2020 Election of Officers and Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws

2020 Election of Officers and Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws


Late on Friday May 15th, IDNIYRA members in good standing will receive invitations to participate in an electronic ballot. The ballot will be open until May 29th. Your participation is encouraged. Should you expect a ballot but not receive one by May 16th please contact Deb Whitehorse. 


Our annual election of officers is presented as questions 1-5 on the ballot. Question 6 revises IDNIYRA By-law ‘General, paragraph 2,’ to align financial responsibilities for IDNIYRA regattas with current practice and strengthen financial accountability. Questions 7 and 8 revise our Constitution and By-laws to eliminate confusion and duplication between the North American governing documents and the international agreements. Areas of the Constitution and By-laws which are not covered in the EPIC Agreement or Race Management Agreement will remain in the original documents. The Governing Committee recommends support for Questions 6, 7 and 8.


The Constitution and By-law amendments proposed in Questions 7 and 8 can be pre-viewed in the most recent Runner Tracks, available at the following link:

Runner Tracks May 2020


Warren Nethercote, KC 3786

Commodore IDNIYRA


I regret to report Daniel Hearn’s resignation as Western region Rear Commodore. His contributions to the Governing Committee and to the DN Class will be missed, but he has served his turn at the plate and deserves a return to more focus on sailing, whether on soft water or hard.


The IDNIYRA Constitution permits the Commodore to appoint Rear Commodores in the event of vacancies after May 1st, but also provides for election of Rear Commodores by the regional membership. Prior to seeking a volunteer and making a direct appointment of the Western Region Rear Commodore, are there members in the Western Region who would be interested in the position? The IDNIYRA can, if necessary, quite easily run an electronic election on behalf of the Western Region membership.


Expressions of interest to Deb Whitehorse please, before May 16th.


Warren Nethercote

Commodore IDNIYRA

May 2020 Runner Tracks Published

Current Issue: May 2020

Thunk! Runner Tracks has landed on your virtual doorstep, 54 pages of the finest ice sailing news and photos to be found anywhere. Many thanks to all the photographers from around the world who helped to promote the sport in this issue including Arijus Dambrauskas of Lithuania, Gretchen Dorian of Michigan, USA, Sean Heavey of Montana, USA, Sophie Marc-Martin of Switzerland, and Igor Bessarab of Vladivostok, Russia.

Flipbook Magazine
Download pdf file (best for tablets)
Download single page pdf (best for phones)


  • Junior DN & Ice Optimist World Championship Report & Results
  • 2020 Sean R. Heavey Gold Cup Photo Gallery & Results
  • By Laws & Constitution Proposals by Warren Nethercote KC376
  • European Secretaries Meeting Report by Warren Nethercote KC3786
  • Baikal Report by Mike Bloom US321

Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18. Buy Now Button


Runner Tracks is brought to you by these fine sponsors:

Results of DN Official Specifications Ballot

Results of DN Official Specifications Ballot

UPDATE: (8:33 AM CT) In question 3, the column of combined opposed was corrected from 74 to 174. Sorry for the error.
UPDATE #2: (12:30 PM CT) In question 3, the percentage of those voting in favor of the proposal was corrected from 62% to 41%.

Members of IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU recently voted on four proposed changes to the IDNIYRA Technical Specifications: (1) deletion of the existing specification of mast minimum weight; (2) deletion of the existing technical specification of minimum mast balance point height; (3) amendment of the materials specification of the ‘wood type’ runner body; and, (4) amendment of the minimum thickness of insert plate dimensions of the wood type runner with steel insert (insert runner).  The results of the ballot follow.

Two hundred and thirty-three ballots were sent to IDNIYRA members of which 150 voted for a 64 percent return rate.  Two hundred and seven ballots were sent to IDNIYRA EU members of which 155 voted for a 75 percent return rate.  Two-thirds of the votes must support a measure for it to pass.

  • 1. Deletion of the Existing Specification of Minimum Mast Weight:
OrganizationIn FavourOpposedAbstain

37 percent of those voting support proposal (1) so it fails.


  • 2. Deletion of the Existing Specification of Minimum Mast Balance Point:
OrganizationIn FavourOpposedAbstain

43 percent of those voting support proposal (2) so it fails.


  • 3. Amendment of the Materials Specification of the ‘Wood Type’ Runner Body:
OrganizationIn FavourOpposedAbstain

41 percent of those voting support proposal (3) so it fails.


  • 4. Amendment of the Minimum Thickness of Insert Plate Dimensions of the Wood Type Runner with Steel Insert (Insert Runner):
OrganizationIn FavourOpposedAbstain

83 percent of those voting support proposal (4) so it passes.


Proposal 4, having passed, will come into effect on May 31, 2020 and will be reflected in the 2021 IDNIYRA Yearbook.

The members engagement in the voting process and the governance of the DN Class is very much appreciated.

Warren Nethercote, Commodore IDNIYRA

Attila Pataki, Commodore IDNIYRA EU

Progress of Current Technical Specifications Ballot

Electronic balloting works! As of today, 62% of eligible IDNIYRA members and 56% of eligible IDNIYRA EU members have voted on four proposals for changes in the IDNIYRA Official Specifications. These numbers are records for voter participation. Our voting security measures prevent us from knowing how people voted until balloting closes, but we do know how many have voted.


If you haven’t voted yet, would you like to make our return rate even better? We cannot send a new invitation to vote, but if you haven’t voted yet, you should find the original invitation to vote in you inbox for March 25th.


Polling on the Official Specifications ballot closes on Wednesday April 15th. Shortly after that you should be receiving another ballot, this time for our annual election of IDNIYRA Officers.


Warren Nethercote
Commodore IDNIYRA

“Repairing a DN Ice Yacht for sailing on Lake Fenton, Michigan, USA”

Greg Bugula’s vintage DN iceboat  “My first very own DN iceboat I bought today!I’m am amazed how beautifully simple it is!”

Here’s a great article for all you cruisers and keepers of vintage DNs from Sail-World written by Greg Bugala:

I grew up sailing on Lake Fenton and saw a lot of iceboats sailing; as a kid I was always chasing them with my skates. Now aged 60, I found an old used DN iceboat for sale and decided to buy it. Number 1409, it was built around 1970. The DN is a small class racing vessel born in the 1930s via the Detroit News who sponsored a design contest. Today DNs are raced all around the world in the northern hemisphere.
Continue reading.

2021 Gold Cup & North American Regatta Dates Announced

Sean R Heavey: 2020 IDNIYRA World Championship &emdash; IMG_5972
The IDNIYRA is pleased to announce the dates of the Gold Cup and North American Championship Regattas for 2021. Please mark your calendars for January 24 – 30, 2021. Registration will take place on Saturday, January 23, 2021.

(II) DN Class Regattas

7. General rules for World DN Championship (Gold Cup), a European Championship and a North American Championships (GC, EC, NAC).

d)The GC, EC, NAC shall be held during a specific week, beginning on a Saturday with registration and with Sunday as first racing day. The regatta ends on or before the following Saturday.

Notice of Ballot

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Upcoming IDNIYRA Technical Ballot

On Wednesday 25 March members will be receiving invitations to vote in an on-line ballot on four proposed changes to the IDNIYRA Technical Specifications:
(1) deletion of the existing specification of mast minimum weight;
(2) deletion of the existing technical specification of minimum mast balance point height;
(3) amendment of the materials specification of the ‘wood type’ runner body; and,
(4) amendment of the minimum thickness of insert plate dimensions of the wood type runner with steel insert (insert runner).

The on-line ballot will close on Wednesday 15 April.


IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU members will vote separately and the two Governing Committees will combine the results of the two ballots. Two-thirds of those voting must approve a proposal for it to be approved. Any proposals approved will come into effect on May 31, 2020 and will be reflected in the 2021 IDNIYRA Yearbook.


This will be our first electronic ballot on specifications change proposals. Please take advantage of the convenience of an electronic ballot and vote!


Warren Nethercote, KC 3786
Commodore IDNIYRA

North American Championship Photo Gallery: Day 4

Purchase Photos

This is a good opportunity to relive the past season and scroll through photographer Gretchen Dorian’s North American Championship regatta photos. If you see one that you want to hang on the wall, click on the link above or email to Gretchen  Here’s a gallery from Day 4, January 25, 2020.

North American Championship Photo Gallery: Day 3

Purchase Photos

This is a good opportunity to relive the past season and scroll through photographer Gretchen Dorian’s North American Championship regatta photos. If you see one that you want to hang on the wall, click on the link above or email to Gretchen  Here’s a gallery from Day 3, January 24, 2020.


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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