Shifting Base: International DNers Now in Panjin Shi, China for Next Regatta

Joerg Bohn speaks at the opening ceremony.

Our international sailors have moved about 60 miles north to Panjin Shi, China, for the next leg of their regatta journey. The opening ceremony drew quite a crowd—a bit unusual for us iceboaters. We’re not used to being in the spotlight, but it’s clear that the Chinese have a keen interest in ice sailing. Stay tuned for more updates as their journey continues.
Video link

2024 Jinzhou International DN Open – Prize Giving Day

Jost Kolb G936 2nd, Anton Didenko R163 1st, Valerie Dickenko R166 3rd

Wu Ming CH006, Wang Qi Guang CH999, Duan Yu Fu CH700

The 2024 Jinzhou DN International Open regatta is now completed. Congratulations to all who participated in this historic event. Joerg Bohn G737 reported that after racing and prize-giving, they will “pack up and move about 60 miles north to a bigger race area with perfect ice and size; you’ll find the lake a little outside of Panjin Shi with a kind of oval shape or like a drop shape. And over 2 km course possible… The wind is little.”

Map of the next lake where they plan to sail

2024 Centrals Update #3 – Stay Tuned

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Attention Central region: With these recent cold temperatures,  we will be looking for suitable ice to run the Central Region Championship. I have spoken to the Western Regional Commodore about current plans for Westerns. Given there may be a potential conflict, we have plans to talk later this week to make the best decision with the current conditions.

Stay tuned,

Pete Johanson US-5633 Central Region Commodore

2024 Western Region Championship Update for Jan 20-21

Photo: Hannah Noll / Harken

Due to last night’s big freeze, there might be a good opportunity for ice in southern Wisconsin. However, we are monitoring the weather forecast for next Saturday, which is expected to be very cold. We will gather feedback from the ice scouts with hopes of holding the 2024 Western Region Championship on January 20-21. The next update is Wednesday, January 17, 2024, by 8 PM CT. For those that have registered for last weekend’s attempt, please note that your 2024 Western Region Championship registration is still valid, regardless of location.
Chris Berger US5166 Western Region Commodore