Photo: Harken / Hannah Lee Noll
All members in good standing should have received an email invitation from Election Buddy today to vote for our next Executive Committee and two proposals. If you have not received the email invitation, please check your spam folder. Contact secretary.idniyra@gmail.com if you have not received your ballot. Please participate and vote.
From Runner Tracks May 2023 Commodore’s Column by IDNIYRA Commodore Jody Kjoller:
There are two proposals, one is to amend the IDNIYRA Constitution, and the other is the amend the IDNIYRA By-Laws. [See February 2023 Runner Tracks]
Proposal 1: Amend the IDNIYRA Constitution
The Governing Committee supports the “Proposal to amend the IDNIYRA Constitution Article VI and Article XII” submitted by Warren Nethercote KC3786. We have not had a way to remove anyone from an elected position until this proposal. As you know, situations arise where an individual may no longer represent the best interests of an organization. This proposal will allow said persons to be removed if need be.Proposal 2: Amend the IDNIYRA By-Laws
Proposal to amend IDNIYRA By-Laws General 1, proposed by Jody Kjoller US5435. There has been a bit of a debate about this proposal. Participants at the annual meeting amended and approved annual class dues increase to $50 US dollars. Since the meeting, there has been much discussion concerning “non-racing, dues-paying members”. There is a rather large group of our membership that no longer actively races the DN but still wants to be part of the class. There is a concern that such an increase in dues may deter this group from maintaining their class membership. Please think about this before you vote.