2023 World & North American Championships Notice of Race
The IDNIYRA and the Western Region Rear Commodore Chris Berger invite class members to attend the 2023 World Championship and North American Championship on January 21-28, 2023. Notice of Race
Registration will open shortly.
Western Challenge News
UPDATE: 30 November, 2022: The Western Challenge has been called on for Lake Minnewaska.
The Western Challenge has been called on, primary site in Hutchinson, MN. There are other sites in Minnesota being monitored. Final confirmation will be posted on this website on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 by noon CT. Stay tuned to this website.
What to know:
Western Challenge: A chance to learn about DN sailing, test your gear, meet up with friends, and do some scrub racing.
Dates: December 2- 4, 2022
Primary Site: Lake Washington, Hutchinson, MN
2022 IDNIYRA Fall Ballot Results for Spec Change & Epic Agreement
All 4 ballot questions were approved. They will take effect on May 31, 2023, as per the EPIC Agreement.
Via IDNIYRA Europe Secretary Atilla Pataki:
Happy Thanksgiving & Advent to all of our Class Members!
The 2022 Autumn DN Class Ballot closed yesterday.
The results are the following:
Results for 2022 Autumn DN Class Ballot
Proposal 1: Technical Specifications Amendment – Boom Stripe
Option Votes Percentage Yes – I approve the amendment 142 (NA:78,EU:64) 82.08% (NA:80%,EU:85%) No – I reject the amendment 31 (NA:20,EU:11) 17.92%(NA:20%,EU:15%) Votes tallied: 173 Abstentions: 7 The proposal received the support of more than 2/3 of the votes cast. Passes. PASSED
Proposal 2: EPIC Agreement Amendment – Technical Specifications Compliance
Option Votes Percentage Yes – I approve the amendment 163 (NA:95,EU:68) 95.32%(NA:96%,EU:94%) No – I reject the amendment 8 (NA:4,EU:4) 4.68%(NA:4%,EU:6%) Votes tallied: 171 Abstentions: 9 The proposal received the support of more than 2/3 (66,6%) of the votes cast. Passes. PASSED
Proposal 3: EPIC Agreement Amendment – Technical Committee
Option Votes Percentage Yes – I approve the amendment 153 (NA:84,EU:63) 91.07%(NA:87,5%,EU:86%) No – I reject the amendment 15 (NA:12,EU:3) 8.93%(NA:12,5%,EU:4%) Votes tallied: 168 Abstentions: 12 The proposal received the support of more than 2/3 (66,6%) of the votes cast. PASSED
Proposal 4: EPIC Agreement Amendment – Voting
Option Votes Percentage Yes – I approve the amendment 163 (NA:98,EU:65) 96.45%(NA:97%,EU:96%) No – I reject the amendment 6 (NA:3,EU:3) 3.55%(NA:3%,EU:4%) Votes tallied: 169 Abstentions: 11 The proposal received the support of more than 2/3 (66,6%) of the votes cast. PASSED
Also see:
IDNIYRA Technical Committee Report Released
Via the IDNIYRA Technical Committee:
Please click on link to download pdf.
Jeff Kent US3535, Chairman, IDNIYRA Technical Committee
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36
Minnesota DNs Tuning Up For the Challenge
When Minnesota lakes start to freeze, lots of equipment comes out of hiding. US321 took advantage of Tim Oelschlager’s US5050 heated underground garage to mount hardware to a new plank. Hopefully, the epoxy will kick in time to scout ice for the first event of the DN calendar, the DN Western Challenge (Dec 2-4, 2022). The DN Western Challenge is an annual informal fun regatta on the best sailable ice in Minnesota. Keep your eye on the Minnesota Ice Sailing website.
DN Photo in Mirabaud Photography Competition
The ‘Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image’ is a yearly photographic contest and exhibition. It seeks to recognise the very best yacht racing image taken during the year, that best represents the essence and excitement of yacht racing as a sport.
Polish photographer Gwidon Libera’s DN photos have been featured many times on this website, the DN newsletter Runner Tracks, and the Yearbook. 2022 IDNIYRA World Champion Robert Graczyk P31 chose Gwidon’s photo for the cover of the 2023 IDNIYRA Yearbook. Gwidon’s photo, a dramatic capture of a mast failure from the 2021 Polish Championship, was an entry for the 2022 Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image of the year.
Though not the winning shot, it’s the number one photo among the DN community. Our photographers help tell the story of this sport. Thank you, Gwidon and all other photographers, for sharing your work with us over the years.
Notice of Electronic Ballot
Via IDNIYRA Europe Secretary Atilla Pataki:
Dear Fellow DN Class Members,
We cordially invite you to take part in our annual Autumn DN Class Ballot.
As defined in the EPIC Agreement, all members of IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA – Europe in good standing on September 1st, 2022 are eligible to vote.Please check your inbox for the invitation email from
Should you have any technical questions, please contact webmaster@idniyra.euThe Ballot is open from Nov. 1st 23:45 CET (17.45CDT) until Nov. 26th 20.00 CET (13.00CST)
During the 2022 National Secretaries Meeting the following proposals from our members were approved to be forwarded to the Class Vote:
Question 1: Technical Specifications Amendment – Boom Stripe
Original text:
D. Boom
“7. A 1/2’’ (12. mm) wide stripe shall be painted around the boom in contrasting color.
Stripe shall be perpendicular to sail tunnel. Forward edge of the stripe shall be 8’ 10’’
(2692 mm) or less from forward inner surface of mast sail slot projected fairly.”Proposed Changes:
D. Boom
7. A 1/2’’ (12. mm) wide stripe shall be painted around the boom in contrasting color.
Stripe shall be perpendicular to sail tunnel. Forward edge of the stripe shall be 8’ 10’’
(2692 mm) or less from forward inner surface of mast sail slot projected fairly.Reasoning:
– we don’t need it, makes no sense to keep it
– make specifications more clear and simple
– we should measure the foot of the sail insteadQuestion 2: EPIC Agreement Amendment – Technical Specifications Compliance
Original Text:
“The OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS shall be enforced in two ways;
1. Through a protest filed by any contestant, Judge or Race Committee member at the Gold Cup, European Championship or North American Championship Regattas against any competing yacht; or,
2. By the Race Committee measuring yachts during a regatta described in the CGDs, NIA rules, or the regatta Sailing Instructions.”Proposed Changes:
“Each and every sailor has the full responsibility to ensure that his/her iceboat is maintained to comply with her class rules and is in full compliance with the OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS
The OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS shall be enforced in two ways;
1. Through a protest filed by any contestant, Judge or Race Committee member at the Gold Cup, European Championship or North American Championship Regattas against any competing yacht; or,
2. By the Race Committee measuring yachts during a regatta described in the CGDs, NIA rules, or the regatta Sailing Instructions.”Reasoning:
There was no proper responsibility defined earlier in the Governing Documents.Question 3: EPIC Agreement Amendment – Technical Committee
Original Text:
“The DN Class Technical Committee (TC) shall consist of six members, three elected from North America and three elected from Europe. TC members shall be elected according to the respective Continental Governing Documents (CGD). One member will be elected every year, alternating between continents. North American members will be elected in even years and European members in odd years. The term of office is six years. Term of office will begin July 1, and expire June 30 of the appropriate year. Each year the TC shall elect from its membership a chairperson to serve until June 30 of the following year. All decisions of the TC require 2/3 majority vote of all members. Upon resignation prior to six years, a replacement member will be elected by the respective CGG to complete the unexpired term. The Chairperson shall report to the CGGs on all recommendations of the TC. The TC may initiate changes in the OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS or OFFICIAL PLANS by proposing a change to both CGGs.”
Proposed Changes:
“The DN Class Technical Committee (TC) shall consist of six members, three elected from North America and three elected from Europe. TC members shall be elected according to the respective Continental Governing Documents (CGD). One member will be elected every year, alternating between continents. North American members will be elected in even years and European members in odd years. The term of office is six years. Term of office will begin July 1, and expire June 30 of the appropriate year. Each second year the TC shall elect from its membership a chairperson to serve until June 30 of the appropriate year. The chairperson must be elected alternately from American and European members. If the chairperson resigns or cannot fill out his/her term, a new chairperson from the appropriate continent is to be elected by the TC to fill out the remainder of the term. Upon resignation of a member prior to six years, a replacement member will be elected by the respective CGG to complete the unexpired term.
All decisions of the TC require 2/3 majority vote of all members. The Chairperson shall report to the CGGs on all recommendations of the TC. The TC may initiate changes in the OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS or OFFICIAL PLANS by proposing a change to both CGGs.”
We believe that serving one year as chairperson is not enough to carry out long-term plans. At least a two-year term must be given to the chairperson.
The European Community would like to have more even representation of their interests in the TC, therefore requires the election of the TC chairperson alternately from the American and the European members. Without examining the reason why in the past there were only NA chairpersons elected in the TC, we would like to enshrine this rotating principle in the EPIC Agreement.Question 4: EPIC Agreement Amendment – Voting
Original Text:
“The DN Class will submit a ballot to the membership, no later than Oct 1. All members having valid membership at Sept. 1 and a valid e-mail address on file will have the right to vote. The method of voting will be an electronic ballot or any other safe and reliable method. The voting will be closed 21 days after the submission. The chosen electronic voting system should be able to certify and to verify the voting results. DN Class members that are members of both the North American and European organizations may only cast one ballot.
Passage: To pass a proposal must get at least 2/3 yes votes. Any proposal which does not pass may not be resubmitted for one year.
Effective Date: Changes in the Official Specifications or Official Plans shall become effective May 31 unless both Governing Groups agree an earlier effective date, and that the effective date is on the ballot proposal. “Proposed Changes:
“The DN Class will submit a ballot to the membership, no later than Oct 1. All members having valid membership at Sept. 1 and a valid e-mail address on file will have the right to vote. The method of voting will be an electronic ballot or any other safe and reliable method. The voting will be closed 21 days after the submission. The chosen electronic voting system should be able to certify and to verify the voting results. DN Class members that are members of both the North American and European organizations may only cast one ballot.
Passage: To pass a proposal must get at least 2/3 yes votes from the votes cast. Abstentions count as votes that have not been cast and are therefore invalid. Any proposal which does not pass may not be resubmitted for one year.
Effective Date: Changes in the Official Specifications or Official Plans shall become effective May 31 unless both Governing Groups agree an earlier effective date, and that the effective date is on the ballot proposal. “Reasoning:
The previous wording was not clear and could have given rise to misunderstandings and controversy. The current wording is clearer and fully in line with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Grand Masters Regatta Dates Announced: NOR & SIs
A few years ago, DN Finland and DN Sweden joined forces to organize the Grand Masters regatta. This season’s regatta will be the fourth time well-seasoned DN sailors 60 years of age and over will compete in the three-day event DN Sweden will host. The Grand Masters Regatta focuses on fun and friendship, with three races per day scheduled.
Grand Masters Regatta
Dates: February 7 – 9, 2023
Host: DN Sweden
Information: DN Sweden
Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, Organisation (download in pdf)
Previous: 2022 Grand Masters Regatta Report
Notice of Dues 2023
Pay Your Dues Online
You are a crucial part of the number one ice sailing class in the world. Your dues support this website, the class newsletter Runner Tracks, and the class yearbook. Your dues help to maintain the value of your DN and make you eligible to vote in officer elections and class business. You must be a member of the IDNIYRA to compete at regional and continental regattas.
If you’d rather mail a check or have any questions about your membership, please contact Executive Secretary Deb Whitehorse
Another way to support the class is to donate to the IDNIYRA. We keep membership dues reasonable to encourage participation. Your donation will help secure the future of the largest ice sailing fleet in the world. The IDNIYRA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Thank you for supporting the IDNIYRA.
IDNIYRA Technical Committee: Icewise Runner Planks
The IDNIYRA Technical Committee has determined based on facts found from numerous Hamrak/Icewise existing runner planks, that they fail to satisfy class specifications . Much time and careful consideration has gone into this decision. As of this notice, ALL Hamrak/Icewise runner planks shall be deemed illegal from this point going forward.
Owners who have found themselves with such a runner plank(s) may attempt to verify construction in order to exonerate them for use in IDNIYRA competitions.
The required method to do this shall be by providing a core sample of each plank within a designated area (see attached Image) Hole must be ¾” /19 mm diameter and go completely through full max thickness point of plank in region.
A hole saw must be used. NOT a drill bit. Remnant plug from hole saw is to be inspected and digitally photographed as well as a closeup up the hole itself showing interior construction if possible. Plug and or its remnants are the best way to evaluate.
IDNIYRA in NORTH AMERICA: These photographs shall be forwarded to any North American Technical Committee member for determination of legality. (North American TC members: Jeff Kent, Paul Goodwin, Steve Orlebeke)
IDNIYRA EUROPE: These photographs shall be forwarded to any class or National measurer, or to any member of the European Technical Committee for determination of legality. (European TC members: David Croner, Tomek Zackrzewski, Argo Vooreemaa)
If found to comply with specifications, area of hole may be repaired but not to be covered by paint or excessive fillers . Area of hole shall remain exposed until plank has been deemed legal by core sample / inspection and used in a continental regatta or higher to demonstrate its allowed use.
After that it may be faired and painted if so desired It is suggested you retain any and all information regarding this verification for future use. Hopefully you will not need to.
Voted by the TC
Jeff Kent US3535, Chairman, IDNIYRA Technical Committee
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36
Click here to download a pdf file to print.
Attend Your Local Iceboat Swap Meet
Looking for a DN or DN parts? Have questions about DN sailing? If you are new to the sport or looking for your first ride, iceboat swap meets are the best place to find what you need and meet the ice sailing community. Here are five iceboat swap meets scheduled in the coming weeks.
Date: October 29, 2022
Time: Noon – 5 PM ET
Location: 470 Bay St. North, Hamilton, ON, Canada
The Canadian Ice Force is hosting a backyard swap meet and social at Les Druiven’s (KC3475) house. RSVP to Lester: Park at the Leander Rowing club on the shore and walk back up the hill on the footpath (1 minute). Canadian Commodore Colin Duncan and other Kingston sailors are attending.
NEW ENGLAND: Sponsored by the New England Ice Yachting Association
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2022
Time: 10 AM ET
Location: Thompson Speedway Golf Course, 205 E Thompson Rd, Thompson, CT 06277
More information.
MICHIGAN: Sponsored by Gull Lake, West Michigan, and Grand Traverse Ice Yacht Clubs
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2022
Time: 10 AM – 1 PM ET
Location: The Dock ( at Bayview) from
12504 E D Ave
Richland, MI 49083
Swap, sell, buy, trade. Catch up with friends and make many more who enjoy our unique sport of Ice Yachting.
MINNESOTA: Hosted by Tim Carlson at Sailcrafters
Date: Saturday, November 5
Time: 9 AM – Noon CT
Location: 7450 Oxford Street
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
WISCONSIN: Sponsored by the Skeeter Iceboat Club
Date: Sunday, November 6, 2022
Time: 10 AM CT
Location: Delavan Lake Yacht Club
1501 Cedar Point Drive, Delavan, WI
More information.
Swap starts at 10 AM followed by food and beverages inside yacht club. Packers at Detroit starting at noon. Admission free, ample parking and grassy area.