by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 19, 2020 | 2020, 2021, Home Page
2020 Gold Cup at Orsa, Sweden. Photo: Sean R. Heavey
Via IDNIYRA Europe:
Dear Fellow Icesailors,
At the 2020 Autumn Secretaries Meeting, we decided to monitor the COVID19 situation in Europe till December 19th and make a consultancy meeting that day to ease the decision of the Commodore.
Some countries reported on long-lasting travel restrictions, others about limitation of participants on events. There are countries though, where the restrictions are not severe. It is clear today that holding the regatta in 2021 is not feasible. Definitely, we cannot organize a fair and safe event this year, because not all members of our community can travel freely and come to the possible site of the regatta and return home without struggles.
Therefore we decided to cancel the 2021 DN European Championship.
In order not to leave our community without an International sailing event, we decided at the meeting that IDNIYRA-EU will try to organize a non-ranking EuroCup in the same timeframe.
We will continue to monitor the COVID19 situation and will come with the decision at the end of January.
Be prepared for racing!
Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Safe, Prosperous, and Happy New Year!
(And a lot of sailing of course)
Think Ice
Attila Pataky (M-100)
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 18, 2020 | 2020, 2021, Home Page
Photo: Sean R. Heavey
The IDNIYRA Governing Committee is planning a US National Championship in lieu of the Gold Cup and North American Championships, which were cancelled. The regatta is planned for the January 23 – 29 time frame. It is expected that the regatta would be a low-key event, focused on the sailing, and that some COVID 19 protocols would be in place. There would be no organized social events and few prizes, which would allow a reduced entry fee. We believe that Canada/US border restrictions will most likely limit attendance to US residents.
To help us prepare for the event we are sending members a short questionnaire (using the ElectionBuddy software) focused on whether they plan to attend. The questionnaire will be open from 19 to 26 December. The invitation will come from so if you don’t get the questionnaire you should first search for that sender (or check if you remembered to renew your membership 😊 )
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 17, 2020 | 2021, Home Page
Minnesota DN ice sailing is in the good news of the week.
“The speed and acceleration is what keeps me coming back,” says Mike Miller of Mound. Miller has spent the past 20 winters racing iceboats. “It’s a great way to keep the sailing season going. We always get bummed in the fall when we’re packing up our “soft-water” boats, but as soon as that season ends, another begins.” Continue reading.
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 15, 2020 | 2021, Home Page
Cover: 2020 World Champion Lukasz Zakrzewski P155, Poland. Photo Credit: Gwidon Libera
The International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association Yearbook is available for purchase and to view on this website. Many thanks to Bob Cummins and Atilla Pataki Jr. for their editing assistance.
View Yearbook online.
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 10, 2020 | 2021, Home Page
Sean Heavey let us know that he is shipping the 2021 ice sailing calendars out today. Watch your mailboxes for a year of Thinking Ice in 2021.
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 1, 2020 | 2020, 2021, Home Page, Western Region Championship
2021 DN Western Region Championship Update
With all the uncertainty in the air this DN season, we would like to announce that we intend to hold the Western Regional Championship as scheduled, January 2-3, 2021. Of course, the regatta location and date will be subject to the traditional task of locating suitable ice. Still, this year we must also contend with the extent and severity of state and local COVID-19 travel restrictions, stay-at-home orders, etc. A challenge, to be sure.
Stay tuned for updates.
Chris Berger US5166
Western Region Commodore