by Deb Whitehorse | Oct 10, 2020 | 2020, 2021, Home Page
2020 North American Championship Race Committee Photo: GretchenDorian
In a few days, you will be receiving an electronic ballot via email from the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association. We have sent an email to confirm that your email address is correct. If you did receive the email, there’s no need to reply. If you have not received the email from the IDNIYRA, please check your spam folder. If it’s not in the spam folder, please email to to let us know.
In the coming days, please watch your inbox for the invitation to vote email so that you can vote on the following 6 proposals:
1. Regatta Management: Fleet seeding
2. EPIC Agreement: Sustainability
3. Specifications: Hull Cross Section
4. Specifications: Steering Post Head
5. Specifications: Sail Window
6. Specifications: National Flags on Sails
The proposals are detailed in the September 2020 issue of Runner Tracks
Thank you for being a member of the IDNIYRA!
by Deb Whitehorse | Oct 5, 2020 | 2021, Home Page
“To promote, protect and perpetuate DN one design iceboating, to advance the art and skill of the DN ice yacht construction and sailing as well as the future development of the DN class ice yacht and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.” Photo: Sean R. Heavey
You are a crucial part of the number one ice sailing class in the world. Your dues support this website, the class newsletter Runner Tracks, and the class yearbook. Your dues help to maintain the value of your DN and make you eligible to vote in officer elections and class business. You must be a member of the IDNIYRA to compete at regional and continental regattas. Members will receive a membership card and a sticker in the mail sometime in December.
Members are reminded that the upcoming electronic ballot that was announced in the September Runner Tracks will be based upon membership as of September 1st and will use the same voters list as Spring 2020 election of officers.
Thank you for supporting the IDNIYRA.
Membership levels:
1 Year: $26
2 Year: $51
3 Year: $76
SUSTAINING: For those who want to give a little bit extra to help support promotional, regatta, and basic class expenses.
1 Year: $36
2 Year: $76
3 Year: $106
If you’d rather mail a check or have any questions about your membership, please contact Executive Secretary Deb Whitehorse
Another way to support the class is to donate to the IDNIYRA. We keep membership dues reasonable to encourage participation. Your donation will help secure the future of the largest ice sailing fleet in the world. The IDNIYRA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.