Good Day Sunshine – photo Julie Jankowski
The 2024 DN North American Championship’s opening day was met with warm weather in Waconia, MN, with the high reaching 61°F.
Two races were successfully completed in both the Gold and Silver fleets. However, as the day progressed, the wind began to dwindle, and the ice softened under the unseasonably warm temperatures. The Race Committee called day one a wrap in the early afternoon. Scores are being tabulated and will be posted here. (Tabulator Ann Foeller has joined us on the ice as part of the scoring team for this regatta and will tabulate at the end of each day.)
San Diego’s Matt Struble US183, the defending champion who won both Gold fleet races, must have felt right at at home in the balmy temperatures. Bill Cutting US5430 and Matt Meyer US5646 each won in Silver. Stay tuned for more updates as the 2024 DN North American Championship unfolds.
Follow the DN North American Facebook for live updates.
The race committee will reassess the ice hardness on Tuesday morning, and we will try to get some racing done before the wind comes up too much. There will be a 9 AM skippers meeting at the launch, and 10 AM first race start. Silver fleet goes first Tuesday.
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New England Ice Yachting Association