Western Region Update

A quick update from today. If conditions were like this every day, iceboating would be the most popular sport in the world. The weather and setting could not have been more beautiful. The bright sun kept us warm as we waited for the wind to make an appearance. The predicted westerly filled in and the flag dropped for the first race at 1;16 PM.
The Silver fleet will start Sunday’s rotation. The flag drops at 10 AM for the final day of the 2019 Western Region Championship. Results here

Western Region Championship Called ON for Jan 5-6 @ Lake Pepin

DN Sailors:

It’s On!

The Western Regional Championships are confirmed for this weekend, Jan. 5-6 on Lake Pepin in Lake City, Minnesota.




The ice surface is smooth to pebbly, rated a 7+ from two ranked/experienced DN racers who sailed it today. (See attached photos). Ice thickness is reported to be 8”. Weather forecast is calling for above freezing temperatures—sunny and high of 46 degrees on Saturday; cloudy with high of 39 degrees Sunday. Wind forecast for Saturday is 8 mph until 1:00 p.m., then starting to diminish. Sunday winds 8-10 mph throughout the racing day.


Let’s Get Our Money’s Worth

Note that we have a 9-race format scheduled and we will be working hard to be as efficient as possible in order to make that happen. We have the option to start a race as late as 3:00 p.m., but we would prefer to avoid that in consideration of our longer distance travelers. Please be ready to help out the Race Committee if assistance is requested. If rules allow, I would like to move the start time Saturday up ½-hour to 10:00 a.m. Please plan accordingly.


AMERICINN: Group rate at AmericInn. Reference “Western Region” to get $79.99/night group rate for double queen with breakfast. Amenities include pool and hot tub. 651-345-5611.
Note: The special rate is ONLY available if you call the hotel in Lake City directly!!!!
AmericInn by Wyndham Lake City
1615 N Lakeshore Drive Lake City, Minnesota 55041-9023


Willows on the River Condominium Resort
100 Central Point Road
Lake City, MN 55041


Sunset Motel & Resort
1515 N Lakeshore Dr, Lake City, MN 55041•(651) 345-5331


At AmericInn Friday evening and on ice Saturday morning, if necessary. Please click here to pre-register or you can email Deb Whitehorse secretary.idniyra@gmail.com  to confirm your attendance and to provide your fleet preference—Gold or Silver. (Depending on numbers, there may be one or two fleets, though prizes will be awarded for two fleets).

Roschen Park. Drive on if you so choose, but be aware this is a frozen section of a river.

Many thanks to Mike Miller and Tommy Meyer for scouting this sheet today. And to all others who provided information on other potential venues.

See you there!

Daniel Hearn

Western Region Rear Commodore

US 5352

Weather Underground PWS KMNLAKEC11

Notice of Race

Western Status Update

Via Western Region Commodore Daniel Hearn:

DN Sailors:
Lake Pepin is being sailed today as a possible venue for the Western Region Championships to take place this weekend, Jan. 5-6. I will have a full ice report with video and pictures by late afternoon. At this point, no other good possibilities have been identified, though anything else served up will still be considered. Send any other reports ASAP. Recent snow events have taken out, for now, the lakes that were previously frozen. Many lakes in the southern portion of our region remain open, however, so more possibilities with the next cold weather/calm winds stretch. I hope to make a final call by end of day today. Stay tuned, and think ice!
Daniel Hearn
Western Region Rear Commodore
US 5352

2019 Western Regional Regatta Notice of Race

Download NOR in pdf
Via Western Region Commodore Daniel Hearn:

Western Region DN Sailors and Guests:


Sharpen’m up! Western Region Championships are approaching.


Wanted to call you attention to a couple changes incorporated into our 2019 NOR.


1. Regatta Race Format

Now a 9-race regatta, should conditions permit. Maximum of 5 races per day, with no race on Sunday starting after 3:00. Are we likely to get 18 races completed (assumes two fleets) across two consecutive days? Probably not, but would be nice to have the flexibility to maximize a weekends’ racing opportunity however the weather unfolds, with a reasonable limit on number of races in a single day.

2. Entry Fee

Now $40 for those 26 and older, and $25 for those 25 and under. Just five bucks more…and where else can you have so much fun for $20/day?! To encourage new blood, we’re giving the young set a break—we really need them to secure the future of our great sport. We are also in need of a modest cash infusion to keep our ATV in good condition. This Fall we had a complete tune up performed, and we installed stiffer springs, to accommodate our typical 2-person load and/or trailer towing duties.

3. Prizes

No more Senior Trophy. We’ll continue with Master, Grand Master and other specialty trophies. With most of us over 50 anyway, the trophy has really lost it’s meaning. Good reminder of why encouraging and helping the young set any way we can is so important!

See you on the ice!

Daniel Hearn US 5352

Western Region Rear Commodore

2019 Notice of Race

Western Lakes Regional DN Championship Regatta

1. Rules:
All races will be governed by the Racing Rules of the National Iceboat Authority; the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA, and Official Specifications of the DN Ice Yacht; the Notice of Race, including any amendments to the Notice of Race, (except as any of these are altered by the sailing instructions) and the Sailing Instructions. The Sailing Instructions can be modified at the Skippers Meeting and by a notice posted on the official notice board.

Nine (9) race regatta format – five (5) race maximum per day; three (3) race minimum in the Gold Fleet will constitute a completed regatta. Fleets – Gold & Silver with volunteer split for fleets; Rookie Division as part of the Silver Fleet.

2. Eligibility:
All DN class yachts meeting the requirements of the Official Specifications and whose skippers meet the requirements of the By-Laws of the IDNIYRA as stated in the section IDNIYRA Regattas are eligible to enter and race in the championship.
Proof of personal or race liability insurance ($300,000 minimum) will be needed at time of registration.

3. Site Information and Postings:
A. The primary site is within the North American Western Region
B. Site and Headquarters Information will be determined by the regatta organizer.
C. Official regatta information, updates and accommodations: idniyra.org & the DN America Forum

4. Entry and Fee:
A. The official entry form must be submitted and signed at registration.
B. Entry Fee
1. 26 and older: The entry fee is $40, payable at site of regatta in US dollars.
2. 25 and younger: The entry fee is $25, payable at site of regatta in US dollars.

5. Schedule of Events:
•Friday: 7-9 PM Registration at Regatta Hotel Headquarters
•Sat 8-9 on ice registration
•Sat 9:30 Skippers Meeting
•Sat 10:30 First DN start
•Sunday 10:00 First DN start. No race will start after 3:00 PM

6. Sailing Instructions:
Official Sailing Instructions will be provided at registration.

7. Prizes: Trophies will be awarded to the top five places in each fleet plus Top Woman, Top Junior, Top Rookie, Top Master (60 to 69), and Top Grand Master (70+)

2018 Western Region Championship Final Results

The 2018 DN Western Regionals are in the books. Even though temperatures were above 10 F today, the overcast skies made it seem even colder than Saturday. Winds were up from yesterday at 8-15 mph. The ice remained hard and fast.
Congratulations to Steve Orlebeke for his win in the Gold Fleet and Mike Barnett in the Silver Fleet. Many thanks to the Western Region Commodore Daniel Hearn, PRO Dan Heany, Race Committee helpers Fred Stritt, Julie Jankowski, and Jori Lenon, and scorer Mercedes Auger. Thanks to Loretta Rehe for tabulating back at the Home Office in Michigan.



Gold fleet
Pos    Sail#         Name       Race>     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  Points
  1   US 4926    ORLEBEKE,      STEVE     1    1    4 (  4)   1    1    1    3   12.00
  2   US 4691      DENNIS,   JOHN (S)  (  6)   4    1    3    3    3    3    1   18.00
  3   US 5166      BERGER,  CHRIS (S)     4 (  9)   8    1    2    5    2    4   26.00
  4   US 4824 CHRISTENSEN,   MARK (S)     2 ( 11)   3    6    4    2    4    5   26.00
  5   US 4975       EVANS, ROBBIE (S)  (  8)   7    2    2    5    4    5    2   27.00
  6   US 5432       BLOOM,   MIKE (S)     3    2    6 ( 11)   7    6    6    6   36.00
  7   US 5352       HEARN, DANIEL (S)    10 ( 10)   7    8    6    7    8    7   53.00
  8   US 5508       SUGAR,        TIM     5    6   11    9 ( 13)   8    9    8   56.00
  9   US 4923        JEFF,      SOLUM  ( 12)   8   10    5    8    9   10    9   59.00
 10   US 5486       ELSMO,      DAVID    11    3    5   12    9 (DNS)   7   12   59.00
 11   US 5501    ORLEBEKE,      PETER     7    5    9    7 ( 11)  10   11   10   59.00
 12   US 5536     SCHMITT,       MATT     9   12   12   10 ( 12)  11   12   11   77.00
 13   US 4249       GLICK,   DAVE (M)    13   13   13   13 ( 14)  13   14   13   92.00
 14   US  602       MEYER,    TOM (M)    14   14  DNS (DNS)  10   12   13   14   92.00

Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds

Silver fleet
Pos    Sail#         Name        Race>     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  Points
  1   US 5507    BARNETT,         MIKE     1 (  2)   1    1    2    1    2    1    9.00
  2   US 5522   METZLOFF,         KYLE     3    4    2 (  4)   3    2    1    2   17.00
  3   US 5479      HEARN,        BRIAN     2    1    3 (  5)   4    3    3    3   19.00
  4   US 4203 FITZGERALD, PATRICK (GM)     8    3 ( 10)   9    6    4    4    4   38.00
  5   US  548    HOVLAND,         NICK     6    7    4    2 ( 12)   5    9    6   39.00
  6   US 5517   THOMPSON,    JASON (S)     4    9 (  9)   8    5    6    6    5   43.00
  7   US 5602  KICKHAFER, MATTHEW (JR)    10    5    8    7    8    7    5 (DNS)  50.00
  8   US 3433    CUMMINS,  ROBERT (GM)     9 ( 12)   7    6    9    8    7    8   54.00
  9   US 2360      JOHNS,    PETE (GM)     7    8    6   10    7    9   12 (DNS)  59.00
 10   US 1277     BOWMAN,     HAL (GM)     5    6  DNS (DNS)  10   10    8    7   64.00
 11   US 5397    FOSSATI,    DANNY (N)    12   10   12   12    1 (DNF)  11   10   68.00
 12   US 4137   SMITH JR,      KEN (M)    13   11    5    3   11   12 (DNS) DNS   73.00
 13   US 4602  KICKHAFER,    DAVID (S)  ( 14)  13   11   11   13   11   10    9   78.00
 14   US 1313       RAST,   ROBERT (M)    11   14   13  DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  DNS  110.00
 15   US  888     ROSTEN,    THOR (JR)    15  DNS  DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  DNS  DNS  123.00
 16   US  294   LOENNEKE,   LOUIS (GM)   DNS  DNS (DNS) DNS  DNS  DNS  DNS  DNS  126.00

Scoring system: IDNIYRA Worlds