2021 U.S. Nationals Notice of Race

DNs line up on Lake Charlevoix in Michigan in 2018     Photo:

2021 U.S. Nationals Regatta
January 23 – 30, 2021
Location: TBA on January 20, 2021
Register & Pay for 2021 U.S. Nationals

IDNIYRA Vice-Commodore Jody Kjoller invites U.S. DN sailors to the 2021 U.S. Nationals. The US Nationals is a non-ranking regatta scheduled in place of the 2021 Gold Cup World Championship, cancelled because of the pandemic. A Nationals information page has been created for Race Documents, Schedule of Events, and Registration information. The latest information will be posted on the home page of in addition to the Nationals Information page.
Sailors and Race Committee must observe social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines. Online registration and payment is mandatory. 


International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association
U.S. Nationals January 23-30, 2021
Hosted by V.C. Jody Kjoller

● All races will be governed by the Racing Rules of the National Iceboat Authority, the Bylaws of the IDNIYRA, Established Procedures of Iceboat Competition, the Regatta Management Agreement, the Notice of Race, including any amendments to the NOR,(except as any of these are altered by the sailing instructions) and the Sailing instructions.

● Races shall be sailed under the rules of the National Iceboat Authority and those of the IDNIYRA.
● The regatta is scheduled for 11 races per fleet with up to one throwout.
● Saturday will be used ONLY if the gold fleet does not have 3 races completed. This changes IDNIYRA bylaws, C) 2, b.
● The number of Fleets and fleet size will be determined after registration.

● All courses will be a WINDWARD / LEEWARD Inline course with Darling Marks.
● A diagram of the race course will be posted on the Official Notice Board and will be available online

● All DN class yachts meeting the requirements of the DN official specifications and whose skippers meet the requirements of the bylaws of the IDNIYRA as stated in sections IDNIYRA Regattas are eligible to enter and race in the championships.
● All participants shall provide proof of $300,000 personal liability at time of online registration.

● The primary site is in the United States
● Site and Headquarters information will be posted on the DN North America website located at:
● Each skipper shall register on: All registration and fees will be online only. Entry Fee shall be paid in U.S. Dollars.
● The entry fee is $75.
● No entry fee will be accepted after the close of registration (refer to schedule of events) When regatta location moves, prior to the first race, registration may be reopened.
● Sailing instructions and course diagram to be available to all competitors, online only, at time of final registration. Printed Sailing instructions and other regatta documents will not be provided by any race official.
● All skippers may be required to complete a Safety Test as part of registration.


2021 Western Region Championship Update #4: Postponed Until Jan 16-17

2020 Silver Fleet champion Peter Johanson US5633 sailing on Ft. Peck reservoir in Montana. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger US5166

The 2021 Western Region Championship has been postponed until January 16-17, 2021.  We are hopeful that the continued cold weather will build ice and give us options for the next weekend.
The next update will be on Tuesday evening, January 12, 2021.
The Western Region Championship is a two-day regatta in either Minnesota, Wisconsin, the UP of Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, or Indiana.

2021 Western Region Championship Update #3

Brian Jones US1576 at the 2020 North American Championship at Ft. Peck, Montana. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger US5166:

Our search for suitable ice for the 2021 Western Region Championship continues. Last week’s snow and moderate temperatures have left us with few options. We are monitoring several areas, including Madison and Pepin, but as of today, nothing is of regatta quality. As always, if you know of some ice that has potential, let us know as soon as possible so we can arrange to have it scouted before Thursday PM.
Final call will be made on Thursday evening, January 7, 2021.

The Western Region Championship is a two-day regatta that takes place in either Minnesota, Wisconsin, the UP of Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, or Indiana.

Gretchen Dorian Photos from 2020 Central Championship

US4203, Jody Kjoller US5435, and Austen Graef start a race on Lake Houghton.     Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Gretchen Dorian’s photos from the 2020 Centrals recently sailed on Houghton Lake in Michigan are available for viewing and purchase on her website. Michigan sailor John Harper US60 shared his perspective on Facebook about the photo posted above and, it’s worth quoting here.

A young and brand new DN sailor in a 1960s version boat out in front of modern boats and one guy about 55 years old. Definitely a class for new and older people and boats!

2021 Western Region Championship Update #2

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger US5166:

2021 Western Region Championship Postponed to Jan 9-10, 2021

The 2021 Western Region Championship regatta has been postponed until January 9-10, 2021. All potential sites received too much snow during Tuesday evening’s storm. We will continue to watch for the larger lakes to freeze. If you know of something, please let us know.
The next update will be Tuesday evening, January 5, 2021.
Until then, have a happy New Year!

The Western Region Championship is a two-day regatta that takes place in either Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, or Indiana.

2021 Western Region Championship Update #1

Photo Kurt Meyer

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger US5166:

We currently have a few lakes on the radar for this weekend’s regatta including Pepin, Puckaway, and Kegonsa, to name a few. However, between the snow Sunday night and what is forecast for Tuesday night, the prospect of these lakes holding up is in jeopardy. We will continue to monitor the situation and search for usable ice. If you know of something and it appears to escape Tuesday’s snow, let us know.

The next update will be Wednesday, December 30, 2020, after the forecasted snow event. We will make a final confirmation on the evening of Thursday, December 31.

The Western Region Championship is a two-day regatta that takes place in either Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, or Indiana.

Cancellation of 2021 European Championship

2020 Gold Cup at Orsa, Sweden. Photo: Sean R. Heavey

Via IDNIYRA Europe:

Dear Fellow Icesailors,

At the 2020 Autumn Secretaries Meeting, we decided to monitor the COVID19 situation in Europe till December 19th and make a consultancy meeting that day to ease the decision of the Commodore.

Some countries reported on long-lasting travel restrictions, others about limitation of participants on events. There are countries though, where the restrictions are not severe. It is clear today that holding the regatta in 2021 is not feasible. Definitely, we cannot organize a fair and safe event this year, because not all members of our community can travel freely and come to the possible site of the regatta and return home without struggles.

Therefore we decided to cancel the 2021 DN European Championship.

In order not to leave our community without an International sailing event, we decided at the meeting that IDNIYRA-EU will try to organize a non-ranking EuroCup in the same timeframe.

We will continue to monitor the COVID19 situation and will come with the decision at the end of January.

Be prepared for racing!

Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Safe, Prosperous, and Happy New Year!

(And a lot of sailing of course)

Think Ice

Attila Pataky (M-100)

Planning for the 2021 US DN National Championships

Photo: Sean R. Heavey

The IDNIYRA Governing Committee is planning a US National Championship in lieu of the Gold Cup and North American Championships, which were cancelled. The regatta is planned for the January 23 – 29 time frame. It is expected that the regatta would be a low-key event, focused on the sailing, and that some COVID 19 protocols would be in place. There would be no organized social events and few prizes, which would allow a reduced entry fee. We believe that Canada/US border restrictions will most likely limit attendance to US residents.

To help us prepare for the event we are sending members a short questionnaire (using the ElectionBuddy software) focused on whether they plan to attend. The questionnaire will be open from 19 to 26 December. The invitation will come from so if you don’t get the questionnaire you should first search for that sender (or check if you remembered to renew your membership 😊 )

December 2020 Newsletter Runner Tracks Published

Runner Tracks

The Online Magazine of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association

Current Issue: December 2020

Flipbook Magazine
Download pdf file (best for tablets)
Download single page pdf (best for phones)


  • Proposals to Change the Official Specifications or Plans
  • Western Challenge: Back to the Basics
  • Minutes from the 2020 Fall European Secretaries Meeting

Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18. Buy Now Button

2020 Central Region Championship Information

Via Central Region Commodore Rob Holman:

The 2020 Central Region Championship has been called on for Saturday, December 19, 2020 (and possibly December 20) at Houghton Lake in Houghton Lake, Michigan. The lake has 5″ of ice and was sailed today by 3 ranked sailors who rated it an 8+. The plan is to try to complete the regatta with 3 races in each fleet (Gold & Silver) on Saturday. If we are unable to complete 3 races in each fleet on Saturday, we will race on Sunday, December 20, 2020.

2020 Centrals Preliminary Results

NOTICE OF RACE (Coming Soon)
(Coming Soon)

DNR Boat Launch Houghton Lake West
Next to Lakeside Resort and Conference Center

Super 8 by Wyndham
9580 West Lake City Road, Houghton Lake, Michigan 48629

American Inn and Suites
200 Cloverleaf Ln, Houghton Lake, MI 48629

Beachfront Hotel
4990 W Houghton Lake Dr, Houghton Lake, MI 48629

Saturday, December 19, 2020
9 – 9:30 AM Registration at the Launch Site
Race fee is $30
9:45 AM Skipper’s Meeting near the starting line on the ice
10 AM First Race
Our goal is to hold a one-day event. Regatta will be completed when there are 3 races completed in each fleet. We may race on Sunday, December 20, 2020 if necessary to complete regatta.

2020 Central Region Championship Called ON for Houghton Lake

Via Central Region Commodore Rob Holman:

The 2020 Central Region Championship has been called on for Saturday, December 19, 2020 (and possibly December 20) at Houghton Lake in Houghton Lake, Michigan. The lake has 5″ of ice and was sailed today by 3 ranked sailors who rated it an 8+. The plan is to try to complete the regatta with 3 races in each fleet (Gold & Silver) on Saturday. If we are unable to complete 3 races in each fleet on Saturday, we will race on Sunday, December 20, 2020.

Stand by for launch, lodging, and other details that will be posted here tonight.

UPDATE: December 22, 2020: Regatta recap by Randy Rogoski:

The patience of the 2020 Central Lakes regional regatta’s DN racers paid off at the largest inland lake in Michigan, 20-square-mile Houghton Lake.
After two black-flagged gold fleet, and one silver race was likewise abandoned Saturday, there was fabulous racing Sunday.
The snow stopped, the humidity dropped, the wind stiffened, and the sun came out. The gold fleet completed a full seven-race regatta, the silver fleet raced six.
After a wet snow Saturday accumulated one-half inch, there was no styrofoam from a steady 32-degree overnight. Sunday’s slow-ice sailing required exertion in the 8-10 mph wind that gusted to the mid teens. The strong ice beneath the snow remained hard beneath the winter solstice sun.
The regatta was sailed on a short course, which was plenty long considering the lack of glide and puffy and shifty wind that rewarded the best wind watchers and boat handlers: the usual suspects at the top of the gold fleet.
Eighteen gold fleet and 10 silver racers sailed until the regatta was called complete.
We packed up as daylight waned with huge grins on our faces, then trophies–tall beer glasses and a pint of beer.
James ‘T’ Thieler and Karen Binder made the trip from Rhode Island, Hugh Stevens travelled from Buffalo, N.Y., and Pat Fitzgerald and Chris Berger from Chicago.
Berger, the Western Lakes rear commodore, invites all of us to the Western Regional Championship Jan. 2 & 3, 2021.
T encouraged us to travel East for a regatta when they have ice.
IDNIYRA Vice Commodore Jody Kjoller encourages all to respond to the IDNIYRA questions sent to membership via ballot software regarding a national regatta Jan. 23-29, 2021.
Click on the link for racing results.

Randy Rogoski
DN US 4192


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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