2024 DN Western Region Recap

Tom Meyer US602 and Bill Cutting US5430 with an A Skeeter on the ISA course in the background. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

The DN Western Region Championship concluded successfully alongside the ISA Regatta despite challenging conditions. The final day brought damp, foggy weather with limited visibility that slowly improved as the morning progressed. Racing was delayed, and Steve Orlebeke US4926 volunteered as the “test dummy” to evaluate safety. He reported that the snow drifts were wet and slushy, and snow flew into his goggles, limiting visibility. Based on his recommendation, the regatta was called complete.

Saturday, however, provided a full day of racing with steady winds that made it possible to complete an impressive 10 races. The DN fleet took advantage of the conditions and wrapped up racing early in the afternoon, returning to the Water’s Edge Restaurant by 2:30 PM. The competition was fierce, with Chris Berger US5166 and Steve Orlebeke battling for the top spot in the Gold fleet throughout the day. The Silver fleet saw equally impressive performances, setting the stage for Sunday’s final results.

Still, the sailors from Lake Minnetonka embraced Sunday’s challenging conditions, heading out for hot laps to enjoy a final sail of the day. Their energy mirrored their impressive results throughout the weekend, nearly sweeping the top five in the Silver fleet. Dale Gordon of the 4LIYC in Madison, WI, claimed the top spot after a tiebreak with Minnesota’s Alexander Leach. Maggie McGary delivered a remarkable performance, securing 5th place, while Ben Garber, competing in only his second regatta, earned an impressive 3rd-place finish.

(On a personal note, as a scorer and race starter, I’ve been impressed with the Silver fleet both at the Western Challenge and the Western Region Championship—their discipline, readiness to race, and sailing skills have stood out as they consistently navigate all three laps of the course. -Deb)

Thank you to Western Region Commodore Chris Berger for helping make the regatta a reality. Chris also worked with artist Mary Derusha (daughter of Renegade sailor the late Roger Derusha) to create unique trophies for the event. Departing from the usual plaques, Chris chose one of Mary’s photos of ice as the trophy design, making these awards especially memorable.

Special recognition goes to Pat Heppert, who somehow juggled multiple roles during the event. While Pat is usually the DN PRO, this weekend, he not only set both the DN and ISA courses but also kept everything running smoothly—and still found time to race his C Skeeter on the ISA course!

Many thanks to Ann Foeller in Toledo, Ohio, for tabulating scores remotely and Julie Jankowski and Fred Stritt for monitoring the weather mark on both courses.

Finally, we want to thank the people of Starbuck, Minnesota, for their always warm welcome and the Water’s Edge Restaurant for graciously putting up with us throughout the weekend.

Gretchen Dorian’s photography once again captured the spirit of the regatta. She will be posting more from the event in the coming days. See them here.

And finally,  have you registered for the 2025 World and North American Championship? The early entry discount expires on December 31, 2024. Register today here!

Proposals for By-Law Amendments to be Voted on at the Annual Governing Meeting

In accordance with the IDNIYRA Constitution, the following proposals for by-law amendments will be presented at the Annual Governing Meeting, held during the 2025 North American Championship.

Proposal 1: IDNIYRA Bylaws – Change the format of the North American Championship in the years it is not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup World Championship and create a second National Regatta(US/Canadian) depending on the location of the regatta.
Submitted by Commodore David Frost US5358 and Past Commodore Robert Cummins US3433

The current fourteen race format for the North American Champions when not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup received mixed reviews at the 2024 North American Championship. It was felt that fourteen races changed very little that had not been determined by the end of seven race. Furthermore the current format causes a fiscal drain on the class which is hosting a week of racing with about half the income. The following proposal from the Governing Committee establishes the format for a second regatta during the week of the NA Championship and removes the current fourteen race format from our By-laws.

New Wording in Red
Proposed Change:

Change By-laws:

Change By-laws C 2b):
2 b) When not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup, The North American Championship regatta is held during a specific week, with registration on Sunday and racing beginning on Monday and ending on Friday with Saturday as a reserve day. If 3 races in all fleets have not been completed by sundown on Friday, racing shall be continued until sundown on Saturday. The specific week shall be selected by the host Rear Commodore with the approval of the Governing Committee and shall conform to Section 8c of the RMA.

2 b) When not held in conjunction with the Gold Cup, the North American Championship regatta is held during a specific week, with registration on Sunday and racing beginning on Monday and ending on Friday with Saturday as a reserve day. If 3 races in all fleets have not been completed by sundown on Friday, racing shall be continued until sundown on Saturday. In the days remaining after the completion of the North American Championship there shall be held a US National or Canadian National regatta depending on the location of the regatta. If the minimum number of races has not been completed by sunset on Saturday, or in view of the weather and/or ice conditions, the regatta is abandoned by the Race Committee, the regatta is canceled. On the final day every effort should be made to complete all originally scheduled races. The specific week shall be selected by the host Rear Commodore with the approval of the Governing Committee and shall conform to Section 8c of the RMA.

6). DN Race System, North American Championship
6). DN Race System, North American Championship and US/Canadian National Regatta

Change 6 b):
b) There shall be seven races scheduled for each fleet when the North Americans are held in conjunction with the Gold Cup. When not held in conjunction with the gold Cup there shall be fourteen races scheduled. Cancellation of races in one fleet shall not affect the races in another fleet.
b) There shall be seven races scheduled for each fleet when the North Americans are held in conjunction with the Gold Cup. When not held in conjunction with the gold Cup and held in conjunction with either the US National or Canadian National regatta, there shall be seven races scheduled for each regatta. Cancellation of races in one fleet shall not affect the races in another fleet.

Add 6 d):
d) The National Regatta will follow the same format as the North American Championship regatta when the North American Championship is held in conjunction with the Gold Cup.

Proposal 2 : Regatta Management Agreement (RMA) – Formalizing Wind Limit Rules
Submitted by Andre Baby KC4360

Summary: The amount of collisions, destruction of hulls, masts, planks, etc.. during the regatta is testimony to the difficult, sometimes dangerous conditions due to high winds we experienced during the regatta. We were lucky no one was hurt. The class in North America had a tradition, non binding, of not starting in winds above 20 knots, but unfortunately this tradition has been lost over time. It is time to formalize this tradition into a rule, for the safety of all, and to help the Race Committee in making a decision without the pressure of participants who “push the envelope.” BTW, the Europeans do not start a race in wind over 10 meters per second, = 20 knots.

Add: Regatta Management Agreement. IV Racing Rules 18:
l) No race shall be started if the wind velocity measured at the starting line 3 minutes before the start for a period of 15 seconds exceeds 20 knots. If during a race, the wind shall exceed 25 knots for a period of 15 seconds or more, that race shall be cancelled.


2024 Western Region Championship Called ON for Dec 14 – 15 @ Lake Minnewaska

Registration, Launch, & Lodging Info
The 2024 DN Western Region Championship is ON!

The 2024 DN Western Region Championship has been called ON for December 14-15 at Lake Minnewaska, Starbuck, Minnesota!

This year, we’ll be sharing the launch and potentially the race course with the International Skeeter Association (ISA) Regatta and the Renegade Championship. The ISA is a three-day event starting December 13. The Race Committee will determine on the ice whether the DN fleet will share a course or have a separate one, depending on conditions.

Important Notes:


  • Online registration is mandatory and must be completed no later than 5:00 PM CT on Friday, December 13.
  • No in-person registration will be accepted.
  • If you registered and paid back in January 2024, you are all set. Just make sure to send your recent proof of insurance to secretary.idniyra@gmail.com
  • If you registered and paid back in January 2024, please let us know if you are able to attend. Email secretary.idniyra@gmail.com


  • All DN participants must submit proof of liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $300,000. This is mandatory to compete. Please email your proof of insurance to secretary.idniyra@gmail.org as soon as possible.

We look forward to an incredible weekend of ice sailing—see you at Lake Minnewaska!

2024 DN Western Region Championship
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
DO NOT DRIVE ON THE ICE! Back your trailers on the ice.

Registration, launch, and lodging information is posted on the 2024 Western Region Championship page.

2024 Central Region Regatta Update

Via Central Region Commodore Peter Johanson

Centrals are still on hold, we have 3 chances at 2024, so have your stuff ready to go!

  • 12/14-12/15 the weather is not cold until the end of the week, but we are watching.
  • 12/20-12/21 and 12/27-12/28 remain possibilities.

Please reach out to me with a text if you know of ice in Michigan/Ohio. Pete (248)762-5030.

Also we are still on the lookout for volunteers for the World and North American Championship coming up February 2-8, 2025.

Think Ice!

Pete J. US 5633

2024 Western Region Championship Called ON for December 14 – 15 @ Starbuck, MN

Photo: Kevin Barta

2024 DN Western Region Championship
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
Registered Competitors

If you registered and paid for the 2024 Western Region Championship back in January, you do not need to pay again . However, it is mandatory to submit proof of liability insurance in order to compete. Please email your proof of liability insurance to: secretary.idniyra@gmail.com.

If you didn’t register and pay last January, registration will reopen if the regatta is called on. Stay prepared, and let’s hope for great ice!

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger

The 2024 DN Western Region Championship has been called on for Lake Minnewaska in Starbuck, MN, scheduled for December 14–15, 2024.


The International Skeeter Association (ISA) Regatta has also been called on for the same location. This collaborative event promises an exciting weekend of ice sailing for all participating fleets.


Final confirmation will be posted by noon on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Stay tuned for updates, and we look forward to seeing you on the ice!