by Deb Whitehorse | Mar 3, 2023 | Home Page

Photo: Cathy Firmbach
We still have ice in the Northern regions of Michigan yet there is still a lot of snow on it. We still under postponement for the 2023 Central Regatta.
Next update will be the evening of Thursday, March 9, 2023.
For now, stay tuned & keep your stuff ready!!
Think ice!,
Central Lakes Rear Commodore
Rob Holman US3705
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 25, 2023 | Home Page

2023 World Championship Race 2 winner, Griffin Sherry, breaks out a familiar move, signaling a win like his dad, Ron Sherry, in appreciation to his aunts who scored these events for many years. Photo: Cathy Firmbach
As most of you know by now we have had a lot snow here in Michigan. I am sorry to report that the 2023 Central Regatta is still postponed.
Next update will be the evening of Thursday, March 2, 2023.
For now, stay tuned & keep your stuff ready!!
Think ice!,
Central Lakes Rear Commodore
Rob Holman US3705
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 24, 2023 | 2023, Home Page

2023 European Championship: Tomek Zakrzewski P55 first place, and Robert Graczyk P31 third place on Lake Kertuojai, Lithuania
Congratulations to Tomek Zakrzewski P55 for winning the Gold Fleet of the 2023 IDNIYRA European Championship sailed on Lake Kertuojai, Lithuania. Tomek won the tiebreak with IDNIYRA European Commodore Mikhel Kosk C45, who placed second. Robert Gracyk P31 was third.
Joonas Kiisler C53 took first in Silver, and Timo Lehmuskallio L103 took first in Bronze. Congratulations to all who participated and hung tough under challenging conditions.
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 17, 2023 | Home Page

Photo: Keith Schmidt
I am sorry to say that the 2023 Central Regatta is now postposed. Mother Nature has decided to put a bunch on white stuff on our beautiful ice.
Next update will be Wednesday 22-Feb-2023 evening after 7pm EST.
Stay tuned & keep your stuff ready!!
Think Ice!
Central Lakes Rear Commodore
Rob Holman US3705
by Deb Whitehorse | Feb 15, 2023 | Home Page

US5700 Paul Chamberland and US5603 Ben Witman. Photo: Will Johnston
Via Central Region Commodore Rob Holman
Based on our ice scout reports today, the 2023 Central Regatta is still tentatively on for Feb 18-19. The two possible sites are Lake Charlevoix & Houghton Lake. A weather event is coming through Michigan on Thursday and after that event I will be making the final call.
Next update will be Thursday evening after 8pm EST.
Stay tuned & get your stuff ready!!
Think Ice, think cold, & no white stuff!!
Central Lakes Rear Commodore
Rob Holman US3705