UPDATE: 30 November, 2022: The Western Challenge has been called on for Lake Minnewaska.
The Western Challenge has been called on, primary site in Hutchinson, MN. There are other sites in Minnesota being monitored. Final confirmation will be posted on this website on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 by noon CT. Stay tuned to this website.
What to know: Western Challenge: A chance to learn about DN sailing, test your gear, meet up with friends, and do some scrub racing.
Dates: December 2- 4, 2022 Primary Site: Lake Washington, Hutchinson, MN
Let the games begin. Undisclosed location in Minnesota. Need to scout and confirm entire lake is safe The first Minnesota sailor is the guy that bought Harry Allen’s boat. Think ice.
Minnesota sailors are searching for Western Challenge ice. The Western Challenge (December 2-4, 2022) is the first gathering of the season and a very informal regatta. The place to check out what DN ice sailing is all about. Stay tuned for site location announcement next week.
Jeff Kent US3535, Chairman, IDNIYRA Technical Committee
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36
When Minnesota lakes start to freeze, lots of equipment comes out of hiding. US321 took advantage of Tim Oelschlager’s US5050 heated underground garage to mount hardware to a new plank. Hopefully, the epoxy will kick in time to scout ice for the first event of the DN calendar, the DN Western Challenge (Dec 2-4, 2022). The DN Western Challenge is an annual informal fun regatta on the best sailable ice in Minnesota. Keep your eye on the Minnesota Ice Sailing website.
Photo: Gwidon Libera The 2022 Polish DN Championship in Lithuania.
The ‘Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image’ is a yearly photographic contest and exhibition. It seeks to recognise the very best yacht racing image taken during the year, that best represents the essence and excitement of yacht racing as a sport.
Polish photographer Gwidon Libera’s DN photos have been featured many times on this website, the DN newsletter Runner Tracks, and the Yearbook. 2022 IDNIYRA World Champion Robert Graczyk P31 chose Gwidon’s photo for the cover of the 2023 IDNIYRA Yearbook. Gwidon’s photo, a dramatic capture of a mast failure from the 2021 Polish Championship, was an entry for the 2022 Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image of the year.
Though not the winning shot, it’s the number one photo among the DN community. Our photographers help tell the story of this sport. Thank you, Gwidon and all other photographers, for sharing your work with us over the years.
The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.