The 2021 IDNIYRA International Rank List has been published. Many thanks to our North American tabulator, Ann Foeller, for her assistance. We are adding something new this year at Anne’s suggestion, another column indicating the specific regatta where ranking was earned. If you have any questions, please contact IDNIYRA Secretary Deb Whitehorse.
Chris Berger US5166 racing at the 2019 Polish DN Championship Photo: Gwidon Libera
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Berger, US5166, as Western Region Rear Commodore, effective immediately. Chris’ contribution to the class is appreciated.
DN sailors waiting to have their boats measured after a race at the 2018 DN Gold Cup in Poland.
In an effort to keep IDNIYRA members more informed and educated about technical matters, Technical Committee members invite you to follow their discussions on a new internet forum established for Technical Committee members. Only Technical Committee members (along with both IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU Commodores) have the ability to log in and post on the TC Discussion Board. Class members and the public may view but not register to post or comment. All IDNIYRA technical matters should be addressed to the Technical Committee.
Board access is through the button in the right sidebar or find it under the “Forum” up in the top menu.
Technical Committee Chairperson: Jeff Kent US3535
Tomek Zakrzewski P55
Paul Goodwin US46
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Richard Larsson S807
Peter Hamrak M53
The DN Class Technical Committee (TC) shall consist of six members, three elected from North America and three elected from Europe. TC members shall be elected according to the respective Continental Governing Documents (CGD). One member will be elected every year, alternating between continents. North American members will be elected in even years and European members in odd years. The term of office is six years. Term of office will begin July 1, and expire June 30 of the appropriate year. Each year the TC shall elect from its membership a chairperson to serve until June 30 of the following year. All decisions of the TC require 2/3 majority vote of all members. Upon resignation prior to six years, a replacement member will be elected by the respective CGG to complete the unexpired term.
The Chairperson shall report to the CGGs on all recommendations of the TC. The TC may initiate changes in the OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS or OFFICIAL PLANS by proposing a change to both CGGs.
2020 North American Championship, Ft. Peck, Montana. Photo: Gretchen Dorian
There was a 44 per cent response to the 2020 ballot on election officers and amendment of our Constitution and By-laws. It is apparent that specifications management is more important to members than governance, but we are (ice) sailors after all! All of the proposed officers were elected and the proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws were approved by overwhelming margins.
The Officers for 2020 are:
Warren Nethercote, KC 3786 – Commodore
Jody Kjoller, US 5435 – Vice Commodore
Deb Whitehorse, US 2366 – Secretary
Deb Whitehorse, US 2366 – Treasurer
Robert L. Cummins, US 3433 – Past Commodore
Warren Nethercote
Commodore IDNIYRA
Commodore – Warren Nethercote, KC 3786 PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the candidate 99 votes(99.0%)
No – I reject the candidate 1 vote(1.0%)
Yes – I approve the candidate wins with 99.0% of the vote.
100 votes tallied and 1 abstention from 101 ballots
Vice-Commodore – Jody Kjoller, US 5435 PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the candidate 98 votes(98.0%)
No – I reject the candidate 2 votes(2.0%)
Yes – I approve the candidate wins with 98.0% of the vote.
100 votes tallied and 1 abstention from 101 ballots
Secretary – Deb Whitehorse, US 2366 PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the candidate 101 votes(100.0%)
No – I reject the candidate 0 votes(0%)
Yes – I approve the candidate wins with 100.0% of the vote.
101 votes tallied and 0 abstentions from 101 ballots
Treasurer – Deb Whitehorse, US 2366 PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the candidate 100 votes(100.0%)
No – I reject the candidate 0 votes(0%)
Yes – I approve the candidate wins with 100.0% of the vote.
100 votes tallied and 1 abstention from 101 ballots
Past-Commodore – Robert L. Cummins, US 3433 PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the candidate 97 votes(97.0%)
No – I reject the candidate 2 votes(2.0%)
John Harper 1 vote(1.0%)
Yes – I approve the candidate wins with 97.0% of the vote.
100 votes tallied and 1 abstention from 101 ballots
Bylaw Amendment, “General”, Paragraph 2 PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the amendments 95 votes(100.0%)
No – I reject the amendments 0 votes(0%)
Yes – I approve the amendments wins with 100.0% of the vote.
95 votes tallied and 6 abstentions from 101 ballots
Amendment of the IDNIYRA Constitution due to EPIC Agreement PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the amendments 91 votes(98.9%)
No – I reject the amendments 1 vote(1.1%)
Yes – I approve the amendments wins with 98.9% of the vote.
92 votes tallied and 9 abstentions from 101 ballots
IDNIYRA Bylaw Amendment due to Regatta Management Agreement PLURALITY
Yes – I approve the amendments 94 votes(98.9%)
No – I reject the amendments 1 vote(1.1%)
Yes – I approve the amendments wins with 98.9% of the vote.
95 votes tallied and 6 abstentions from 101 ballots
The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.