitors. Nothing happened today because the wind didn’t arrive at all. In true ice sailing fashion, people stood around, visited friends, discussed runners, measured cockpits, snacked on candy and chocolate, and enjoyed the beautiful day. The wind teased us at the end of the day and a C fleet race was attempted but didn’t make the time limit. The DN Gold Cup continues into Thursday.

2020 DN Worlds: Day 2 PM Report

Karol Jablonski P36

Provisional Results




Live Online Tracking

Good evening from a colder and drier Sweden. Yes, the newspaper trick worked for my boots, they were nice and dry this morning. We were concerned that “double ice”, what North Americans call shell ice, would develop last night. There was a little bit of shell ice that I saw around the pits but nothing to stop the racing. The Bronze fleet was set to race the first race of the day when the wind pulled a 90 degree shift. The course was reset and the racing began. Second day results here.
On the social side, our Swedish friend Lillan Evers who worked on many race committees in Europe as a scorer, is here in the cabin making us a spaghetti dinner and is staying with us for a few days. Skoal!

2020 DN Worlds: Day 1 PM Report


Provisional Results




Live Online Tracking

Good evening from wet Orsa Lake in Sweden, site of the 2020 IDNIYRA World Championship regatta. Did I mention that it was wet? I have newspapers stuffed into my boots in an attempt to dry them out. (Thanks to photographer Sean Heavey for that tip!) But the important thing is that the qualifiers, 2 B fleet, and 2 A fleet races were sailed. The winds were all over the place, both in direction and velocity. The ice was hard but I did hear racers mention that there were soft spots that grabbed runners a bit. The winner of the first race, Tomasz Zakrzewski P55, said that he was “fighting the boat” during the race and changed his runners from 100s to 95s for the second race. Tomasz’ brother, Lukasz P155, was in second place in the first race, the first time the brothers have lined up in the one two blocks for the next race. Their dad was right there with them, enjoying the action. The course was changed several times and the A fleet race started in light air but ended in heavier air. After an unusually dismal first race, Karol Jablonski P36 found his groove, battled against Ron Sherry US44 in the second lap, and took the checkers for the second race. The temperature is supposed to get cold tonight which will take care of the water on the ice. That’s all for now. It’s time to exchange the newspaper in my boots!
UPDATE: I forgot to mention why Daniel Hearn received a DSQ in the B qualifier. He sailed between the darling mark and the mark, not recognizing that the darling mark was a stick with red flag rather than a smaller mark like in North America.

Fleet heads home

Tech Comm: Sail Bolt Rope Interpretation

IDNIYRA Tech Committee Communication
Jeff Kent US3535 Chairperson
Tomek Zakrzewski P55, Paul Goodwin US46, Steve Orlebeke US4926, Richard Larsson S807, Peter Hamrak M53
Date: 2.8.2020

Subject: Boltrope Interpretation

Fellow members; Larson, Goodwin, Orlebeke and I agreed to this new interpretation to be effective ImmediatelyMembers: Zakrzewski , Hamrak , recused
2/8/2020 “Boltrope “ is to be made of rope or cord consisting of fibers and or plastic cord. Material cross section is open. The rope or cord material needs to be covered by a polyester (Dacron) fabric and attached to the luff and foot of sail. Said fabric need not comply with sail construction requirements. Covering material should be
limited to the area closely adjacent to the luff and foot. The bolt rope primary function is to keep sail contained by
mast and boom.
Thank you ALL!

“Daniel Hearn honored by PZŻ for the Fair Play gesture”

Via the Polish Sailing Federation:

Daniel Hearn, an American ice sailor, received today at the headquarters of the Polish Yachting Association a commemorative diploma of recognition for the unique fair play gesture, thanks to which Michał Burczyński won the title of the world champion.

February 2019. Indian Lake in Ohio. There are only two days left to the first races of the world championships, meanwhile Polish representatives find out that their equipment is stuck at the airport in Paris and there is no chance that it will reach the venue. Some Poles resign from the start and come back to Poland, others are looking for a solution. Among the latter is Michał Burczyński, one of the best ice sailors in the world and one of the favorites for the world championship medal.

– Since I was already in the US, it was a shame to come back, especially since I felt the atmosphere of the upcoming competition. I wrote to Daniel Hearn that I don’t think I will start because I have nothing to use. Meanwhile, he told me not to worry, because I can borrow his equipment, choose what I want, I can change in skids, sails. I was very happy, but I did not think that I would be able to fight for gold on a foreign boat, I aimed at the place around 10. The equipment turned out to be phenomenal, and I was very mobilized, I did my best and won the world title on the borrowed equipment. All thanks to the amazing gesture of an American colleague – says Michał Burczyński.

– I wrote to Michał not to worry, I have a lot of equipment and I will gladly lend him my best set. At first Michał didn’t want to take my best equipment, but I told him not to be embarrassed. He is a professional, I race more for fun. He was one of the favorites of this championship, he came to fight for the title of world champion and I just wanted to enable him. And so it happened, Michał won the regatta, and now I at least know how high my speed can be – says Daniel Hearn with a laugh.

The American gesture and the Polish result were widely commented on in the sailing world. Tomasz Chamera, president of the Polish Yachting Association, decided to express his gratitude and appreciation for the attitude of the American sailor on behalf of the entire Polish sailing community. Taking the opportunity that Daniel Hearn has been in Poland for several days, he invited him to the PZŻ headquarters and gave him an occasional diploma of recognition. Michał Burczyński and representatives of the Polish Fleet DN Association also participated in the meeting.

– Taking advantage of the opportunity that Daniel Hearn stopped in Poland on his way to next week’s world ice-skating championships in Sweden, we invited him to the headquarters of the Polish Yachting Association to give him a gift, but above all to thank him for this amazing fair play gesture. Giving your rivals the best equipment is unique in sport. I would like to emphasize the importance of this event and the fact that fair play in sport is extremely important and, unfortunately, less and less common. Fortunately, sailing is different and I hope it will always be like this – says Tomasz Chamera, president of the Polish Sailing Association.

By the way, there was the opportunity to talk about the unusual atmosphere that accompanies the regatta. It is not without reason that it is said that militants are one large family.

– We have known and supported ourselves with Daniel Hearn for many years. The world championships are played in both Europe and America. When Americans come to Europe, I look after them, pick them up from the airport, organize transport, we often travel together. They, in turn, revenge the same. Bojerowcy is a cool environment, we stick together, support each other. At this point I would like to thank the Polish Yachting Association for such a nice ceremony and appreciation of Daniel’s gesture. I know that Daniel is pleasantly surprised by this and it means a lot to him, me and the boating community – adds Michał Burczyński.

Polish and American fighters are currently in Gdynia, from where they set off for the next world championships this weekend, which will be played in Sweden this time. Michał Burczyński will defend the championship title, and Daniel Hearn sets himself goals to advance to the so-called golden fleet, in which the 25 best championship players will be racing. It is worth adding that Michał Burczyński is a multimedia player at the world championships – he has won three gold medals (2006, 2010, 2019), three silver (2011, 2014 and 2016) and four bronze (1999, 2002, 2015 and 2017).



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