New Video Series: Get Into Iceboating!

Sean R Heavey: 2022 DN US Nationals &emdash; Heavey__1274201
Here’s Samuel Bartel, fresh out of the starting-blocks as he pushes off for a race at the 2022 U.S. Nationals on Lake Senachwine in Illinois.
Photo: Sean R. Heavy

Get Started Sailing a DN
If you are here because of the Harken Blockheads YouTube videos, check us out. If you have questions on how to get started DN sailing, please contact us! Ice sailors are standing by, ready to help you get on the ice.

Via the Harken Blockheads website:

Ice waits for no one. Harken Marketing Intern Samuel Bartel is obsessed with ice sailing. To him, hard water yachting is the pinnacle of fun. Candidly, he’s more than a little bit obsessed. There’s one thing he really regrets: not getting into it sooner!

Why make the same tragic mistake Samuel did? Don’t let another winter go by sitting on the couch. Get involved in this outrageously fun sport now! If you wait any longer, you might miss out on the best experience of your life—or at least the best used equipment of the year. The time to start is NOW, while you’re sweating.

Watch this video series to learn how to get into it THIS YEAR:

See all four videos on the Harken Blockheads website.
Or view them on YouTube
Preparing for Iceboating

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Runner Tracks Newsletter September 2022

Runner Tracks

The Online Magazine of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association

September 2022

September signals it’s time for DN sailors to THINK ICE. We have 58 pages of ice-thinking for you in this issue of Runner Tracks. In addition to several proposals and the 2022 European Secretaries meeting minutes, Mike O’Brien shares his story from the 1988 DN World Championship in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). It’s a fascinating glimpse into the waning days of the USSR, and the mindset of how a defending World champion handles the pressure, adjusts to conditions, and keeps his DN equipment tuned in a place where the corner hardware store didn’t exist. Thanks to photographer Gretchen Dorian for allowing us to use her work for the cover. And a big thank you to our sponsors who help keep Runner Tracks and the Yearbook on a steady course.

Flipbook Magazine
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  • Proposed Revised Specifications from the IDNIYRA Technical Committee for Sections A,B
  • Commodore’s Column
  • Proposed Revised Specification for D7 Boom
  • 3 Proposed Revisions to EPIC Agreement
  • Proposal to Revise IDNIYRA Constitution
  • 1988 DN World Championship in Leningrad by Mike O’Brien US3456
  • Minutes of the 2022 European Secretaries Meeting

Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18. Buy Now Button

IDNIYRA Technical Committee Sept 2022 Update

Today we have finished work on two sections of IDNIYRA OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS.

Thanks to modern technology, Technical Committee met six times online for two-hour sessions each to prepare a updated version of the class rules.

We would like to thank Warren Nethercote for laying the foundation for the committee’s work. Without Warren’s work, it would not be possible to achieve our goals.

We hope that our work will be positively received by members of the DN class and that the proposed rule format will be voted on.

TC members will be happy to answer any questions that may arise after publication in Runner Tracks [September 2022].

On behalf of TC,

Tomek Zakrzewski, P-55

1973: The First DN World Championship

1973: Ain Vilde, Estonia

49 years later, 2022: Robert Graczyk, Poland

In 1937, the Detroit News newspaper asked for volunteers to attend a workshop to create an easy-to-build, easily transported, and inexpensive iceboat, which came to be known as the DN. The DN’s popularity grew, and sailors organized a class and sanctioned the first North American championship in 1953, won by Jack Moran of Michigan.

The comparatively small boat found its way to Europe. The “Johnny Appleseed” of European DN sailing, Holland’s Wim Van Aker, traveled the continent, giving DNs to aspiring ice sailors with the instruction, “do something with these.” And did they ever.

North American and European class officers, including Wim Van Aker, Bill Connell, and Art Teutsch, organized the first world DN championship for the 1973 season. They set it up so that the World Championship alternates between Europe and North America. Michigan’s Lake St. Clair was the primary site, but, as can happen in this sport, the lack of ice conditions on Lake St. Clair forced a move.

DN sailors from America, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, and Holland made their way to Gull Lake, Michigan. After dealing with less-than-ideal sticky snow conditions and several days without wind, the race committee and 41 competitors hung tough and finally completed the regatta. There are familiar names on the 1973 results list, with a few still racing. Estonian Ain Vilde won the first Worlds in a tight battle by two points over Gull Lake local Randy Johnson.

2023 also marks the 70th anniversary of the North American championship. Tim Woodhouse of Michigan won the 1973 North American Championship, held a few weeks earlier than the World championship.

The IDNIYRA will celebrate these anniversaries at the DN World and North American championships regattas in 2023. Western Region Commodore Chris Berger and the committee are in the planning stages to bring you a great regatta and commemorate 50 years of international competition. It’s time to start thinking ice!

Read more:
The DN Iceboat
A Brief History of the DN
The Blue Streak 60
North American Championship Records
World Championship History Records

IDNIYRA Technical Committee Update

The IDNIYRA Technical Committee has been working diligently over the summer for the DN Class. Here’s an update on their progress.
Via  TC member Tomek Zackrzewski P55:

Here is short summary of what has happened within TC:

On Sunday, August 22, the IDNIYRA Technical Committee members completed online meeting #4. Main focus is to deliver revised wording of Section A (fuselage) and section B (runner plank).

The main goals are:

  • Incorporate interpretations into Official Specifications
  • Rewrite to deliver more user friendly wording
  • Enrich each section with measurement guide incl. measurement drawings
  • Consolidate fragmented sections
  • Eliminate loopholes and grey areas by giving more precise definitions
  • Maintain unchanged specs

There are two more online meetings scheduled by September 1st.
IDNIYRA Technical Committee Members:
Jeff Kent US3535
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36


2023 International Ranking List Published

DN sailors line up for to race at the 2022 World Championship in Norway. Photo: Oscar Lindell L132


Another sign that the ice sailing season is approaching, the 2023 International Ranking list has been calculated and published. See it here. The rank list is used to seed regatta fleets at continental events. Thanks to Ann Foeller, EU Secretary Atilla Pataki, and EU RC Stan Macur for their assistance.

From the IDNIYRA Regatta Management Agreement (RMA)
14. DN Split Fleet Ranking

The Continental Secretaries shall maintain a fleet ranking. This ranking shall be updated yearly and shall be published by October 15 using regatta results from the previous two GCs (Gold Cup), NACs (North American Championships), and ECs (European Championships). This ranking shall be the lessor of the following:

• Best finish in the Gold fleet in the previous two World Championships, North American Championships, and European Championships.
• 22 plus your best finish in the Silver fleet in the previous two WCs, NACs, and ECs.
• 40 plus your best finish in the Bronze fleet in the previous two WCs, NACs, and ECs.
• 58 plus your best finish in the Aluminum fleet in the previous two WCs, NACs, and ECs. In the event of equal ranking for more than one sailor, the ranking which is based on the most recent race result will be considered higher.

2019 NA
2019 EC
2020 NA
2020 GC
2022 GC
2022 EC

All corrections must be submitted to the respective Continental Secretary by November 15. The list will be final on December 1.

Questions about your rank? Please email


Endel Vooremaa 06.05.1930 – 25.07.2022

A true icon of international ice sailing, Endel Vooremaa, passed away today in Estonia. Ron Sherry US44 shared his thoughts about the man from whom he “learned more than anyone else” about building iceboats. The North American DN community sends its deepest condolences to Endel’s son Vaiko, grandson Argo, and family.

Endel was an innovator. He had one of the earliest super bendy wooden masts and designed the crown at the hull’s bottom. He showed me how to build runner planks, telling me to follow the grain pattern to “put the tree back together.”

A day before the 2002 World Championship in Haapsalu, Estonia, my DN was damaged when it blew off the car as I unloaded it. Michał Burczyński P114 gave me Endel’s phone number, and I called him. Endel immediately recognized my voice and invited me to bring the damaged boat to his shop, where Endel repaired the deck and steering post. I went on to win the Worlds that year, which wouldn’t have been possible without Endel and his son, Vaiko’s help.

Endel was the regatta chief judge in the famous video, The Gods of Speed, about the 2003 European Championship.
The Gods of Speed Part 1
The Gods of Speed Part 2
The Gods of Speed Part 3



Endel and son, Vaiko, look over a DN. From 1984 Soviet Life.

UPDATE: 1984 Soviet Life Magazine Article 

IDNIYRA Regatta Record
1st, 1973 World Championship, Gizycko, Poland
2nd, 1977 European Championship, Krynica Morska, Poland
2nd, 1974 World Championship, Zergrze, Poland
4th, 1980 World Championship, Mälaren Lake, Vastersas Sweden
5th, 1975 World Championship, Saginaw Bay, Michigan
2nd, 1975 North American Championship, Geneva Lake, WI
1st, 1971 European Championship, Monnickendam, Holland
1st, 1972, European Championship, Gottskär, Sweden
1st, 1973, European Championship, Gizycko, Poland
2nd, 1977, European Championship, Krynica Morska, Poland

1966 DN North American Championship

While we don’t have photos from that 1966 regatta, here are classic DNs on Geneva Lake in early 1960s. 690: L. Wohrle, 445 Bob Cave, 378 Eric Sternkoff, 294 Lou Lonnecke.  Photo from the Bob & Jane Pegel Collection

Mike O’Brien US3456 recently rescued a stack of vintage sailing magazines headed for the recycling bin. Mike, a three-time DN World champion, and one-time North American champion, shared a photo of an article from One Design about the 1966 DN North American championship. Gull Lake in Michigan hosted the regatta.

Gull Lake was also the site of the first DN World Championship in 1972. The DN class will observe the 50th anniversary of that first World Championship on January 21-28, 2023, hosted by the Western Region. It’s time to start thinking about sharpening your runners for the 2023 season!.

Mike O’Brien Runner Tracks Interview

“I’d Like To Get In To Ice Sailing”

Michael Dunston and FIER on Canyon Ferry in Montana, the first DN to be registered with the Sydney (Australia) Royal Yacht Squadron. 

In November 2021, Australian sailor Michael Dunston emailed me about continuing his ice sailing journey, which had begun in the Netherlands in the previous winter.

I’m from Sydney, Australia. I have grown up sailing all my life. I tried ice sailing on a DN for the first and only time last winter opportunistically in the Netherlands, and I loved it. This year I moved with my family to Bozeman, MT, which is where my wife grew up. I would like to find a way to do more ice sailing!

If there was an inexpensive, entry-level ice boat (a DN, or similar), then I would be interested to buy. Naturally, it would also be great to connect with some like-minded folks. Is there a club or a group that sail on Canyon Ferry MT that I could connect with?
Michael Dunstan

Michael is one lucky sailor, having been in the Netherlands 2021, the birthplace of our sport, for their few days of ice sailing, then landing at Canyon Ferry, a place of legendary North American ice.

I forwarded Michael’s email to Canyon Ferry iceboaters Dale Livesey and Dave Gluek, who welcomed him into the community and pushed him off the line.

I wanted to update you on Michael Dunstan, the Australian sailor. He’s an awesome guy and a good addition to our fleet. He purchased Dale Livezey’s DN and is a quick learner. He has been fun to sail with. Mike’s Dad is visiting Mike this week, and we sailed a Nite in big wind the other day. Both of them are accomplished sailors! Thank you for introducing us.
Dave Gluek US5526

Michael’s mother, Judy, wrote an article about their visit to Big Sky & Ice country for their yacht club’s newsletter, the historic Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. In addition to receiving a British empire Royal charter in 1862 and challenging for the America’s Cup in 1962, the RSYS has added Michael’s DN to their Squadron Yacht register in 2022.

Welcome to the fastest sailing on the planet, Michael! Hard Water Sailing by Judy Dunston. Read it here.

IDNIYRA Technical Committee News: First Online Meeting Held

Via IDNIYRA Technical Committee Member Tomek Zakrzewski P55

Short update:

This week, we held first ever online meeting of DN Technical Committee. It was a great opening of new TC setup.

TC has recognized great effort of Warren Nethercote who offered thoughts on revised class specifications. We will take it as a starting point to deliver ballot proposals section by section by early October 2022. The goal is to make rules more clear and reader friendly and eliminate obvious confusions.

TC will appreciate any valuable input from class members.

Stay tuned for more news from TC.


The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.


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