2023 DN Western Challenge Called ON – Primary Site: Lake Christina in MN

Final Confirmation
Western Challenge –
A non-sanctioned fun-regatta, no scoring.
Date: December 1 – 3, 2023
Primary Site: Lake Christina, Ashby MN

Via Mike Miller on Minnesota Iceboaters Facebook Page:
Christina comes thru again! Quality ice big enough for a proper course. The Great Western Challenge will be sailed here December 1-3. Our buddy land-owner has again offered his property for the launch site. Please do not park in the coned off space. 2 walkways to carry on the lake are there.

3 selected lodging options all with an iceboaters deal.
1. Battle Lake Inn $119 double Queen room or Single Queen. If you book online as they prefer, discount will be applied at check in. 20 miles from launch site. 218-862-2500.

2. Bonnie Beach Resort 3 BR newer cabins on Clitheral Lake, near Battle Lake. Full kitchen 2 Bath cabins. 18 miles from launch site. $207 1-4 persons $270 5-6 persons . Must bring own bath and kitchen towels. 218-864-5534

3. Ashby Resort & Motel $120 2 beds and kitchenette. $100 1 Bed plus sofa sleeper. 5 miles from launch on Pelican Lake. 218-747-2959.
Numerous other lodging options in Alexandria or Fergus Falls


Announcing the DN Senior Shuffle Regatta!

Announcing the DN Senior Shuffle Regatta!

It’s the first, maybe annual, no-running regatta for the “more seasoned” DN sailors. It will take place the three days following the Western Regional Championships, hopefully on the same ice.


  • January 8 – 10, 2024, the three days after the DN Western Region Championship, which is scheduled for January 6 – 7.


  • Open to Seniors (50-59), Masters (60-69) and Grand Masters (70+) who will race under Shuffle Rules with one start.
  • Open to “aspiring” Seniors (49 or younger) who will also race under Shuffle Rules with a separate start.


  • No running. Not at the start. Not during a race. No track stars allowed in a Shuffle race!
  • Starting positions will be determined, in advance, by random draw for every race. No one is advantaged or disadvantaged with a starting position based on their previous race performance. It’s all luck of the draw.
  • Racers must start with one foot on their plank, and are limited to five kicks.
  • Racers must stay in their boats unless they come to a complete stop during a race. In that event, a racer will have one additional 5-kick opportunity to complete a race. A second stop is an automatic DNF.
  • No more than 4 races which count on any one day. Scrub racing may continue after official races for any who are interested.
    Maybe we’ll award prizes…maybe we won’t. But what we do know, is that this is all about fun and camaraderie.
  • Oh, yeah. And that means no protests. We’re going to race like a Wisconsin intersection. “You go. No, you go. Ohhhh, please, I insist der my friend. Oh, cripes, tanks, der good buddy!”


  • $50 registration fee to cover prizes and extras
  • All registration will be online. If you’re tech-challenged, ask a youngster for help.
  • Because we’re so green, race documents will only be published online.


2024 Western Region Championship: January 6 – 7

Photo: Joe Berger

Mark your calendars for the 2024 DN Western Region Championship, a two day regatta sailed on the best ice in either Minnesota, Wisconsin, the UP of Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, or Indiana.
2024 DN Western Region Championship
Dates: January 6 – 7, 2024
Location: Best ice in the Western Region
Information: This website –  idniyra.org


’23 DN Western Region Championship Called ON for Lake Kegonsa in WI Jan 7-8

Max Dieball on Lake Kegonsa, January 1, 2023

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger

The DN Western Region Championship has been called ON for Lake Kegonsa near Madison, WI for January 7 – 8, 2023. Ice checkers found a consistent 6 – 7″ of ice with a dusting of snow, noting that the ice is in the same condition as it was January 1.

January 7 – 8, 2023 on Lake Kegonsa near Madison, WI

REGISTRATION: Registration is closed.
Note: If you have already submitted your proof of insurance for the 2023 Worlds & North Americans, you don’t have do submit again. If you have to submit insurance, please either upload when you register, or send to secretary.idniyra@gmail.com. Please don’t delay!


1. Springers Restaurant & Bar, 3097 Sunnyside St, Stoughton, WI 53589
You can park your car and trailer in the big lot across the street from Springers Restaurant and walk your boat to the ice. Map

2. Town of  Pleasant Springs Boat Launch via a Shuttle Service, 2267 Williams Point Dr, Stoughton, WI 53589 Map
There is very little parking at this launch. The 4LIYC is organizing an ATV shuttle service so that you can roll your trailer on the ice, and have your trailer shuttled over to Springers, where you can also park your car.
UPDATE: 2  ATVs will be at Pleasant Springs Launch Saturday morning at 8:00 am to begin shuttling to Springers. There will be a tongue sled available for dragging heavier trailers.
We ask that you please use one of these 2 launches and leave the third launch for the 4LIYC Renegade fleet. 


Clarion Suites at The Alliant Energy Center
$99 – Ask for Western Region Championship Group Rate
2110 Rimrock Road
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 284-9401
(608) 284-1234

101 W Broadway, Monona, WI 53716

Saturday, January 7, 2023
9 AM: Skippers Meeting at the racing area
10 AM: First Race, Silver Fleet. Second Race, Gold Fleet.

Sunday, January 8, 2023
10 AM: First Race

1) It is intended that each fleet will race nine (9) races, with three (3) Gold Fleet races being
necessary for a complete regatta.
2) Low point scoring system will be used, with one throw-out after five (5) races are
completed. A DSQ for unsafe or un-sportsman-like conduct cannot be thrown.



2023 Western Region Championship Called ON for 7-8 January

His first time at the tiller under Dad’s watchful eye. Lake Kegonsa in WI, January 1, 2023.

2023 Western Region Championship
Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger US5166

The 2023 Western Region Championship has been tentatively called on for January 7 – 8, 2023 with Lake Kegonsa and Lake Winnebago as possible sites. Several DNs were on Lake Kegonsa over the weekend and we had some great rides but there was never enough breeze for racing. We will be keeping an eye on the weather and checking sites on Thursday. Final confirmation will be posted on this website Thursday evening, January 5, 2023 by 8 PM CT.

2023 DN Western Region Championship
Tentatively Called ON for January 7 – 8, 2023
Final Confirmation January 5, 2023 by 8 PM CT
Location: Lake Kegonsa or Lake Winnebago