by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 15, 2017 | 2017, Home Page, Western Region Championship

A pair of photographers were on Lake Monona shooting the 2017 DN Western Region regatta. They have posted their photo set on Flickr and are encouraging us to download and use as we like.
“My wife and a I had a great time Saturday and Sunday Jan. 7-8 watching the DNs race on Lake Monona and taking a few photos. I’ve put 26 photos up in a album on my Flickr page, here is the link:
Possibly somebody will enjoy a picture of themselves; the images are full-resolution and free to download with my compliments. Managed to catch both champions including #183 with quite a bit of air under one of his blades.
Thank you, we met some nice people and enjoyed being spectators.”
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 8, 2017 | 2017, Home Page, Western Region Championship

The 2017 DN Western Region regatta was completed today on Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin. The breeze filled in late in the morning which allowed for another 3 races in each fleet today.
Congratulations to Gold fleet winner Matt Struble US 183 and Silver fleet winner Bob Rast US 1313 . Thank you to all who came from near and far to participate.
2017 Western Regional Regatta - January 7 - 8, 2017
Lake Monona
Madison, WI
Gold fleet
Pos Sail# Name Race> 1 2 3 4 5 6 Points
1 US 183 STRUBLE, MATT 1 1 2 1 3 ( 4) 8.00
2 US 44 SHERRY, RON (S) 2 2 1 ( 6) 1 6 12.00
3 US 4926 ORLEBEKE, STEVE 3 4 5 ( 12) 4 1 17.00
4 US 4691 DENNIS, JOHN (S) 4 7 ( 8) 2 2 2 17.00
5 US 4824 CHRISTENSEN, MARK (S) ( 10) 3 3 4 5 8 23.00
6 US 5224 THIELER, JAMES 5 6 4 3 7 ( 11) 25.00
7 US 5166 BERGER, CHRIS 6 10 6 5 ( 14) 3 30.00
8 US 5501 ORLEBEKE, PETER ( 20) 8 11 7 8 10 44.00
9 US 5486 ELSMO, DAVID ( 22) 9 10 8 6 17 50.00
10 US 5536 SCHMITT, MATT 11 16 7 ( 26) 10 14 58.00
11 US 5352 HEARN, DANIEL (S) 13 13 13 ( 21) 9 18 66.00
12 US 4975 EVANS, ROBERT (S) 9 14 17 ( 23) 15 12 67.00
13 US 5298 BROWN, SCOTT (S) 19 11 9 ( 22) 12 19 70.00
14 US 4148 DIXON, TIM (S) ( 25) 20 12 10 24 5 71.00
15 US 5522 METZLOFF, KYLE 18 15 14 13 ( 19) 13 73.00
16 US 5415 MILLER, CHRIS 8 5 19 ( 27) 17 25 74.00
17 US 4882 WOLLAM, RICHARD (GM) 12 12 22 11 21 ( 23) 78.00
18 US 5432 BLOOM, MIKE (S) 7 19 16 9 (DNF) DNS 81.00
19 US 4155 LEMBERG, RICHARD (M) 17 17 15 ( 28) 13 26 88.00
20 US 4 SHERRY, GRIFFIN (JR) 21 21 20 17 ( 22) 9 88.00
21 US 4923 SOLUM, JEFF (SR) 14 ( 24) 23 14 16 22 89.00
22 US 5451 ALLEN, ANDY (S) 15 22 18 19 27 ( 28) 101.00
23 US 445 CAVE, BOB (M) 26 27 (DNS) 16 26 7 102.00
24 US 602 MEYER, TOM (M) 16 18 21 ( 29) 28 21 104.00
25 US 5430 CUTTING, BILL (S) 29 DNS (DNS) 15 18 15 107.00
26 US 3271 JANKOWSKI, MIKE (M) 24 25 (DNS) 24 20 16 109.00
27 US 5507 BARNETT, MIKE 23 DNS (DNS) 25 11 24 113.00
28 US 2360 JOHNS, PETE (GM) 28 23 (DNS) 20 23 20 114.00
29 US 4868 RICHARDS, JULIE (M) 27 26 (DNS) 18 25 27 123.00
Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds
Silver fleet
Pos Sail# Name Race> 1 2 3 4 5 6 Points
1 US 1313 RAST, ROBERT (M) ( 5) 3 4 2 2 3 14.00
2 US 4335 GLICK, DAVE (M) 6 6 ( 8) 1 3 4 20.00
3 US 5172 BETZOLDT, GLENN (M) 7 4 ( 7) 3 5 5 24.00
4 US 4203 FITZGERALD, PATRICK (M) ( 15) 2 2 11 7 8 30.00
5 US 5517 THOMPSON, JASON (SR) 4 (DNS) 1 8 4 15 32.00
6 US 5369 MILLER, MIKE (M) 1 1 3 4 (DNF) DNS 38.00
7 US 5506 HURD, CHARLIE (M) 8 15 11 6 ( 19) 1 41.00
8 US 3433 CUMMINS, ROBERT (GM) ( 13) 8 10 9 8 6 41.00
9 US 452 DIXON, LOU (M) 3 5 9 12 ( 14) 13 42.00
10 US 581 RENJI, CLINTON ( 19) 9 6 5 6 16 42.00
11 US 5471 CLEARY, TIM 12 10 5 7 13 ( 14) 47.00
12 US 5479 HEARN, BRIAN (N) 9 11 13 14 ( 16) 9 56.00
13 US 5405 BUSHEY, SAM (JR,N) 14 12 (DNS) 16 9 11 62.00
14 US 4802 KICKHAFER, MATTHEW (JR,N) 18 7 14 ( 20) 20 7 66.00
15 US 4137 SMITH JR, KEN (M) 17 14 15 10 12 ( 18) 68.00
16 US 1277 BOWMAN, HAL (GM) 10 DNS (DNS) 17 11 2 69.00
17 US 5299 CAMARDA, ANDY (N) 2 DNS (DNS) 21 1 23 76.00
18 US 5603 WITMAN, BEN (JR,N) DNS (DNS) 12 15 18 10 84.00
19 US 5158 BUSHEY, JOHN (M) 16 13 (DNS) 24 15 19 87.00
20 US 65 GRAY, ROBERT (GM) 11 DNF (DNS) 18 17 17 92.00
21 US 4602 KICKHAFER, DAVID (SR) DNS DNS (DNS) 13 10 12 93.00
22 US 900 KAISER, HANK (M) 22 16 17 ( 22) 22 20 97.00
23 US 5352 HULL, RONNIE (N) 23 17 16 ( 23) 23 21 100.00
24 US 4140 HOEPER, PETER (M) 21 DNF (DNS) 19 21 22 112.00
25 US 5362 ROSENTHAL, JIM DNS 18 18 (DNS) DNS DNS 123.00
26 US 148 WALTER, IAN 20 DNS (DNS) DNS DNS DNS 136.00
Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 8, 2017 | 2017, Home Page, Western Region Championship

Via Western Region Commodore Mike Miller:
It’s Sunday, January 8, 2017. The first race is postponed until 10:30 AM in order to give the wind time to settle in. Gold fleet will start first.
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 7, 2017 | 2017, Home Page, Western Region Championship
2017 Western Regional Regatta
January 7 – 8, 2017
Lake Monona
Madison, WI
Gold fleet
Pos Sail# Name Race> 1 2 3 Points
1 US 183 STRUBLE, MATT 1 1 2 4.00
2 US 44 SHERRY, RON (S) 2 2 1 5.00
3 US 4926 ORLEBEKE, STEVE 3 4 5 12.00
4 US 5224 THIELER, JAMES 5 6 4 15.00
5 US 4824 CHRISTENSEN, MARK (S) 10 3 3 16.00
6 US 4691 DENNIS, JOHN (S) 4 7 8 19.00
7 US 5166 BERGER, CHRIS 6 10 6 22.00
8 US 5415 MILLER, CHRIS 8 5 19 32.00
9 US 5536 SCHMITT, MATT 11 16 7 34.00
10 US 5298 BROWN, SCOTT (S) 19 11 9 39.00
11 US 5501 ORLEBEKE, PETER 20 8 11 39.00
12 US 5352 HEARN, DANIEL (S) 13 13 13 39.00
13 US 4975 EVANS, ROBERT (S) 9 14 17 40.00
14 US 5486 ELSMO, DAVID 22 9 10 41.00
15 US 5432 BLOOM, MIKE (S) 7 19 16 42.00
16 US 4882 WOLLAM, RICHARD (M) 12 12 22 46.00
17 US 5522 METZLOFF, KYLE 18 15 14 47.00
18 US 4155 LEMBERG, RICHARD (M) 17 17 15 49.00
19 US 5451 ALLEN, ANDY (S) 15 22 18 55.00
20 US 602 MEYER, TOM (M) 16 18 21 55.00
21 US 4148 DIXON, TIM (S) 25 20 12 57.00
22 US 4923 SOLUM, JEFF (SR) 14 24 23 61.00
23 US 4 SHERRY, GRIFFIN (JR) 21 21 20 62.00
24 US 3271 JANKOWSKI, MIKE (M) 24 25 DNS 79.00
25 US 2360 JOHNS, PETE (GM) 28 23 DNS 81.00
26 US 4868 RICHARDS, JULIE (M) 27 26 DNS 83.00
27 US 445 CAVE, BOB (M) 26 27 DNS 83.00
28 US 5507 BARNETT, MIKE 23 DNS DNS 83.00
29 US 5430 CUTTING, BILL (S) 29 DNS DNS 89.00
Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds
Silver fleet
Pos Sail# Name Race> 1 2 3 Points
1 US 5369 MILLER, MIKE (M) 1 1 3 5.00
2 US 1313 RAST, ROBERT (M) 5 3 4 12.00
3 US 452 DIXON, LOU 3 5 9 17.00
4 US 5172 BETZOLDT, GLENN (M) 7 4 7 18.00
5 US 4203 FITZGERALD, PATRICK (M) 15 2 2 19.00
6 US 4335 GLICK, DAVE (M) 6 6 8 20.00
7 US 5471 CLEARY, TIM 12 10 5 27.00
8 US 3433 CUMMINS, ROBERT (M) 13 8 10 31.00
9 US 5479 HEARN, BRIAN 9 11 13 33.00
10 US 5517 THOMPSON, JASON (SR) 4 DNS 1 34.00
11 US 581 RENJI, CLINTON 19 9 6 34.00
12 US 5506 HURD, CHARLIE (M) 8 15 11 34.00
13 US 4802 KICKHAFER, MATTHEW (JR) 18 7 14 39.00
14 US 4137 SMITH JR, KEN (M) 17 14 15 46.00
15 US 5405 BUSHEY, SAM (JR) 14 12 DNS 55.00
16 US 900 KAISER, HANK (M) 22 16 17 55.00
17 US 5352 HULL, RONNIE 23 17 16 56.00
18 US 5158 BUSHEY, JOHN (M) 16 13 DNS 58.00
19 US 5299 CAMARDA, ANDY 2 DNS DNS 60.00
20 US 5362 ROSENTHAL, JIM DNS 18 18 65.00
21 US 1277 BOWMAN, HAL (GM) 10 DNS DNS 68.00
22 US 65 GRAY, ROBERT (GM) 11 DNF DNS 69.00
23 US 5603 WITMAN, BEN (JR) DNS DNS 12 70.00
24 US 148 WALTER, IAN 20 DNS DNS 78.00
25 US 4140 HOEPER, PETER (M) 21 DNF DNS 79.00
Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 5, 2017 | 2017, Home Page, Western Region Championship
The weekends regatta will be held on Lake Monona in Madison, Wi. Launch site will be at the Olin Park 1156 Olin-Turville Ct., Madison Wi. Same place as last years NA’s, on the SW corner of the lake.
Dan Hearn and Deb have been working with the City Parks Dept for a bulk parking pass to avoid parking costs to the racer. More info by Thursday or Friday.
The ramp is suitable for trailers to back right on 12 inches of ice. Be careful of the small stream to the left side.
A small heave is located about 100 yards from the launch so be careful in crossing. We expect to mark the best crossing area with orange cones on Friday. No other hazards noted.
The ice is very nice black hard ice with zero snow cover, rated a 7-8 by a ranked sailor today.
Regatta Headquarters at Clarion Suites at the Alliant Energy Center
2110 Rimrock Rd.
Madison, WI 53713
( same as last years NA’s)
Guest can give us a call at 608-284-1234 and ask for the Ice Sailing Regatta group rate.Studio Suite with 1 Queen Bed- $99.00+ tax
Studio Suite with 2 Queen Beds-$109.00+tax
One Bedroom Suite with 1 Queen Bed- $109.00+tax
(All of our rooms have a queen sized pull out sleeper sofa)
We offer complimentary-
Full breakfast buffet
Evening social hour with complimentary beer, wine soda and light snacks
Wi-Fi Internet
Indoor Pool and whirlpool
24 hour business center
All Suite Hotel- All of our rooms have a refrigerator, microwaves and a large open floor plan
Choice Privilege point eligible
Clarion Hotel Dining Area
Friday 5:30-6:30 PM and 8-8:30PM
Saturday 8:30-9:15 AM Launch Site (look for Deb and Loretta in a vehicle near ramp)
If you have registered for the 2017 Worlds and have provided Insurance info, I will have your records. $35 entry fee payable cash or check(no pay pal)
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Fat Jack’s BBQ
6207 Monona Dr,
Monona, WI 53716
Cost: $15 + tax, pay your server
All you can eat ribs and chicken
See you this weekend!
Mike Miller
Western Region Commodore
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 3, 2017 | 2017, Home Page, Western Region Championship

Wisconsin has ice all over the place!
Madison Wi is the primary location. Could be Kegonsa or Monona. They have smoothed over some today and going to rain a bit more tonight. Above freezing temps for another 24 hours, followed by cold and wind. Ice will thicken on both lakes. No snow in the forecast with moderating temps by the weekend should lead to great ice.
We also have a good report of huge grade 7 ice on Winnebago at Fond du Lac. Sailed yesterday and today by Bob Cummins. They are a little closer to possible snow and mixed overnight, but could be plan B. Pete Johns is checking Senachwine again as another option.
Get your gear ready along with a copy of your insurance. Stay tuned for final call by Wednesday evening.
Should you have better ice to report, my cell is 612-868-2949.
Mike Miller US5369
Western Region Rear Commodore