Red Gear Racing Speed Symposium at the 2023 DN World Championship

The 2023 DN World Championship was held in Madison, WI on Lake Kegonsa. After racing on day 2, sailors gathered at the office of Daniel Hearn to learn from the best.

We had a Q&A session with four of the best ice sailors in the world: Tomek Zakrzewski, James “T” Thieler, Tomas Lindgren, and Oskar Svensson.

Thank you to the panelists for sharing your wisdom, to Daniel Hearn for letting us use your office, and to Red Gear Racing for sponsoring this Speed Symposium!

Cathy Firmbach 2023 DN World Championship Photos Available

Via 2023 DN Worlds & North American Event Photographer Cathy Firmbach:

Thanks for your patience! My online store is now open with a gallery for the 2023 DN World Championship. The first set of images are uploaded and they will continue to be uploaded over the next few days. The North American Championship images will follow in a new gallery.

Each image has the sail number(s) as a keyword (ie, us46 ) to make searching for your boat easy. You will find the search bar in the top right corner.
THANKS very much for your support! Without it, I would not be able to continue to be out there with you.
Hope to see you on the ice soon! See the gallery here.

Runner Tracks Newsletter February 2023

Runner Tracks

The Online Magazine of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association

February 2023

We hope you all made it safely back home from the Worlds and are keeping those runners sharp for more DN sailing. Here’s the winter edition of the DN Class newsletter, Runner Tracks, brought to you 4 times per year by our sponsors. Watch for the big-end-of-season issue in May.

Flipbook Magazine
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  • Minutes from the 2023 IDNIYRA Annual Governing Meeting
  • A Race to Remember by Chad Atkins
  • 2023 World & North American Championship Photos by Cathy Firmbach

Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $20. Buy Now Button


Harken’s Postcard from the Worlds on YouTube

The media team at Harken has released a fantastic video about the people who make up the DN ice sailing community and their experiences at the 2023 World Championship. It’s received the highest number of social media shares I’ve ever seen for this sport. The Harken folks have uploaded it to their YouTube Channel. For those of you not on Facebook, it’s your turn to watch it now! Link