by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 27, 2021 | 2021, 2021 Nationals, Home Page
Day 1 Gold Fleet Race. Photo: Gretchen Dorian
Preliminary Results
Patience paid off this morning as the Race Committee postponed racing on the half-hour because of lack of wind. Finally, at 11:30, Dan Heaney and George Gerhardt, who had been standing in the middle of Black Lake watching the wind readings, reported that the breeze had filled in and there was enough to race. The wind was about 10 – 15 mph, and between the intermittent snow squalls, each fleet went around the track for a total of 3 races. Both of my weather apps failed to predict the wind today, showing that getting to the lake is the only way to know if the wind is there. Temperatures were frigid again, but it seemed like everyone has adapted to the conditions.
U.S. Nationals
Thursday, January 28
10 AM First Race
Gold Fleet
Three races are planned for each fleet.
Be prepared for possible postponement onshore with the light wind forecast.
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 26, 2021 | 2021 Nationals, Home Page
Preliminary ResultsIt was a long cold day on the ice with a good breeze, excellent racing action. Manageable snowdrifts on the course made for challenging sailing, especially if sailors have never had to deal with the art of dodging drifts and keeping a DN up speed. I wish I had photos to post, but the cold meant economizing movements, focusing on writing numbers, and taking pictures of the score sheets for our tabulators, Ann and Bob Foeller. I know I speak for everyone when I say how tired I am tonight.
10 AM First Race
Silver Fleet
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 26, 2021 | 2021, 2021 Nationals, Home Page

Photo: Gretchen Dorian
Preliminary ResultsTime for a quick update from Cheboygan, MI before heading to Black Lake, site of the U.S. Nationals, a non-ranking DN regatta. The breeze finally came up yesterday afternoon which allowed for some training races. Winds look better today but it’s going to be cold out there. Follow along with as-they-happen results from our off shore race committee tabulators, Ann and Bob Foeller, who are in Toledo, OH.
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 25, 2021 | 2021 Nationals, Home Page

The starting line-up for the mini-qualifier and the first Gold fleet race is posted below.
Day 1
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
9 AM: Skippers’ Meeting out on the race course, (NOTE: Skippers’ meeting will not be in the pits because there are different launches.)
10 AM First race, mini-qualifier
| | Silver Fleet/
Gold Qualifier | |
| | | |
Fleet | SailNo | HelmName | Start Pos. |
S | US 1576 | BRIAN JONES | 1 |
S | US 5498 | RICHARD GORDON | 2 |
S | US 5608 | NICK HOVLAND | 3 |
S | US 5630 | KAREN BINDER | 4 |
S | US 4789 | CHRIS CLARK | 5 |
S | US 445 | BOB CAVE | 6 |
S | US 3433 | ROBERT CUMMINS | 7 |
S | US 5127 | HUGH STEVENS | 8 |
S | US 216 | RICHARD POTCOVA | 9 |
S | US 530 | BOBBY CUTTING | 10 |
S | US 2500 | ERIC SMITH | 11 |
S | US 5397 | ERIN BURY | 12 |
S | US 4137 | KEN SMITH | 13 |
S | US 4974 | STAN JONES | 14 |
S | US 4532 | BILL EKLUND | 15 |
S | US 5647 | MATT MEYER | 16 |
S | US 4783 | RHEA NICHOLAS | 17 |
S | US 5435 | JODY KJOLLER | 18 |
S | US 5824 | ROLF VAN HOUTEN | 19 |
S | US 294 | LOU LOENNEKE | 20 |
S | US 1277 | HAL BOWMAN | 21 |
S | US 5470 | THOMAS DAWSON | 22 |
S | US 5760 | NOAH JONES | 23 |
S | US 4203 | PAT FITZGERALD | 24 |
S | US 5358 | DAVID FROST | 25 |
S | US 5486 | DAVE ELSMO | 26 |
S | US 5652 | SAMUEL BARTEL | 27 |
S | US 5451 | ANDREW ALLEN | 28 |
S | US 5053 | GEORGE REIS | 29 |
S | KA 2 | PETER NORTON | 30 |
S | US 4192 | RANDY ROGOSKI | 31 |
S | US 5654 | GAIL TURLUCK | 32 |
S | US 5219 | KENT BAKER | 33 |
S | US 1313 | BOB RAST | 34 |
S | US 2237 | MIKE STEWART | 35 |
S | US 4155 | RICK LEMBERG | 36 |
S | US 5430 | BILL CUTTING | 37 |
S | US 637 | JOSEPH MEADE | 38 |
| | | |
Fleet | SailNo | HelmName | Start Pos. |
G | US 3283 | JOHN WILLIAMS | 1 |
G | Q 11 | | 2 |
G | US 4926 | STEVE ORLEBEKE | 3 |
G | US 3 | JIM GROGAN | 4 |
G | US 60 | JOHN HARPER | 6 |
G | Q 8 | | 7 |
G | US 4638 | GUY LOVEJOY | 8 |
G | US 5166 | CHRIS BERGER | 9 |
G | US 807 | ROBERT FRANCIS | 10 |
G | US 5352 | DANIEL HEARN | 11 |
G | Q 12 | | 12 |
G | US 4882 | RICHARD WOLLAM | 13 |
G | Q 9 | | 14 |
G | US 321 | MIKE BLOOM | 15 |
G | US 3705 | ROBERT HOLMAN | 16 |
G | US 5224 | JAMES THIELER | 17 |
G | Q 3 | | 18 |
G | US 44 | RON SHERRY | 19 |
G | Q 10 | | 20 |
G | US 5633 | PETER JOHANSON | 21 |
G | Q 5 | | 22 |
G | Q 2 | | 23 |
G | Q 7 | | 24 |
G | Q 4 | | 25 |
G | Q 6 | | 26 |
G | Q 1 | | 27 |
| | | |
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 23, 2021 | 2021 Nationals, Home Page

The sign we’ve been waiting for. Photo: Catherine Firmbach
U.S. Nationals Information Page
The 2021 U.S. Nationals has been called on for Black Lake in northern Michigan. Online registration ends on Monday, January 25 at 7 PM ET. First day of racing is on Tuesday, January 26. See Schedule of Events below.
- Online registration is mandatory. Register and pay online at this link.
- Proof of Insurance: Please either upload when you register or email to
- Text Notifications: Competitors will receive updates via text messaging. There’s no need to download any app. Please plan ahead and bring your phone to the race course. A spare recharging battery can also be helpful and perhaps your reading glasses.
After each race is scored, a photo of the line up sheet for the next race will be sent out via text messaging to discourage congregating around the competitors and Race Committee. The line up sheet will be posted but competitors must observe social distancing. Please do not crowd around the line up sheet and Race Committee. - If you have registered and paid for the regatta and are NOT coming, please let us know so that you won’t be added to the draws. We are assuming that you are attending if you we don’t hear from you.
Link to ice report video.
Via Vice Commodore Jody Kjoller:
nuary 23, 2021: No wind today so we ran and pushed for miles. A working seam cuts the lake in about half. We went left out of the launch. 2 took one shore line, 2 took the other. Tons of room to sail. Small areas of stiff snow but not hard to push thru and separated by almost a mile for the most part. Surface is about 1/2 – 3/4 very textured snow ice that is very easy to cut through to a pretty decent hard surface. Barely a dusting of snow. Easily raced in 6+ mph wind. Overall I’d rate it a 6 (or a Maumee Bay 9).
Launch #1
UPDATE 25 January: There is a better launch for those with big trailers at Onaway State Park.
Launch #2
Eisen Trail, Grant Township, MI
Plus code: FPQP+66 Black Lake Bluffs, Michigan
Use caution when accessing the launch. It’s a very narrow, icy, and curvy road. Use extreme caution. Light single axle trailers can be rolled on but please spread out.
1. Best Western River Terrace
847 S Main Street
Cheboygan, Michigan 49721
1(800) 780-7234
(231) 627-5688
$85 double queen
$72 king
2. Waterway Inn
6100 M68
Indian River, MI 49749
3. Northwoods Lodge
4. Star Gate
Monday, January 25 7 PM: Registration Closes. No exceptions.
Tuesday, January 26
9 AM: Skippers Meeting in the pits
10 AM: First mini-qualifier
Following needed days: Races start at 9 AM
Awards follow immediately after the final race is completed and results are tabulated
by Deb Whitehorse | Jan 22, 2021 | 2021 Nationals, Home Page

Photo: Robert Jaeger
The first day of racing for the U.S. Nationals has been moved to Tuesday, January 26, 2021. The primary site is Black Lake in northern Michigan. Ice reports from Black Lake are very encouraging. High winds prevented sailing on Black lake today, and it will be sailed by ranked sailors on Saturday. We are hoping to make the final confirmation on Saturday by 7 PM ET.
If you plan to attend the regatta, please either register or email us to help plan with logistics.
Next update on Saturday, January 23, by 7 PM ET.