by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 14, 2022 | 2022, 2022 Western Region, Home Page, Western Region Championship

Gold Fleet. From left,1st Chris Berger, 2nd Daniel Hearn, 5th Dave Glick, 4th Skip Dieball, and 3rd Mike Bloom. Photos: Erin Bury
Congratulations to all competitors who made the trip to Clear Lake, Iowa, for the 2022 Western Region Championship. PRO Pat Heppert predicted that the wind would cooperate on Sunday, and he was right. We were able to bang off four more races on Sunday morning. Thanks to Pat and Ron Rosten for helping with RC duties.

Silver Fleet: From left, 3rd Matt Meyer, 2nd Bob Rast, 1st Alex Peterson, 5th Martha Croasdale, and 4th Erin Bury.

Western Region Commodore Chris Berger and Pat Heppert.
by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 12, 2022 | 2022, 2022 Western Region, Home Page, Western Region Championship

Chris Berger and Tim Dixon take off for glory.
Provisional ResultsThe first day of the Western Region Championship began with a delay to let the temperatures warm up. PRO Pat Heppert dropped the flag at 11 AM for a combined Gold and Silver fleet lineup. Many lead changes made for exciting racing. Pat and I weren’t sure who would take the checkers until the last lap. Daniel Hearn found the shifts at the right time and won all three races in the Gold fleet. Alex Peterson was the top placing Silver fleet. As predicted, the winds built and with rougher ice made conditions too dicey for racing. There will be a skipper’s meeting at 8:30 AM on Sunday, and the first race will take place at 9 AM. The whole gang is getting together for dinner soon in Clear Lake, where we’ll relive each lap and talk more about our favorite subject. Many thanks to our fast tabulators, Ann and Bob Foeller who hold the fort over in Toledo.
by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 10, 2022 | 2022 Western Region, Home Page, Western Region Championship
Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger:
The Western Region Championship is called on.
Clear Lake, Iowa. Register here.
Just when we thought it wasn’t going to happen, we found some ice in Iowa. It is late in the season and the ice isn’t perfect, but it is 16″ thick and sailable. It is reported to be rough, but no launchers. Rated about a 5. Again, it is not perfect but it is all we have. So, lets get out there and sail it while we still can.
What to Know
Sailing Instructions
Provisional Results
Date: March 12-13, 2022
Clear Lake, Iowa
Lekwa Marsh Access – Roll trailers onto the ice
There will be a map posted with hazards.
Microtel Inn & Suites
1305 N 25th St, Clear Lake, IA 50428
1406 N 25th St, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Best Western
2023 7th Ave N, Clear Lake, IA 50428
(UPDATED on Saturday, March 12 at 6:30 AM. Skipper’s meeting was postponed because of temperature.)
Saturday, March 12: 10 AM Skippers Meeting, Gold fleet start to follow.
Sunset is 6:16 PM
Sunday, March 13: 9 AM first race
Ice Report via Pat Heppert: Ice thickness is 20″ except the open water from the two large permanent aerators on the lake. Please see map! The good news is that we have a massive area and no issues getting a 1 mile course if desired. The surface of the ice is very flat, but rough. What that means is that there is not very much up and down that is the boat wrecking, airborne kind, but the surface is very rough, and it will make a ton of noise, no doubt. Perfectly acceptable for late season DN racing, but this is not Hollywood ice. I give it an official rating of 4.5, but keep in mind that is coming from a non-ranked sailor. I put blades on the ice today with my freeskate windsurfer. Top speed 36 MPH today, probably averaged 25 – 30 MPH. No issues with my little 2″ blades. I let go with both hands, balanced on the harness, and closed my eyes to try to better judge the roughness, and really it was just super rumbly, but no excessive forces transmitted to the board. If I can do it standing up, then you too can do it in your DN. FAIR WARNING. Rough ice is not for everybody, but I have no issues recommending this ice to friends, and most report I am generally conservative with my reports. Again, ice rating 4.5. Forecast is good.”
Clear Lake, Iowa Map showing launch and hazards. (click to enlarge.)